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  1. #1
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Frances is appyling for a visa. She is in the Phil
    Frances was denied.
    Frances must appeal, in the Phil.
    The visa is actually nothing to do with Phillip, nor where he is.
    So its da Phils then?:

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    hahaha benb you beat me to it, but there is only a small chance the embassy will over turn it..

    'In the majority of cases, the Entry Clearance Officer does not overturn the decision, and if s/he is satisfied that the original refusal was correct, then the AIT, will arrange for an independent adjudicator can review the appeal'

    you could appeal to the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal (AIT) in the uk,, the embassy in the phils would send your appeal form to the uk anyway wasting time.

    but if you sent it to the embassy, an Entry Clearance Officer will review the application in the light of your grounds of appeal, and if s/he is satisfied that the requirements of the Immigration Rules have been met, the refusal will be overturned and the visa will be issued, but there is only a small chance of this happening, if you send your appeal directly to the AIT, the Entry Clearance Officer will only review the decision once the papers have been sent to the Visa Section from the AIT.

    maybe you should phone up your local law centre or IAS and get some free advice and guidence

  3. #3
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    hahaha benb you beat me to it, but there is only a small chance the embassy will over turn it..

    'In the majority of cases, the Entry Clearance Officer does not overturn the decision, and if s/he is satisfied that the original refusal was correct, then the AIT, will arrange for an independent adjudicator can review the appeal'

    you could appeal to the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal (AIT) in the uk,, the embassy in the phils would send your appeal form to the uk anyway wasting time.

    but if you sent it to the embassy, an Entry Clearance Officer will review the application in the light of your grounds of appeal, and if s/he is satisfied that the requirements of the Immigration Rules have been met, the refusal will be overturned and the visa will be issued, but there is only a small chance of this happening, if you send your appeal directly to the AIT, the Entry Clearance Officer will only review the decision once the papers have been sent to the Visa Section from the AIT.

    maybe you should phone up your local law centre or IAS and get some free advice and guidence

    Oh! I thought that it would be *easier* for the ECO to overturn the decision than the ECO writing a detailed justification and forwarding it to the AIT. Oh well, at least its worth a try. Giving new and good evidence at such short notice may be tricky.

    Has anyone got experience with IAS? are they really useful?


  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by benb View Post
    Oh! I thought that it would be *easier* for the ECO to overturn the decision than the ECO writing a detailed justification and forwarding it to the AIT. Oh well, at least its worth a try. Giving new and good evidence at such short notice may be tricky.

    Has anyone got experience with IAS? are they really useful?

    no, i think your right, kinda like a reconsideration, but as stated on the embassy website, the majority are not overturned by a eco and are sent to the AIT.doesn't mean this app will, if he gets some good evidence and can prove the original decision was wrong, it's always worth try, if they do overturn it at the embassy, it would be quicker than going to AIT or making a new app

    IAS, I tried many times to phone them in the past and emailed 2 of their offices, never got thru to them or a reply . but i've heard they have helped many people out

    the local law centre and the excellent JCWI, i've used in the past.

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