As you will have realised most of the guys here really cannot understand why Filipinos are obsessed with whitening their skins. Well maybe we understand why you do it in the Philippines because of the cultural connection to dark skins meaning outside labour and pale skins meaning money or a western heritage. But here? Girls here spend a fortune trying to look as good as you do already. Trust me most girls are really envious of your skin colour and we guys definately prefer your lovely smooth brown skins to the spotty white stuff on so many fat ugly British girls! The whitening creams also seem to produce an unatural look which the guys here don't appreciate so unless your only motive is to impress other Filipinos I can see no point at all, apart from the dangers. In any case your skin will likely fade gradually the longer you are here, I know my wive is definately a "whiter shade of pale" than when she arrived and now takes great steps to protect herself from getting sun on her skin both here and back in the Philippines. Stay as you are, don't try to turn yourselves into what we have already rejected!!!!