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Thread: skin whitening products...

  1. #91
    Member half.k's Avatar
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    GUYS! GUYS!!

    im sorry for asking about the whitening products!! lol

    anyway, the brightening serum i bought from Clinique before posting my first thread has worked so well (way too well) and im finding myself already too white just after a few days... (less that a week!!) and my skin was getting a bit dry, i realized you guys might be right so i decided to stop all this whitening phase of mine... its was 45 pounds gone to waste but it could've been my health!

    Thanks for all support! and to all those who are still trying to whiten their complexions: I do understand you, but please be careful!! and please! no pills or injections! Im glad i didnt go into that! to whiten you skin your body must stop to produce melanin, and that means also stopping to produce vitamin D!! Just use sunblock SPF 50 and in a month you will be whiter, believe me!!

    Thank you everyone!
    **Specially Win2Win and gary2jessica!

  2. #92
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    I am glad you agree. Hope the others do as well. I can confirm that by using a high factor sun screen your skin will fade a little. My wife is definately a lighter shade of brown than when she first arrived and now burns easily back in the Philippines so takes extra care there. It made no difference to me what colour she was by the way, she was always just who she is, the only reason I am telling you is because some of you seem to care about it!

  3. #93
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I cover myself in cow darkens the skin, but the best bit is it attracts loads of flies, so saves buying the missus meat
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #94
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by half.k View Post
    GUYS! GUYS!!

    im sorry for asking about the whitening products!! lol

    anyway, the brightening serum i bought from Clinique before posting my first thread has worked so well (way too well) and im finding myself already too white just after a few days... (less that a week!!) and my skin was getting a bit dry, i realized you guys might be right so i decided to stop all this whitening phase of mine... its was 45 pounds gone to waste but it could've been my health!

    Thanks for all support! and to all those who are still trying to whiten their complexions: I do understand you, but please be careful!! and please! no pills or injections! Im glad i didnt go into that! to whiten you skin your body must stop to produce melanin, and that means also stopping to produce vitamin D!! Just use sunblock SPF 50 and in a month you will be whiter, believe me!!

    Thank you everyone!
    **Specially Win2Win and gary2jessica!
    Crazy post

    My Wife was always the darkest (she and her family tell me) while still in phill she bpought this lotion from a local clinic which made her paler it was a kind of sun block and i guess mild bleach . While waiting for her visa and all the stress of moving country she developed a mild rash which got worse and worse. She brought this hugggeee tub of lotion with her to UK.

    When it began to run out she started with my help (i researched on web) we looked for sunblock.

    Once she stopped using the lotion lo and behold the rash went.

    She now only uses strong sun block and exfoliate her skin ( i think thats the right term?)
    Her skin is now commented on by her friends and customers as being so nice.

    The Vitamin D issue is a big one in Asian and other communties where ladies cover up and avoid sun.

    Young Indian female friends at work were involved a few years back in a group to educate women on the dangers of doing this.

    The Wife took out oddles of posh sunblock for family and friends they all think its the best thing since Balut

    Thanks for bringing up a topic which is a very important one which hardly gets mentioned.

  5. #95
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Don't worry half.k you get really white when you are university and you never get out in the sun cos you study so much.... right??? Well..thats when you not out all night getting drunk in the pubs.AHA!don't say you won't cos you will...

  6. #96
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    k now that we have established that whitening products cant possibly be good for any of us can i now ask what diet pills are safe to take

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    k now that we have established that whitening products cant possibly be good for any of us can i now ask what diet pills are safe to take
    A good balanced diet, exercise and will power far better surely?

  8. #98
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    A good balanced diet, exercise and will power far better surely?
    agreed! but with all the hormone treatments and 2 bouts of cancer i have certainly put on the weight, i just dont get it i walk 3 miles a day with my dog, eat right but the £££'s are just piling on!

  9. #99
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Smile No diet pills pls!

    Sorry, u want a quick fix Maria. I wish that too! Go for a swim and eat healthy. Burn the fat. I understand its trickly for you.Your body has been messed up enough. I have steriods put in the body to protect my lungs during chemotherapy. Energy levels will be hard for you.Have you been check for thyroid problem?
    Dieting delete the bodies resources because you do not feed enough.In order to keep you alive, it uses the little food you have to substain itself.As soon as you eat again, your body resumes your normal function.Stop pills, you get fat.So its a waste of time..

  10. #100
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Sorry, u want a quick fix Maria. Go for a swim and eat healthy. Burn the fat.

    Dieting delete the bodies resources because you do not feed enough.In order to keep you alive, it uses the little food you have to substain itself.As soon as you eat again, your body resumes your normal function.Stop pills, you get fat.So its a waste of time..
    nyahaha i cant swim! lame isnt it but when i was younger i almost drowned so i really didnt want to go in deep water after that. as for the quick fix that is the only thing i have not tried, i am not after a magic pill that would shed ££'s in weeks just something to get the old metabolism going.

  11. #101
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Wow sorry to hear that.Well I hope you can learn one day.Challenge yourself to do that, you can accomplish that. What about dancing

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Wow sorry to hear that.Well I hope you can learn one day.Challenge yourself to do that, you can accomplish that. What about dancing
    too scared to learn now.. i dance everyday lolz.. maybe im just gettin really old and retaining fat a lot! i walk for miles, i dance, i only eat fruits at night but nothing works a friend suggested liposuction but to be honest i am too scared to have it done. now i am just more resigned to the fact that i am fat, its just the side comments from so called friends that brings me down sometimes, 16 years ago i was a size 8 now im an 18

  13. #103
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    Having spent almost all my working life is the food industry I can assure you that commercial diets are almost always a total waste of money. There is no great secret to it. If you eat more than your body needs it will store the excess as fat, that is what we are genetically programmed to do, ready for those times when food is scarce, (which is never now with 24 hour opening supermarkets and buy one, get one offers). It might be boring but you need to only eat what you really need, and then make sure you take more exercise to burn it off. A balanced diet is essential to ensure you get enough vitamins and minerals but please don't take any vitamin pills or other health supplements. They are not only a total waste of time and money they are potentially pretty dangerous. Eat simply, eat little and often, eat wise (not too much fat and lots of fruit and veg) and you will be fine. I also dislike organic anything as a ridiculous waste of resources in a hungry world and believe we should all accept GM as the way forward!

  14. #104
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by half.k View Post
    GUYS! GUYS!!

    im sorry for asking about the whitening products!! lol
    You made it controversy
    Anyway it's been informative
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
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  15. #105
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Calorie counting is the only diet that works adjusted to your bodies metabolism and the exercise you do.
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #106
    Member half.k's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    k now that we have established that whitening products cant possibly be good for any of us can i now ask what diet pills are safe to take
    me parents are vegan since i was born and so was I, til i was 17... i moved to london on my own cos I was modelling, and living with other models meant no time to cook, and all other girls were on atkins diet which meant lots of meat, a bit of salad and no carbs... i ended up trying meat and liked it, in the next 3 years i started noticing the arrow on my scale going clockwise...
    and i didnt know why... this s why: I was very very active before I moved to london, and working here, meant running for casting to casting and from job to job and barely no time for anything... so i had my meals squeezed in my day whenever I had a few free minutes... and i discovered lack of exercise, meals not being on set times (this is very important!) and unhealthy food (a steak instead of a healthy salad) were the main cause.
    Im glad to say im back to macrobiotic and vegan way of eating, I feel so much healthier I can eat whatever i feel like, Im never hungry and more active (not as much as i wished). I drink 3 litres a day of water and at least 3 cups of green tea a day...

  17. #107
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Wow David House...thats a pretty strong thing to say...."Believe we should all accept GM as the way forward"
    Even our Government is doing a U-Turn on that issue

    Genetically modified food and crops
    The introduction of genetically modified (GM) food and crops has been a disaster. The science of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another was supposed to be a giant leap forward, but instead they pose a serious threat to biodiversity and our own health. In addition, the real reason for their development has not been to end world hunger but to increase the stranglehold multinational biotech companies already have on food production.

    We are told that GM crops will help feed the world's poor but according to the United Nations, we already produce more than enough food to satisfy everyone. And even though consumers have rejected GM foods outright, the biotech companies and the governments that support them are still trying to force their inventions on us, purely for commercial gain. But the long term effects of GM crops have not been properly researched and, by cross-pollinating with non-GM crops and wild plants, they replicate themselves and contaminate the environment with genetic pollution that is impossible to clean up.

    The simple truth is, we don't need GM technology. Using sustainable and organic farming methods will allow us to repair the damage done by industrial farming, reducing the excessive use of fertiliser, herbicides and other man-made chemicals, and making GM crops redundant.

    Maybe we should take time to look at the poor Bee's that always seem nowadays to be walking on the floor or pathways...The ones that we are now told are losing their memories of how to get home as they have been pollinating the GM based plants and Oil Rape seed plants that are now everywhere...but then may be right...where am I..who am I? whats this for? hahahaha take care my friend..maybe I watch X-Files too much.

  18. #108
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    But the long term effects of GM crops have not been properly researched
    They've been independently researched by many scientists, organisations & universities for years, and bugger all has been found wrong with them, and nor will anything be found, as it is just another form of cross-breeding/natural selection.

    I'd be more worried about plastics, and the fact it is PROVEN to reduce fertility in men & women, as well as causing some cancers, and yet try and avoid plastics.
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    Wow David House...thats a pretty strong thing to say...."Believe we should all accept GM as the way forward"
    Even our Government is doing a U-Turn on that issue

    Genetically modified food and crops
    The introduction of genetically modified (GM) food and crops has been a disaster. The science of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another was supposed to be a giant leap forward, but instead they pose a serious threat to biodiversity and our own health. In addition, the real reason for their development has not been to end world hunger but to increase the stranglehold multinational biotech companies already have on food production.

    We are told that GM crops will help feed the world's poor but according to the United Nations, we already produce more than enough food to satisfy everyone. And even though consumers have rejected GM foods outright, the biotech companies and the governments that support them are still trying to force their inventions on us, purely for commercial gain. But the long term effects of GM crops have not been properly researched and, by cross-pollinating with non-GM crops and wild plants, they replicate themselves and contaminate the environment with genetic pollution that is impossible to clean up.

    The simple truth is, we don't need GM technology. Using sustainable and organic farming methods will allow us to repair the damage done by industrial farming, reducing the excessive use of fertiliser, herbicides and other man-made chemicals, and making GM crops redundant.

    Maybe we should take time to look at the poor Bee's that always seem nowadays to be walking on the floor or pathways...The ones that we are now told are losing their memories of how to get home as they have been pollinating the GM based plants and Oil Rape seed plants that are now everywhere...but then may be right...where am I..who am I? whats this for? hahahaha take care my friend..maybe I watch X-Files too much.

    Tell me about it!!! i did huge amounts of coursework about GM crops... the truth is GM crops can contaminate non-Gm crops and make them become sterile, which means all non-GM crops in the world would eventually die and in the future we would have to buy only from companies that sell GM crops, as only them have the technology to create them, in other words, they were going to get ALL profit of the whole world buying only for them.
    wether it is harmful for our bodies or not, it is still being argument from both parties, but it will lead to a major economical, political and governamental catastrophe!!! companies that sell GM-crops will have the right to raise the price, and basicallly -> our lives will all be in their hands!!!

    genius i must say: if GM-crops are accepted, companies that sell them will dominate the world!!!

    it sounds like a cartoon story, i know, but its true!!!

  20. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    Wow David House...thats a pretty strong thing to say...."Believe we should all accept GM as the way forward"
    Even our Government is doing a U-Turn on that issue

    Genetically modified food and crops
    The introduction of genetically modified (GM) food and crops has been a disaster. The science of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another was supposed to be a giant leap forward, but instead they pose a serious threat to biodiversity and our own health. In addition, the real reason for their development has not been to end world hunger but to increase the stranglehold multinational biotech companies already have on food production.

    We are told that GM crops will help feed the world's poor but according to the United Nations, we already produce more than enough food to satisfy everyone. And even though consumers have rejected GM foods outright, the biotech companies and the governments that support them are still trying to force their inventions on us, purely for commercial gain. But the long term effects of GM crops have not been properly researched and, by cross-pollinating with non-GM crops and wild plants, they replicate themselves and contaminate the environment with genetic pollution that is impossible to clean up.

    The simple truth is, we don't need GM technology. Using sustainable and organic farming methods will allow us to repair the damage done by industrial farming, reducing the excessive use of fertiliser, herbicides and other man-made chemicals, and making GM crops redundant.

    Maybe we should take time to look at the poor Bee's that always seem nowadays to be walking on the floor or pathways...The ones that we are now told are losing their memories of how to get home as they have been pollinating the GM based plants and Oil Rape seed plants that are now everywhere...but then may be right...where am I..who am I? whats this for? hahahaha take care my friend..maybe I watch X-Files too much.

    Someone's been copying and pasting from wikipedia....

  21. #111
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    we use organic all the time... dunno if its better than gm but it makes sense to eat organic

  22. #112
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    How you know its organic though?Well I still like growing my own tatties in the backyard.It is better than tescos mush.Every little helps..make us richer.
    HATE THEM heheh- just have to get that off my chest. I read Tesco were cutting back on toilet breaks for the staff unless they had a medical reason.

    GM food were grown nearby where I live,but some guys came out and attacked the place.

  23. #113
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Ohh my Goodness half.k....your much more than just a pretty face..I like your style...What you wrote makes music to my ears about the big multinational's...if they read this though...maybe the Men in Black may come for us.....and Gary2jessica..I used to deliver in Kirkcaldy...loved the place...also again, half.k...I didn't copy anything from's actually a report obtained from Greenpeace...and this time the Government took notice of it...anyway..Political Rant over..I'll get back to being a romantic old fool now.....

  24. #114
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    Gm Crops, Y2K, Acid Rain, cold war, romans leaving the UK, the warm period in the early middle age would it ever cool down? the little ice age which started in the 16th century would it ever stop?, hasn't the sun only 5 billion years to go before it burns up or what have you?

    Im sure we will all muddle along

  25. #115
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    Wow David House...thats a pretty strong thing to say...."Believe we should all accept GM as the way forward"
    Even our Government is doing a U-Turn on that issue

    Genetically modified food and crops
    The introduction of genetically modified (GM) food and crops has been a disaster. The science of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another was supposed to be a giant leap forward, but instead they pose a serious threat to biodiversity and our own health. In addition, the real reason for their development has not been to end world hunger but to increase the stranglehold multinational biotech companies already have on food production.

    We are told that GM crops will help feed the world's poor but according to the United Nations, we already produce more than enough food to satisfy everyone. And even though consumers have rejected GM foods outright, the biotech companies and the governments that support them are still trying to force their inventions on us, purely for commercial gain. But the long term effects of GM crops have not been properly researched and, by cross-pollinating with non-GM crops and wild plants, they replicate themselves and contaminate the environment with genetic pollution that is impossible to clean up.

    The simple truth is, we don't need GM technology. Using sustainable and organic farming methods will allow us to repair the damage done by industrial farming, reducing the excessive use of fertiliser, herbicides and other man-made chemicals, and making GM crops redundant.

    Maybe we should take time to look at the poor Bee's that always seem nowadays to be walking on the floor or pathways...The ones that we are now told are losing their memories of how to get home as they have been pollinating the GM based plants and Oil Rape seed plants that are now everywhere...but then may be right...where am I..who am I? whats this for? hahahaha take care my friend..maybe I watch X-Files too much.
    I was a bit surprised too the other interesting feature of GM particularly maize was that it is quite difficult to grow organically and is reliant on large fertiliser input which surprise is dependant on petrochemicals.

    The Portuguese were i lived sussed this con very quickly.

    We buy the seed from you every year instead of saving seed stock right

    Oh and our stable fertiliser that keeps humus and structure in the soil needs supplementing with increasing amounts of nitrates ..that we buy from you right

    instead of the bean squash maize symbiosis . monoculture and soil degradation and cost in cash that we get from where?

    oh we borrow it using our land as collateral

    Pull the other one

  26. #116
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    Never confuse organic with fresh. Fresh fruit and veg always tastes better and if you pick it from your garden it cannot be any fresher. The plants don't know whether they are obtaining their nutrients from organic or inorganic fertilizers, so I really believe there is a huge con going on. Years ago I heard a representative of the "Soil Association" say to a trade conference that "organic food" offered supermarkets a huge profit opportunity. So they do, because of consumer ignorance. We should be much more concerned about pesticide residues than concentrating on organics, they are just a diversion.
    I understand the concerns about Monsanto having too much control over the supply of seed stock but that is a separate issue of regulation and control, and something that Governments, or the UN, need to address. The fundamental point about GM is that if properly regulated and trialed it is a very important method of developing higher yielding food sources, or of bringing currently unproductive land into cultivation. I agree that in theory the world can produce the food needed without this technology but it doesn't, people are hungry right now. People who could grow enough food with the help of GM. In a warming world we simply cannot ignore this and allow those who spread scare stories to dominate the headlines. Of course there are risks, and of course there will be mistakes. I have little time for such as "Greenpeace" who seem to believe they have all the answers. Nothing worthwhile is ever done by not taking a risk. So long as it is monitored and controlled we should not fear this technology, we should embrace it, if not for ourselves then for the hungry people of our world.

  27. #117
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    Although im sure technically different we change and alter humans physcially with medicnes and chemicals should we ban that as its going agaisnt the laws of nature. What about cross breeding and managing nature that we do. Will we regret it later on in the course of history?

    People in the past thought space travel, cars, planes,radio waves, electricty and alsorts would end the world or effect peoples health far more than they did. I.e a car not healthy but howmnay peopls lifes were improved even safed by the invention?

    Without knowing much about GM crops and the way they are formed it does seem that all GM is bad and all organic good.
    But foods grown with organic fertiliser (human waste could be one i guess) is also thought abborent by some, not me personally as i know its made safe or is it? People say it is will point to scentific evidence and so wil those who say its bad will. As we all know science and what they think is the truth or how things work, what is safe changes over time.

    In past history we thought we knew it all and were scared of certain processes or things happening and thought others were beyond reproach.

    For me as a non expert i see that with all GM crop ideas are bad and organic is all fine, another possible just for us to regret later.

    Are we saving up problems for the future, or missing out for the chance to save and improve many lifes?

  28. #118
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    People are scared of what they don't understand, and they no longer trust "experts" and "scientists". I spent my working life in the food industry, supplying additives to food and drink manufacturers. The level of mistrust in the general population is astounding. "E" numbers are thought to be harmful when all they are is a unifying code system, which embraces many different categories, including some essentials like vitamin C. Poor parenting is blamed upon hyperactivity which is then blamed on food colours! All are urban myths dreamed up by people wanting to sell books or with political motives. Even some doctors believe this nonesense which is backed up by some long discredited "research".

  29. #119
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by half.k View Post
    me parents are vegan since i was born and so was I, til i was 17...
    Im glad to say im back to macrobiotic and vegan way of eating, I feel so much healthier I can eat whatever i feel like, Im never hungry and more active (not as much as i wished). I drink 3 litres a day of water and at least 3 cups of green tea a day...
    wow proper vegans and macrobiotic food

    i've been a junk food vegan for more than 25yrs , just eat supermarket food without meat, fish or eggs, but i do eat some milk based products..

    but watch you don't drink too much water, you have to watch your salt levels lady

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    People are scared of what they don't understand, and they no longer trust "experts" and "scientists". I spent my working life in the food industry, supplying additives to food and drink manufacturers. The level of mistrust in the general population is astounding. "E" numbers are thought to be harmful when all they are is a unifying code system, which embraces many different categories, including some essentials like vitamin C. Poor parenting is blamed upon hyperactivity which is then blamed on food colours! All are urban myths dreamed up by people wanting to sell books or with political motives. Even some doctors believe this nonesense which is backed up by some long discredited "research".
    Reminds me of the Hygiene issue.

    Of course good hygiene is prefered to being careless but some children(sdome now grown adults) are now thought to be a more risk due to the fact they have grown up in a clean enviroment.

    My great gran (a cook by trade) was said to of gone along with the little bit of dirt never hurt. Which many phills seem to follow both far healthier and have far less allergies than the keep everything clean and safe set.

    How will you bulid up your immune system if you never come into contact with smal amounts of bacteria etc?

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