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Thread: Birth control in the Phils :-))

  1. #1
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Question Birth control in the Phils :-))


    Being very new to the Philippines thing, and Jan is growing closer to meeting my princess I have been studying more about this interesting country.
    On the lonely planet site, I read, and i'm sure it must be anecdotal, that the people of the Philippines are not very well educated as to birth control practices????
    By the way, no insult intended here, lol
    Being the responsible person that I am, lol, I broached this subject gently with her, and she kinda shrugged it off by saying that she didn't know much about that sort of thing
    Of course, a child would be great for us

    Can anybody comment on this please?

    There is another rumor, that the Women population there has a 5:1 ratio to men

    Is this true, or just another anecdote ?????????

    More seriously, the more I learn about this country, the more interested I am becoming in it
    There seems to be a lot of colonial buildings from the Spanish conquerors, probably from the 15th century.
    Is a shame that nobody speaks it out there, as I have been learning to speak it for more than 5 years

    Please feel free to reply to my thoughts.

    Muchas gracias, desde Londres, hehehhehe


  2. #2
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Hola, buenos dias Felipe. Que pasa? Hi, good day friend. Waaaas up?

    I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "very well educated" but it's worth noting two things: da Phils is a Catholic country primarily and the cost of brith/infection control items is relatively high for the majority of the population. I suspect that for those that believe in it, alternative 'cheaper' and 'cost-free' methods are practiced.

    I don't believe there is a country on the planet with that sort of ratio. I think da Phils is about 1:1 but Egypt is about 0.5:1. Sweden is about 2.6:1.

    Spanish was the the country's original national language. There are over 4,000 Spanish words in Tagalog, and around 6,000 Spanish words in Visayan.

    Chavacano, also called Zamboangueño, is a Spanish-based creole language spoken mainly in the southern province of Zamboanga and, to a much lesser extent, in the province of Cavite in the northern region of Luzon.

    Adiós y cuida de usted mismo. Bye, and take care of yourself!
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  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzy View Post
    that the people of the Philippines are not very well educated as to birth control practices????

    There is another rumor, that the Women population there has a 5:1 ratio to men
    you shouldn't believe everything you read

  4. #4
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    Hola, buenos dias Felipe. Que pasa? Hi, good day friend. Waaaas up?

    I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "very well educated" but it's worth noting two things: da Phils is a Catholic country primarily and the cost of brith/infection control items is relatively expensive for the majority of the population. I suspect that for those that believe in it, alternative 'cheaper' and 'cost-free' methods are practiced.

    I don't believe there is a country on the planet with that sort of ratio. I think da Phils is about 1:1 but Egypt is about 0.5:1. Sweden is about 2.6:1.

    Spanish was the the country's original national language. There are over 4,000 Spanish words in Tagalog, and around 6,000 Spanish words in Visayan.

    Chavacano, also called Zamboangueño, is a Spanish-based creole language spoken mainly in the southern province of Zamboanga and, to a much lesser extent, in the province of Cavite in the northern region of Luzon.

    Adiós y cuida de usted mismo. Bye, and take care of yourself!
    Hola amigo.

    Me alegre de conocerte.

    Hmmm, tus palabras estan muy interesantes, y gracias por la informacion Sr

    Ok, back to English, as wd upset the mods, and unfair to non Spanish readers, lol

    I assumed that the ratio thing was incorrect.
    just as well I take things with a pinch of salt, and have an open mind, lol
    So, where are you from my friend?
    BTW you write very well in Spanish.
    I love to practice it, as I am still learning, after 5 years of it
    Ok, we will be in Bohol this coming jan, and the Coco Grove Hotel, is built on an old Colonial Church, with a Cathedral attached.
    At least she will not need to go far for Sunday Mass
    As, for myself, I am an Agnostic, but that doesn't appear to bother her.
    She is a nice kind girl of few words, but posseses all of the traits of a decent person, and not always hasseling me for money, but I still love to treat her, lol
    Imagine her surprise, when she received flowers from Interflora at her workplace
    Yes. I know I'm an incurable romantic, heheheh

    I am so thrilled at meeting Hanzell for the first time, but a little apprehensive too.
    I suppose being nervous is to be expected, lol

    Nice to meet you again my friend, y cuidate tambien amigo mio

    Speak again soon, hablemos otro ves muy pronto

    Felipe, desde Londres Oeste

  5. #5
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you shouldn't believe everything you read
    Indeed Sir.
    So very correct

  6. #6
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you shouldn't believe everything you read
    Why? they wrote Tchernobyl nuclear power plant is in the US. It's not true?
    The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) on Monday tried to show that the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) is very different from the Chernobyl Plant in the United States but young students and other participants in the seminar were not convinced. (full here: )

    We can find dozen and dozen of false statement in the newspapers...
    Best regards.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Nice to meet you too mate. I like Spanish but am not fluent. Self-taught. I have an interest in languages and with the benefit of much travel can get myself into trouble in quite a few.

    Bohol is one of the 2 places in the Phils that I have not been to but very much would love to visit. I want to see the chocolate hills and particularly a tarsier. They are so cute! I think you will have a great time there. Please take pics of the old colonial churches and share with us. I imagine they are quite something. I recently took pics of some great flying buttresses in Dijon. Wonderful.

    Never lose that romance. I'm a sucker for it myself. My wife, Pia, is a queen and I will always treat her as one. I really hope that you have a great time with Hanzell. It's great to be nervous; I imagine that will disappear really quickly. When Pia and I met, i was so surprised at how comfortable I felt. We had though been chatting and talking virtually daily for 1 year prior to our first meeting.

    Take care of yourself mate!

    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  8. #8
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Hmmmm trying to make out your aircraft type.
    Cessna 172???

    What's the V1 rotation speed?

    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    Nice to meet you too mate. I like Spanish but am not fluent. Self-taught. I have an interest in languages and with the benefit of much travel can get myself into trouble in quite a few.

    Bohol is one of the 2 places in the Philis that I have not been to but very much would love to visit. I want to see the chocolate hills and particularly a tarsier. They are so cute! I think you will have a great time there. Please take pics of the old colonial churches and share with us. I imagine they are quite something. I recently took pics of some great flying buttresses in Dijon. Wonderful.

    Never lose that romance. I'm a sucker for it myself. My wife, Pia, is a queen and I will always treat her as one. I really hope that you have a great time with Hanzell. It's great to be nervous; I imagine that will disappear really quickly. When Pia and I met, i was so surprised at how comfortable I felt. We had though been chatting and talking virtually daily for 1 year prior to our first meeting.

    Take care of yourself mate!

    Hi Toks.

    I am functional in Spanish too, and it seems that we both have the same interests my friend.
    I never thought that I wd read such kind honest words, and I thank you so much for that.
    Of course I will take many photo's and share them with, you, and all who are interested.
    To be honest Toks, I thought I had toughened up coz of my impending divorce from the Peruvian one, but Hanzell showed my otherwise, lol
    Yes, I am nervous, actually petrified sometimes. I thought I was alone in that, lol.
    You look so happy in your photo, and I have new hope to live again.
    Having a great job, as a radio engineer at Heathrow, and all my tecchie toys just isn't enough
    How I look so forward to Jan, and wish it was now

    Take care.

    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  10. #10
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    Yes we are Catholic country but we have family Planning subject in college. I studied in a Catholic Univ and they were thought us that it is Rhythm method is the only contraceptive accepted by the Roman Catholic Church. I have never experience any contraceptives but familiar with that.

    We had spanish subject before and our grandma/grandpa's can speak a little spanish as it is compulsary to study spanish and abolished by 1980 by Department of Education.

    Enjoy reading

  11. #11
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Rhythm method is the only contraceptive accepted by the Roman Catholic Church

    Hahahahah, excellent.

    That just made my day, hehehheehehh

    Better not tell Hanzell, lol
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzy View Post
    Hi Toks.

    I am functional in Spanish too, and it seems that we both have the same interests my friend.
    I never thought that I wd read such kind honest words, and I thank you so much for that.
    Of course I will take many photo's and share them with, you, and all who are interested.
    To be honest Toks, I thought I had toughened up coz of my impending divorce from the Peruvian one, but Hanzell showed my otherwise, lol
    Yes, I am nervous, actually petrified sometimes. I thought I was alone in that, lol.
    You look so happy in your photo, and I have new hope to live again.
    Having a great job, as a radio engineer at Heathrow, and all my tecchie toys just isn't enough
    How I look so forward to Jan, and wish it was now

    Take care.

    My friend, it is so amazing when all that life had previously taught you is turned on it's head when you find a special person in your life. With Pia I am not only a different person but am so committed to continual improvement as I want to be the kind of man she truly deserves. She is awesome and has so much potential for personal growth. I really have to be on the top of my game to keep up with her as she does so.

    I am far happier than I ever imagined I had a right to be.

    My brothers are both in telecoms. My father was also and infact worked at Heathrow for a while. I remember going there years ago to have lunch with him in the canteen. I imagine it is a lot harder to do that now.

    Ciao for now!


    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Yes we are Catholic country but we have family Planning subject in college. I studied in a Catholic Univ and they were thought us that it is Rhythm method is the only contraceptive accepted by the Roman Catholic Church. I have never experience any contraceptives but familiar with that.

    We had spanish subject before and our grandma/grandpa's can speak a little spanish as it is compulsary to study spanish and abolished by 1980 by Department of Education.

    Enjoy reading
    I remember the family planning session Pia and I had during our pre-marital counselling. A tad embarassing but the lady was lovely. In fact Pia and I bumped into her last week.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  13. #13
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    mostly here are catholics, and the church doesnt allow to use contraception
    other than the natural way which is the rythm method.
    some schools provide sex education but up to now its still a debate as to
    whether sex education will be taught in every school and what grade should
    it be.
    basically mostly doesnt know birth controls especially those who dont engage
    in sex but some girls do know (active/inactive in sex)either from their friends,
    mags, internet and any other means.
    i think its up to ones self choice if she/he is willing or would like to know.

    we were colonized by the spaniard for 333 years that speaks for our colonial
    buildings and borrowed spanish words. there are still cities here that preserved
    spanish structures like vigan. mostly of our ancestors didnt have the chance
    to learn the language because they were not taught to the indios (filipino).
    but some know especially those who belong to the upper class famileis and
    those who just learnt how to.

    now our official anguages are filipino (tagalog) and english (american).

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzy View Post
    Rhythm method is the only contraceptive accepted by the Roman Catholic Church

    Hahahahah, excellent.

    That just made my day, hehehheehehh

    Better not tell Hanzell, lol
    or watch out for your g/f's father if he has a gun collection

    i never went to a family planning session or pre-marital counselling, but the misses did, she was not happy to go, being a doc and having 2 kids already was a bit pointless

  15. #15
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    or watch out for your g/f's father if he has a gun collection

    i never went to a family planning session or pre-marital counselling, but the misses did, she was not happy to go, being a doc and having 2 kids already was a bit pointless
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  16. #16
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    This thread gets more, and more interesting

    Very interesting my friend, and I hope to follow in your footsteps, and yes, access to various airport locations are a nightmare.
    In the old days, I used to be able to treat friends to flying lessons in the flight simulator block, where real pilots learn.
    Can't say exactly where, as security issues permit me too.
    Nice ppl these are, who go blowing ppl up
    So, your family were in to telecomms too?
    That's great, as I make a very good living at it here, and just as well if I wanna bring my princess, ooopsss queen back home here, lol

    Thanks also for the history lessons guys. Very interesting

    Oh, and I will check to see if her dad has an armoury, lol

    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzy View Post
    ,,,and just as well if I wanna bring my princess, ooopsss queen back home here, lol

    Thanks also for the history lessons guys. Very interesting

    Oh, and I will check to see if her dad has an armoury, lol

    Pia was junior assistant administrator when we first met but was rapidly promoted to princess, where she remained for a short while before being promoted to Queen and my rib.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  18. #18
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I really hope that you have a great time with Hanzell. It's great to be nervous; I imagine that will disappear really quickly. When Pia and I met, i was so surprised at how comfortable I felt. We had though been chatting and talking virtually daily for 1 year prior to our first meeting.

    Take care of yourself mate!


    I met my girlfriend recently, for the first time in person, after chatting to her for 8 months.
    I have to say, I wasn't that nervous, as I normally would have been. I think the reason being, I was running on adrenalin... I'd just been on 3 planes & had very little sleep, if any at all...Plus we knew lots of things about each other.
    We met in the hotel lobby & looked each other up & down a bit, smiled a lot & had a few words.
    She said are you hungry...I was starving, by this time. So I said "yes". Then out onto the street we went & jumped straight into a jeepney, heading for Robinsons Mall.
    On the way there, I was thinking OMG! she dosen't like me. I've come all this way & she does not like me!...Somewhere along the line, I paid the 14 pesos fare, for the two of us & before I knew it, we were at the mall.
    Into the mall we went & straight to Chow King for something to eat.
    We ordered food & drinks & sat down...How wrong, my assumption had been...
    From that moment on, things went great. ...I've never felt, as comfortable with anyone, as I did with her...It continues to be the same. Everything, just felt & feels right.
    Many of us have been in this situation & many more will follow, flying halfway around the world... Just go with the flow & you will have a fantastic time.

    Cheers! Sim

  19. #19
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    hehehehehhe, I'm sure she was
    I am not very patient at most of the times, but I miss her so very, very much it hurts
    Wow, never thought I wd be like this again, lol

    Anyway, as I'm not allowed to PM here yet, I just wondered if you wd like to chat in messenger at some time?

    Won't post my mail addr in the public domain here, as one never knows how many messages I will get, lol

    Take care mate.

    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  20. #20
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    I really hope that you have a great time with Hanzell. It's great to be nervous; I imagine that will disappear really quickly. When Pia and I met, i was so surprised at how comfortable I felt. We had though been chatting and talking virtually daily for 1 year prior to our first meeting.

    Take care of yourself mate!

    I met my girlfriend recently, for the first time in person, after chatting to her for 8 months.
    I have to say, I wasn't that nervous, as I normally would have been. I think the reason being, I was running on adrenalin... I'd just been on 3 planes & had very little sleep, if any at all...Plus we knew lots of things about each other.
    We met in the hotel lobby & looked each other up & down a bit, smiled a lot & had a few words.
    She said are you hungry...I was starving, by this time. So I said "yes". Then out onto the street we went & jumped straight into a jeepney, heading for Robinsons Mall.
    On the way there, I was thinking OMG! she dosen't like me. I've come all this way & she does not like me!...Somewhere along the line, I paid the 14 pesos fare, for the two of us & before I knew it, we were at the mall.
    Into the mall we went & straight to Chow King for something to eat.
    We ordered food & drinks & sat down...How wrong, my assumption had been...
    From that moment on, things went great. ...I've never felt, as comfortable with anyone, as I did with her...It continues to be the same. Everything, just felt & feels right.
    Many of us have been in this situation & many more will follow, flying halfway around the world... Just go with the flow & you will have a fantastic time.

    Cheers! Sim[/QUOTE]

    Thanks for the reassurance Sim, all you guys here have been so very kind to me in this time
    Well, I will have 2 plane rides, and don't sleep too well while flying either.
    I hope my next avatar here will be of the two of us

    Take care my friend...
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  21. #21
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    wish you luck Fitzy, enjoy ur time with ur princess.
    dont forget to bring some pasalubongs to her and
    fam most especially..hehe

    buzz us anytime..

    have a safe trip

  22. #22
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzy View Post
    In the old days, I used to be able to treat friends to flying lessons in the flight simulator block, where real pilots learn.
    My dad used to work on the VC10 simulator at Cranebank - I visited that a couple of times.

    He later transferred to Cabin crew SEP training and I had a play in the mock ups there.

  23. #23
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    I really hope that you have a great time with Hanzell. It's great to be nervous; I imagine that will disappear really quickly. When Pia and I met, i was so surprised at how comfortable I felt. We had though been chatting and talking virtually daily for 1 year prior to our first meeting.

    Take care of yourself mate!

    I met my girlfriend recently, for the first time in person, after chatting to her for 8 months.
    I have to say, I wasn't that nervous, as I normally would have been. I think the reason being, I was running on adrenalin... I'd just been on 3 planes & had very little sleep, if any at all...Plus we knew lots of things about each other.
    We met in the hotel lobby & looked each other up & down a bit, smiled a lot & had a few words.
    She said are you hungry...I was starving, by this time. So I said "yes". Then out onto the street we went & jumped straight into a jeepney, heading for Robinsons Mall.
    On the way there, I was thinking OMG! she dosen't like me. I've come all this way & she does not like me!...Somewhere along the line, I paid the 14 pesos fare, for the two of us & before I knew it, we were at the mall.
    Into the mall we went & straight to Chow King for something to eat.
    We ordered food & drinks & sat down...How wrong, my assumption had been...
    From that moment on, things went great. ...I've never felt, as comfortable with anyone, as I did with her...It continues to be the same. Everything, just felt & feels right.
    Many of us have been in this situation & many more will follow, flying halfway around the world... Just go with the flow & you will have a fantastic time.

    Cheers! Sim[/quote]

    Chow King what a great place to eat What a welcome to phill

  24. #24
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzy View Post
    hehehehehhe, I'm sure she was
    I am not very patient at most of the times, but I miss her so very, very much it hurts
    Wow, never thought I wd be like this again, lol

    Anyway, as I'm not allowed to PM here yet, I just wondered if you wd like to chat in messenger at some time?

    Won't post my mail addr in the public domain here, as one never knows how many messages I will get, lol

    Take care mate.

    Absolutely, Philip. It would be great to chat sometime. I had my yahoo add in my profile and I received a few dodgy IMs, so removed it. I dont think you are far from being able to PM now. I think its 35 posts.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  25. #25
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    Absolutely, Philip. It would be great to chat sometime. I had my yahoo add in my profile and I received a few dodgy IMs, so removed it. I dont think you are far from being able to PM now. I think its 35 posts.
    Hi mate.

    Kool, wd be great.
    Will put mine here for a short time so u can add me

    Cudate amigo mio

    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  26. #26
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    I met my girlfriend recently, for the first time in person, after chatting to her for 8 months.
    I have to say, I wasn't that nervous, as I normally would have been. I think the reason being, I was running on adrenalin... I'd just been on 3 planes & had very little sleep, if any at all...Plus we knew lots of things about each other.
    We met in the hotel lobby & looked each other up & down a bit, smiled a lot & had a few words.
    She said are you hungry...I was starving, by this time. So I said "yes". Then out onto the street we went & jumped straight into a jeepney, heading for Robinsons Mall.
    On the way there, I was thinking OMG! she dosen't like me. I've come all this way & she does not like me!...Somewhere along the line, I paid the 14 pesos fare, for the two of us & before I knew it, we were at the mall.
    Into the mall we went & straight to Chow King for something to eat.
    We ordered food & drinks & sat down...How wrong, my assumption had been...
    From that moment on, things went great. ...I've never felt, as comfortable with anyone, as I did with her...It continues to be the same. Everything, just felt & feels right.
    Many of us have been in this situation & many more will follow, flying halfway around the world... Just go with the flow & you will have a fantastic time.

    Cheers! Sim

    Chow King what a great place to eat What a welcome to phill[/QUOTE]

    She loves Chow king, couldn't keep her away. The chop suey, is alright & the iced tea.

  27. #27
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jencha8569 View Post
    wish you luck Fitzy, enjoy ur time with ur princess.
    dont forget to bring some pasalubongs to her and
    fam most especially..hehe

    buzz us anytime..

    have a safe trip
    Thank you so much my friend.

    All this kindness is so overwhelming, lol

    Thank u all for being so wonderful

    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  28. #28
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Didn't realize this thread wd make so much interest, hehehehh
    Beats the s**t out of the technical forums, lol

    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  29. #29
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    The attitude of the RC church to "artificial" birth control and the resultant ignorance is, in my view, one of the biggest problems holding back the Philippines. I read that there are political moves to change that and introduce compulsory sex education but, surprise surprise, they are being fiercely opposed by the RC church who have threatened to withhold communion from any Senator who votes in favour on the grounds they are not "pro-life". It just has to change. With the economy already unable to support the current population, and so many totally dependant upon remittences of one kind or another, what will happen in the next 20 years if the population continues to explode? I just hope expediancy comes to the rescue before starvation or natural disaster but that hope is not really very strong because I cannot see any real acceptance there that there is actually a problem. They blame Gloria and corruption for all their ill fortune and never target the real culprits.

  30. #30
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    Chow King what a great place to eat What a welcome to phill
    She loves Chow king, couldn't keep her away. The chop suey, is alright & the iced tea. [/quote]

    The biggest insight to the two countries is going into a KFC.

    jugs of gravey for top up, spag, little balls of rice and salads if one opened up in the UK with the same menu the chavs which our one would be in shock

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