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Thread: skin whitening products...

  1. #31
    Respected Member
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    As you will have realised most of the guys here really cannot understand why Filipinos are obsessed with whitening their skins. Well maybe we understand why you do it in the Philippines because of the cultural connection to dark skins meaning outside labour and pale skins meaning money or a western heritage. But here? Girls here spend a fortune trying to look as good as you do already. Trust me most girls are really envious of your skin colour and we guys definately prefer your lovely smooth brown skins to the spotty white stuff on so many fat ugly British girls! The whitening creams also seem to produce an unatural look which the guys here don't appreciate so unless your only motive is to impress other Filipinos I can see no point at all, apart from the dangers. In any case your skin will likely fade gradually the longer you are here, I know my wive is definately a "whiter shade of pale" than when she arrived and now takes great steps to protect herself from getting sun on her skin both here and back in the Philippines. Stay as you are, don't try to turn yourselves into what we have already rejected!!!!

  2. #32
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    ......the spotty white stuff on so many fat ugly British girls!....
    You know my ex?
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #33
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    I find it extremely sad that so many, be they black, Asian, mixed or whatever, seem unable to break what is often a colonial-type mentality.

    Obviously, in colonial times and during the times of chattel slavery, the mas'er bedded his black wenches to create more 'valuable' slaves that had a greater monetary value and warped sense of loyalty. Often these offspring were overseers of the other slaves. Because they were more white and held a senior post than the others, i.e. closer to that of the slave owner, it became the appearance/ status that so many aspired to. Slaves often wanted a child with the mas'er so as to help themselves advance.

    Believe it or not, black people spend more than double the money on beauty products per capita than anyone else. The reason: hair straitening and skin lightening products. It's ridiculous. You can see those that have been doing it very easily. Light faces and dark hands. Also a line at around neck level, not to mention dark backs of the neck.

    Over the centuries those in power (political/media) have perpetuated the notion that anything other than a 'European' appearance is unattractive. Unfortunately, so many have believed it and still do.

    In da Phils I was surprised to see ads for employees that are light in complexion, above 5'4", etc. I can understand why one feels that they are disadvantaged by not being light skinned. How many people on TV in da Phils actually look Filipino? Most look Spanish or South American to me. Amazingly, tricycle drivers often wear long-sleeves and gloves in 38 degrees so as not to get darker on the arms.

    It is clear to any thinking person that it is terribly superficial to aspire to be a colour that one is not. I would be very surprised if anyone can present an intellectual argument otherwise. Having said that, it is clear that in countries that practice skin lightening, bullying & oppression of darker skins does occur. Most people do not lighten their skins for those reasons.

    Still, it is an individual choice. I don't criticise those that follow the practice of whitening but I reserve respect for those that are satisfied with their skin colour even in the face of societal pressure that many are unable to overcome.

    Being dark skinned is as much an advantage as it can be a disadvantage. I should know! I'm darker than invariably all on this forum. I had criticisms and people telling me a whole bunch of stuff I could not do because of my skin colour. I have to say that stopped when I started my martial arts , but seriously, there are far more people that will love your skin colour than will dislike it. There are still far more that who wont even notice it at all.

    I would encourage all to just be themselves and stop creating internal dissatisfaction. Have you seen the older faces of those that have been burned by prolonged use of these products?

    As usual these are just my thoughts!
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  4. #34
    Respected Member tomoboyle2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Is it just me or do the guys thinks this is really sad?
    Its not just you Boss, I can't understand why some filipinas are so obsested with this whitening rubish, who is brain washing them into beliving its so important to be white. sorry for the rant guys but this topic makes me
    The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.

  5. #35
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    i use met tathione from the philippines, it does not get you any whiter than you should be, but i found that my armpits which has gone dark after giving birth and about 10 miscariages has lightened.. and also my inner thighs and dark pigmentation on my face (aging i think hahaha) is now even with my skin tone... and also my lips are now pinkish so are my cheeks but i still dont look like bea alonzo hahahaha!
    ur so funny u make me laugh lol!

  6. #36
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    a friend of mine here offered me that whitening products. i just laugh at her and said im happy with my colour.....and i love it! lol

  7. #37

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    well...just to share my story about this whitening thing
    im already light skinned as it is...but my bf from northern ireland who is so pale comments about wanting my skin to be lighter so im now thinking of taking glutathione...

  8. #38
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by traveller View Post
    well...just to share my story about this whitening thing
    im already light skinned as it is...but my bf from northern ireland who is so pale comments about wanting my skin to be lighter so im now thinking of taking glutathione...
    That's a shame!
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  9. #39
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomoboyle2000 View Post
    Its not just you Boss, I can't understand why some filipinas are so obsested with this whitening rubish, who is brain washing them into beliving its so important to be white. sorry for the rant guys but this topic makes me
    I blame it on the media, and of course those people in the skin whitening industry who advertises big time that being white is beautiful.

    Alot of caucasian ladies would love to have brown skin like ours. My mates from work comment on how nice and tanned i am all year round. They do spend loads of money in tanning salon and fake tans and still doesnt look natural/good as ours.

    Its the same thing with being thin and having a size 0 dress here. People are obsessed with being so skinny and having cosmetic surgeries.

    Its ok to look/feel good however there are certain boundaries.

  10. #40
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    I blame it on the media, and of course those people in the skin whitening industry who advertises big time that being white is beautiful.

    Alot of caucasian ladies would love to have brown skin like ours. My mates from work comment on how nice and tanned i am all year round. They do spend loads of money in tanning salon and fake tans and still doesnt look natural/good as ours.

    Its the same thing with being thin and having a size 0 dress here. People are obsessed with being so skinny and having cosmetic surgeries.

    Its ok to look/feel good however there are certain boundaries.

  11. #41
    Respected Member tomoboyle2000's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Geraldine;79722]I blame it on the media, and of course those people in the skin whitening industry who advertises big time that being white is beautiful.

    Your right Geraldine with what you say, it is the media at the end of the day.
    The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.

  12. #42
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The whiter you are, the higher the risk of getting skin cancer.
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #43
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Where do I get skin darkening products?I want to be in the black and white minstrel show. MOMMMMMIEEEE

  14. #44
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Where do I get skin darkening products?I want to be in the black and white minstrel show. MOMMMMMIEEEE
    Walk through the Nigerian town centre making monkey noises, I'm sure you'll soon be black......with a mix of blue
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #45
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Where do I get skin darkening products?I want to be in the black and white minstrel show. MOMMMMMIEEEE
    Go to a shoe store and buy dark brown waxing!
    Best regards.

  16. #46
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Walk through the Nigerian town centre making monkey noises, I'm sure you'll soon be black......with a mix of blue
    That's a good one!
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  17. #47
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Maybe I should sing. Oooh oohh ooh I wanna be like you ooh ohh. from the Jungle Book.
    As billy connolly says. I scottish, I'm a kinda pale blue, it takes me 8 hrs in the sun to go white.

  18. #48
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    its not obessession with me it was more curiousity if the said product can indeed lighten my pits ) and it did

  19. #49
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    its not obessession with me it was more curiousity if the said product can indeed lighten my pits ) and it did
    Battery acid is cheaper & instant
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  20. #50
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Battery acid is cheaper & instant

    ermmmm i'd say no to that :P.....

  21. #51
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Your pits? What about ur bits and pieces...ahem. Does one do them? What if u miss the back of the neck?

    Its better you go to B&Q and get a tin of pure brilliant white. Or maybe cookie dough or...muddy puddle intense truffle sounds nice.

    But in all serious pls, listen to our comments. Piamed says important points.

  22. #52
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Is it just me or do the guys thinks this is really sad?

    The Wife gets free products when training etc.

    She got some new clinque skin whiting whatever and like look this great blah blah

    Then she got some lotion to make you look tanned given to her shes liek why would you do that

  23. #53
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    The Wife gets free products when training etc.

    She got some new clinque skin whiting whatever and like look this great blah blah

    Then she got some lotion to make you look tanned given to her shes liek why would you do that
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  24. #54
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I had criticisms and people telling me a whole bunch of stuff I could not do because of my skin colour. I have to say that stopped when I started my martial arts ,
    dark skinned people can do martial arts i never knew that

    one, I'll have to cross of my list now

    the only thing i can think of, is that i don't ever remember seeing a famous dark skinned swimmer, i think its to do with body mass

    anyway your right, people want to be something there not, i've never meet a manc who wanted to be a scouser thou

  25. #55
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by traveller View Post
    well...just to share my story about this whitening thing
    im already light skinned as it is...but my bf from northern ireland who is so pale comments about wanting my skin to be lighter so im now thinking of taking glutathione...
    It takes you for what you are surely?

    Tell him to get darker and save you from having to lighten.

  26. #56
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I find it extremely sad that so many, be they black, Asian, mixed or whatever, seem unable to break what is often a colonial-type mentality.

    Obviously, in colonial times and during the times of chattel slavery, the mas'er bedded his black wenches to create more 'valuable' slaves that had a greater monetary value and warped sense of loyalty. Often these offspring were overseers of the other slaves. Because they were more white and held a senior post than the others, i.e. closer to that of the slave owner, it became the appearance/ status that so many aspired to. Slaves often wanted a child with the mas'er so as to help themselves advance.

    Believe it or not, black people spend more than double the money on beauty products per capita than anyone else. The reason: hair straitening and skin lightening products. It's ridiculous. You can see those that have been doing it very easily. Light faces and dark hands. Also a line at around neck level, not to mention dark backs of the neck.

    Over the centuries those in power (political/media) have perpetuated the notion that anything other than a 'European' appearance is unattractive. Unfortunately, so many have believed it and still do.

    In da Phils I was surprised to see ads for employees that are light in complexion, above 5'4", etc. I can understand why one feels that they are disadvantaged by not being light skinned. How many people on TV in da Phils actually look Filipino? Most look Spanish or South American to me. Amazingly, tricycle drivers often wear long-sleeves and gloves in 38 degrees so as not to get darker on the arms.

    It is clear to any thinking person that it is terribly superficial to aspire to be a colour that one is not. I would be very surprised if anyone can present an intellectual argument otherwise. Having said that, it is clear that in countries that practice skin lightening, bullying & oppression of darker skins does occur. Most people do not lighten their skins for those reasons.

    Still, it is an individual choice. I don't criticise those that follow the practice of whitening but I reserve respect for those that are satisfied with their skin colour even in the face of societal pressure that many are unable to overcome.

    Being dark skinned is as much an advantage as it can be a disadvantage. I should know! I'm darker than invariably all on this forum. I had criticisms and people telling me a whole bunch of stuff I could not do because of my skin colour. I have to say that stopped when I started my martial arts , but seriously, there are far more people that will love your skin colour than will dislike it. There are still far more that who wont even notice it at all.

    I would encourage all to just be themselves and stop creating internal dissatisfaction. Have you seen the older faces of those that have been burned by prolonged use of these products?

    As usual these are just my thoughts!
    Can i borrow them for my thoughts as well.

    Great writing.

    westen indian and african mates when they not winding one another up the ladies were constantly on about weaves, this cream that cream,straighten this and that.
    Indian Mates were always talking about shade of skin.

    The funny thing as far as i know our hearts and Brains are all the same colour.

  27. #57
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Can i borrow them for my thoughts as well.

    The funny thing as far as i know our hearts and Brains are all the same colour.
    but what's in the brains is not

    conditioned by thier culture and peers

  28. #58
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    my comment is:
    whatever makes me happy,I'll do it...If I wanna be white,then I'll do all I can to lighten my skin.Just exactly the same as the people who want to be tan.
    As the advertisement says "kung saan ka masaya,supportahan ta ka"
    It's not all about the color,it's all about the things that makes you happy and satisfied.

  29. #59
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by telford View Post
    my comment is:
    whatever makes me happy,I'll do it...If I wanna be white,then I'll do all I can to lighten my skin.Just exactly the same as the people who want to be tan.
    As the advertisement says "kung saan ka masaya,supportahan ta ka"
    It's not all about the color,it's all about the things that makes you happy and satisfied.
    well said!

  30. #60
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by telford View Post
    my comment is:
    whatever makes me happy,I'll do it...If I wanna be white,then I'll do all I can to lighten my skin.Just exactly the same as the people who want to be tan.
    As the advertisement says "kung saan ka masaya,supportahan ta ka"
    It's not all about the color,it's all about the things that makes you happy and satisfied.
    I agree....

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