Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
dark skinned people can do martial arts i never knew that

one, I'll have to cross of my list now

the only thing i can think of, is that i don't ever remember seeing a famous dark skinned swimmer, i think its to do with body mass

anyway your right, people want to be something there not, i've never meet a manc who wanted to be a scouser thou
Hahaha! I think it's hard to find a famous skier also. Re. the swimming I have heard the same theory. I cannot swim and don't float so well. Mostly, just below the surface which is a slight disadvantage as you can imagine.

Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
Can i borrow them for my thoughts as well.

Great writing.

westen indian and african mates when they not winding one another up the ladies were constantly on about weaves, this cream that cream,straighten this and that.
Indian Mates were always talking about shade of skin.

The funny thing as far as i know our hearts and Brains are all the same colour.
Thanks andypaul. Very true about the weave and shades of skin. Many black and Indian comedians focus on those items.

I cut my head last week getting of a Bachelor Express bus. If you could see me now you would see that the part that was cut has been replaced with white skin. In time it will pigment to brown but it does show that colour is such a superficial thing.

Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
Having had time to read the medical journals, the reason Glutathione is banned in most of Europe is that is has been proven to be associated with cancer.

I'd say it is definitely worth killing yourself to have whiter skin eh?

Glutathione also provides power to cancer cells, so it will dramatically increase the speed at which it grows, and greatly reduce the effects of any treatment. Cancer Research is working on drugs to BLOCK glutathione during treatment.
It's clearly worth the risk to those that use these products. Makes them happy!