Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
People are scared of what they don't understand, and they no longer trust "experts" and "scientists". I spent my working life in the food industry, supplying additives to food and drink manufacturers. The level of mistrust in the general population is astounding. "E" numbers are thought to be harmful when all they are is a unifying code system, which embraces many different categories, including some essentials like vitamin C. Poor parenting is blamed upon hyperactivity which is then blamed on food colours! All are urban myths dreamed up by people wanting to sell books or with political motives. Even some doctors believe this nonesense which is backed up by some long discredited "research".
Reminds me of the Hygiene issue.

Of course good hygiene is prefered to being careless but some children(sdome now grown adults) are now thought to be a more risk due to the fact they have grown up in a clean enviroment.

My great gran (a cook by trade) was said to of gone along with the little bit of dirt never hurt. Which many phills seem to follow both far healthier and have far less allergies than the keep everything clean and safe set.

How will you bulid up your immune system if you never come into contact with smal amounts of bacteria etc?