Having spent almost all my working life is the food industry I can assure you that commercial diets are almost always a total waste of money. There is no great secret to it. If you eat more than your body needs it will store the excess as fat, that is what we are genetically programmed to do, ready for those times when food is scarce, (which is never now with 24 hour opening supermarkets and buy one, get one offers). It might be boring but you need to only eat what you really need, and then make sure you take more exercise to burn it off. A balanced diet is essential to ensure you get enough vitamins and minerals but please don't take any vitamin pills or other health supplements. They are not only a total waste of time and money they are potentially pretty dangerous. Eat simply, eat little and often, eat wise (not too much fat and lots of fruit and veg) and you will be fine. I also dislike organic anything as a ridiculous waste of resources in a hungry world and believe we should all accept GM as the way forward!