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  1. #1
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Wow David House...thats a pretty strong thing to say...."Believe we should all accept GM as the way forward"
    Even our Government is doing a U-Turn on that issue

    Genetically modified food and crops
    The introduction of genetically modified (GM) food and crops has been a disaster. The science of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another was supposed to be a giant leap forward, but instead they pose a serious threat to biodiversity and our own health. In addition, the real reason for their development has not been to end world hunger but to increase the stranglehold multinational biotech companies already have on food production.

    We are told that GM crops will help feed the world's poor but according to the United Nations, we already produce more than enough food to satisfy everyone. And even though consumers have rejected GM foods outright, the biotech companies and the governments that support them are still trying to force their inventions on us, purely for commercial gain. But the long term effects of GM crops have not been properly researched and, by cross-pollinating with non-GM crops and wild plants, they replicate themselves and contaminate the environment with genetic pollution that is impossible to clean up.

    The simple truth is, we don't need GM technology. Using sustainable and organic farming methods will allow us to repair the damage done by industrial farming, reducing the excessive use of fertiliser, herbicides and other man-made chemicals, and making GM crops redundant.

    Maybe we should take time to look at the poor Bee's that always seem nowadays to be walking on the floor or pathways...The ones that we are now told are losing their memories of how to get home as they have been pollinating the GM based plants and Oil Rape seed plants that are now everywhere...but then may be right...where am I..who am I? whats this for? hahahaha take care my friend..maybe I watch X-Files too much.

  2. #2
    Member half.k's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    Wow David House...thats a pretty strong thing to say...."Believe we should all accept GM as the way forward"
    Even our Government is doing a U-Turn on that issue

    Genetically modified food and crops
    The introduction of genetically modified (GM) food and crops has been a disaster. The science of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another was supposed to be a giant leap forward, but instead they pose a serious threat to biodiversity and our own health. In addition, the real reason for their development has not been to end world hunger but to increase the stranglehold multinational biotech companies already have on food production.

    We are told that GM crops will help feed the world's poor but according to the United Nations, we already produce more than enough food to satisfy everyone. And even though consumers have rejected GM foods outright, the biotech companies and the governments that support them are still trying to force their inventions on us, purely for commercial gain. But the long term effects of GM crops have not been properly researched and, by cross-pollinating with non-GM crops and wild plants, they replicate themselves and contaminate the environment with genetic pollution that is impossible to clean up.

    The simple truth is, we don't need GM technology. Using sustainable and organic farming methods will allow us to repair the damage done by industrial farming, reducing the excessive use of fertiliser, herbicides and other man-made chemicals, and making GM crops redundant.

    Maybe we should take time to look at the poor Bee's that always seem nowadays to be walking on the floor or pathways...The ones that we are now told are losing their memories of how to get home as they have been pollinating the GM based plants and Oil Rape seed plants that are now everywhere...but then may be right...where am I..who am I? whats this for? hahahaha take care my friend..maybe I watch X-Files too much.

    Tell me about it!!! i did huge amounts of coursework about GM crops... the truth is GM crops can contaminate non-Gm crops and make them become sterile, which means all non-GM crops in the world would eventually die and in the future we would have to buy only from companies that sell GM crops, as only them have the technology to create them, in other words, they were going to get ALL profit of the whole world buying only for them.
    wether it is harmful for our bodies or not, it is still being argument from both parties, but it will lead to a major economical, political and governamental catastrophe!!! companies that sell GM-crops will have the right to raise the price, and basicallly -> our lives will all be in their hands!!!

    genius i must say: if GM-crops are accepted, companies that sell them will dominate the world!!!

    it sounds like a cartoon story, i know, but its true!!!

  3. #3
    Member half.k's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    Wow David House...thats a pretty strong thing to say...."Believe we should all accept GM as the way forward"
    Even our Government is doing a U-Turn on that issue

    Genetically modified food and crops
    The introduction of genetically modified (GM) food and crops has been a disaster. The science of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another was supposed to be a giant leap forward, but instead they pose a serious threat to biodiversity and our own health. In addition, the real reason for their development has not been to end world hunger but to increase the stranglehold multinational biotech companies already have on food production.

    We are told that GM crops will help feed the world's poor but according to the United Nations, we already produce more than enough food to satisfy everyone. And even though consumers have rejected GM foods outright, the biotech companies and the governments that support them are still trying to force their inventions on us, purely for commercial gain. But the long term effects of GM crops have not been properly researched and, by cross-pollinating with non-GM crops and wild plants, they replicate themselves and contaminate the environment with genetic pollution that is impossible to clean up.

    The simple truth is, we don't need GM technology. Using sustainable and organic farming methods will allow us to repair the damage done by industrial farming, reducing the excessive use of fertiliser, herbicides and other man-made chemicals, and making GM crops redundant.

    Maybe we should take time to look at the poor Bee's that always seem nowadays to be walking on the floor or pathways...The ones that we are now told are losing their memories of how to get home as they have been pollinating the GM based plants and Oil Rape seed plants that are now everywhere...but then may be right...where am I..who am I? whats this for? hahahaha take care my friend..maybe I watch X-Files too much.

    Someone's been copying and pasting from wikipedia....

  4. #4
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    we use organic all the time... dunno if its better than gm but it makes sense to eat organic

  5. #5
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    Wow David House...thats a pretty strong thing to say...."Believe we should all accept GM as the way forward"
    Even our Government is doing a U-Turn on that issue

    Genetically modified food and crops
    The introduction of genetically modified (GM) food and crops has been a disaster. The science of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another was supposed to be a giant leap forward, but instead they pose a serious threat to biodiversity and our own health. In addition, the real reason for their development has not been to end world hunger but to increase the stranglehold multinational biotech companies already have on food production.

    We are told that GM crops will help feed the world's poor but according to the United Nations, we already produce more than enough food to satisfy everyone. And even though consumers have rejected GM foods outright, the biotech companies and the governments that support them are still trying to force their inventions on us, purely for commercial gain. But the long term effects of GM crops have not been properly researched and, by cross-pollinating with non-GM crops and wild plants, they replicate themselves and contaminate the environment with genetic pollution that is impossible to clean up.

    The simple truth is, we don't need GM technology. Using sustainable and organic farming methods will allow us to repair the damage done by industrial farming, reducing the excessive use of fertiliser, herbicides and other man-made chemicals, and making GM crops redundant.

    Maybe we should take time to look at the poor Bee's that always seem nowadays to be walking on the floor or pathways...The ones that we are now told are losing their memories of how to get home as they have been pollinating the GM based plants and Oil Rape seed plants that are now everywhere...but then may be right...where am I..who am I? whats this for? hahahaha take care my friend..maybe I watch X-Files too much.
    I was a bit surprised too the other interesting feature of GM particularly maize was that it is quite difficult to grow organically and is reliant on large fertiliser input which surprise is dependant on petrochemicals.

    The Portuguese were i lived sussed this con very quickly.

    We buy the seed from you every year instead of saving seed stock right

    Oh and our stable fertiliser that keeps humus and structure in the soil needs supplementing with increasing amounts of nitrates ..that we buy from you right

    instead of the bean squash maize symbiosis . monoculture and soil degradation and cost in cash that we get from where?

    oh we borrow it using our land as collateral

    Pull the other one

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