Although im sure technically different we change and alter humans physcially with medicnes and chemicals should we ban that as its going agaisnt the laws of nature. What about cross breeding and managing nature that we do. Will we regret it later on in the course of history?
People in the past thought space travel, cars, planes,radio waves, electricty and alsorts would end the world or effect peoples health far more than they did. I.e a car not healthy but howmnay peopls lifes were improved even safed by the invention?
Without knowing much about GM crops and the way they are formed it does seem that all GM is bad and all organic good.
But foods grown with organic fertiliser (human waste could be one i guess) is also thought abborent by some, not me personally as i know its made safe or is it? People say it is will point to scentific evidence and so wil those who say its bad will. As we all know science and what they think is the truth or how things work, what is safe changes over time.
In past history we thought we knew it all and were scared of certain processes or things happening and thought others were beyond reproach.
For me as a non expert i see that with all GM crop ideas are bad and organic is all fine, another possible just for us to regret later.
Are we saving up problems for the future, or missing out for the chance to save and improve many lifes?