Last year we had our holiday to Phils of course as I have a few pinoy friends in our area who really asking a big favour "padala to their families" back home. My husband got his laptop, SLR camera and a few SD cards, cellphone and memory stick pen which is okay as it is his personal thing. I had 3 digital cameras with me and 5 cellphones too most of them are brand new like the Nokia N95 that most of them are from friends favour. We had too many gadgets that I am really worried that the custom might stop us and found out that we had too many gadgets in our luggage and ask us to pay for the duty tax.
Then of course going back to UK its another story. Can we buy this thing for them etc...I know its my fault that its hard to say NO to your pinoy friends as my poor husband just shaking his head
I must admit I do the same too but mostly things to bring back to UK like my husband fav dried mangoes and close up tooth paste as we both like it and a few diff flavour of century tunastill cheap to buy there compare here.