Never confuse organic with fresh. Fresh fruit and veg always tastes better and if you pick it from your garden it cannot be any fresher. The plants don't know whether they are obtaining their nutrients from organic or inorganic fertilizers, so I really believe there is a huge con going on. Years ago I heard a representative of the "Soil Association" say to a trade conference that "organic food" offered supermarkets a huge profit opportunity. So they do, because of consumer ignorance. We should be much more concerned about pesticide residues than concentrating on organics, they are just a diversion.
I understand the concerns about Monsanto having too much control over the supply of seed stock but that is a separate issue of regulation and control, and something that Governments, or the UN, need to address. The fundamental point about GM is that if properly regulated and trialed it is a very important method of developing higher yielding food sources, or of bringing currently unproductive land into cultivation. I agree that in theory the world can produce the food needed without this technology but it doesn't, people are hungry right now. People who could grow enough food with the help of GM. In a warming world we simply cannot ignore this and allow those who spread scare stories to dominate the headlines. Of course there are risks, and of course there will be mistakes. I have little time for such as "Greenpeace" who seem to believe they have all the answers. Nothing worthwhile is ever done by not taking a risk. So long as it is monitored and controlled we should not fear this technology, we should embrace it, if not for ourselves then for the hungry people of our world.