NOT worth selling...I mean really, don't bother..

Your old record collection. (Unless you have rare/collectable/unique records to sell, you'll get little interest. If you must sell your old records, sell the whole lot in one bundle, you probably wont get much for it though, it's typical that people think their old records might be worth something...they're not unless they're rare.)

Old clothes (Unless it's well known brands of clothing, like Boden, Jigsaw, or Monsoon etc)

Old electrical goods (Do people really think they're going to sell they're old playstation 1? And those crappy old style TV's? People want the new stuff!)

Memorabilia from crap pop bands (Memorabilia WILL sell on E-Bay! But it's memorabilia of big, big, bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Queen etc. Memorabilia of popular football clubs can sell aswell! But it would be a mistake to think that your Spice Girls/Girls Aloud stuff will sell.)

Damaged/Broken/Dirty stuff (Unless it's rare/collectable/unique, I wouldn't bother.)

Furniture (Apparently IKEA furniture will sell on E-Bay, but from what I gather old furniture doesn't get too much interest... I reckon it might be worth trying to sell your old sofa might be surprised!)

Books (Aren't worth selling unless they are rare/no longer being printed)

Ok smart ass so what does sell on E-Bay? - Your voice!

Nearly new, trendy, well known brands of clothing!

New electrical goods, ipods, new Wii games, the new exciting stuff not your old cassette players and record players.

Anything rare/collectable/unique! People collect all sorts of strange things, you may be a collector of some such thing yourself? Why not have more fun with your collection by selling the stuff? (But keeping your favourites of course! )

Exercise equipment!! Sports equipment! People don't realise how popular keep fit/exercise stuff is!! If you've got an exercise bike or pretty much any kind of popular exercise equipment you don't want no more, don't take it down the dump!! You may think that no one will want it, but it's precisely the kind of thing that DOES sell on E-Bay!! I once put some old dumbells/weights on E-Bay starting the bidding at just £1 'cause I just wanted to get rid of them. I was shocked by the amount of interest in them, and the winning bid was £32!! So it's a mistake to think people wont want your unwanted exercise stuff, they may well pay good money for it!

Is there any other E-Bayers out there willing to give advice?