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Thread: Scumbag Sharad Ladva, caught with 'pants down'

  1. #1
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Manilla ECO - jailed

    This guy worked as an ECO in the Manilla embassy 4 years ago.

  2. #2
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    Scumbag Sharad Ladva, caught with 'pants down'

    a married UK Official working for the British Embassy Manila fast-tracks visa for filipino girlfriend. (and a few others who were willing to pay)..

    We have personal history with this piece of Scum.

    justice is served Mr Ladva....,00.html,,3...115620,00.html

    and the sources go on..

    anyone else deal with this idiot?

  3. #3
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Threads merged...

  4. #4
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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  5. #5
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    this POS delayed my wifes UK visa indefinately without informing us, we had to get our local MP involved. Luckily for us he was a former foreign office minister. Kicked the little bast'rds asre into gear...i have no problem admitting that i hope Ladva, MR arsehole, get his just deserves in jail....

  6. #6
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    yep, he held us on a pending status for months while we had a 110% genuine case. He never replied to our letters or emails,

    "mr Ladva, we appreciate you are a busy man, but please take time to look over our application...etc etc"...
    all the time he was cheating on his wife, shagging his little sluut and refusing genuine applications... hit, please just one punch and that fat little turd will be lying on his back....

    dont plan any trips to Glasgow Mr Ladva, i'll be waiting for you...

  7. #7
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    This is good news that he is getting his just deserts, I would love to meet up with an ECO called, Ben Croucher, he is also a greasy bald headed turd, just give me a couple of minutes in a dark alley with that scumbag, .....(use your imagination on that one)

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It was on the news a couple of weeks back when I mentioned it (see date on BBC site). Maybe he should have been transfered to Lebanon
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
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    WOW...i think we all need to think a little bit

    lets just calm down a little bit, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

    Now he MAY(we cant be 100% certain) have done something wrong and if so then he is serving a prison sentence as a punishment, thus (according to British Law) has paid for his crime and when he leaves prison will hold the same rights as me.---

    And let us be honest, ANYBODY wishing for a British Visa must understand and obey the fact that by serving his sentence he is forgiven, leaving us free to do anything BUT call Mr Ladva a Scumbag

  10. #10
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    " Now he MAY(we cant be 100% certain) have done something wrong "
    HELLO??? He DID do something wrong, hence the trial by jury, conviction and the 3 year sentence.

    Wow you got off to a good start on this forum , and maybe if you'd done some homework, you wouldn't look so silly.

    First of all, this thread is dated July 2006, secondly, the UK is a free country and Mr Ladva is welcome to sue Keith and the Forum if he doesn't like being called a scumbag, however he WAS convicted of these allegations and was jailed for 3 years. The bit about scumbag is purely the opinion of the forum members, doesn't mean he is one.

  11. #11
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    To start with...lets be honest just because sombody is found guilty by a jury that doesnt mean to say that they acutally commited a crime...i think that is a given...hence the numerous cases every year in which many people are acquitted of crimes...

    secondly i have done plenty of background work on this case, and so am well aware of his imprisonment and the details of the case, as i do in fact live in Mr Ladva's home town and sat in the public gallery of the court case(seeing this as a useful opportunity for to gain experience for my Law Degree)

    finally the point of my message was not to suggest Mr ladva is innocent, nor to suggest that what, if anything, he did was wrong-

    BUT to suggest that everyone in this forum as at some stage done something wrong ( i thus refer to the "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" comment) AND furthermore to raise the issue that if a jury of his peers(representatives of the Great British Legal System) have found him guilty, then the Judge Dodgson(also a representative of the Great British Legal System) have decided his three year sentence is sufficient punishment and once served he should therefore be forgiven.

    I appologise if this post is slightly above the intellectual level of many people who have posted on this thread, but i feel comments on this issue could be more insightful than "sending him to Lebanon" OR "having five minutes in a dark alley with him"(on that topic...doesnt that strike anyone else as slightly GAY?)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by bilbo454545 View Post

    I appologise if this post is slightly above the intellectual level of many people who have posted on this thread, but i feel comments on this issue could be more insightful than "sending him to Lebanon" OR "having five minutes in a dark alley with him"(on that topic...doesnt that strike anyone else as slightly GAY?)
    Wow you really have some cheek. So, not only can you not spell, you are having a go at the "intellectual level" of forum members then you procede to mix Pete's comments about a Ben Croucher with this Ladva guy, and to top it all, you then have a go at not only a fellow mod, but also the Administrator of this forum.

    I suggest your next post is a bit more useful....

  13. #13
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    i must appologise for my muddled quotation, as i am sure your aware when one writes a post, they cannot see the original thread or reply.

    and exactly why do u have the right to personally critisise me?

    as for the suggestion that my next post me more useful, well i feel, along with any person of any note in any society, that my clarification of certain legal points is more useful than wishing to punch somebody, and spending time in a dark alley with another man, a topic i am still unsure about...

    as for my comments towards the adminsitrador of this threat...i couldnt care less, my posts(both opinion and fact) are not altered to suit anybody, particularly sombody who holds a low rank of nominal value in an unknown have no cleaner has keys to my house, i am pretty certain she has more power than you for this fact alone...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bilbo454545 View Post
    i must appologise for my muddled quotation, as i am sure your aware when one writes a post, they cannot see the original thread or reply.

    and exactly why do u have the right to personally critisise me?

    as for the suggestion that my next post me more useful, well i feel, along with any person of any note in any society, that my clarification of certain legal points is more useful than wishing to punch somebody, and spending time in a dark alley with another man, a topic i am still unsure about...

    as for my comments towards the adminsitrador of this threat...i couldnt care less, my posts(both opinion and fact) are not altered to suit anybody, particularly sombody who holds a low rank of nominal value in an unknown have no cleaner has keys to my house, i am pretty certain she has more power than you for this fact alone...
    So you don't believe in freedom of speech on forums like these? Would you prefer a society where everyone and everything is censored?

    You are studying for a law degree? ha ha, yeah right you big pillock.

    I wasn't aware FilipinoUK now discusses the finer points of what may be miscarriages of justice - real or not. You showed yourself to be a complete spanner by stating "To start with...lets be honest just because sombody is found guilty by a jury that doesnt mean to say that they acutally commited a crime..." So what was he doing in court that day? Did he wander in by mistake and they thought, ah yes, we'll charge this one.

    You are a complete moron, and seeing as you are an expert at legal matters, feel free to sue me if this is not the case.

    Blimey have you seen the weather

    Windy day innit?

  15. #15
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    As a follow-up to this thread, this moron was banned, but he registered again under a new name.This guy used 2 different email addresses, and both Yahoo and Hotmail have been informed. He made a mistake of using the same ip address on both occassions, meaning we know EXACTLY where he is, and his ISP has been informed.

    I don't get paid to moderate this forum, and if some idiot comes on this forum and decides to take the p*** I will not tolerate it.

  16. #16
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    What a plonkler!

    Yet another looney who doesn't live in the real world.

    I thought it was only Manc's who spoke out of there .....
    Keith - Administrator

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