Good day everyone!

I have seen this site before and read a few threads. And after a few months, Im back to ask a question about our situation.

I am married last December 2005 to an Australian/British citizen. (Aussie dad/English mum) He was born in Australia but spent like 25yrs of his life in Wales.
When we got married, we secured a CNI from Aus Embassy and got marriage license for us here in the Phils. As I am preparing our evidences and documents needed for an application of spouse visa in Australia, ( I am reading a Filipino-Australian forum like this) his plans have changed.
Because his mum wants us to live in Wales, he now wants me to search about how to migrate in UK. He is planning to go back here in Philippines for a few months and might go straight in Wales and wait for me(he will secure his British visa b4 he leaves Aus). There is a vacant house that his mum owns and his mum wants us to occupy it.

My question is, can I be approved of a spouse visa there if he used Aussie CNI? What documents do we need to secure in lodgin the visa? (NSO marriage contract,mariage licenses, money transfers and I got a few post mail but all were addressed to Australia, emails, chats, pictures of his 2week stay before) And any other additional docs? and how to lodge the visa?

Thanks in advance...i will be eagerly waiting for ur replies.....