As with everything the answer is "it depends". In rural areas, where food can sometimes be grown or gathered, or fish caught, 10,000 would seem more than enough. In a big city, no chance. Obviously it also depends upon the make up of the family, how many go to school or college and how disciplined they are over drinking etc. The general point though is that life has got a great deal harder for many already very poor people and it is not going to get better for a long time yet. The implications are actually pretty alarming, with a high birth rate meaning always greater mouths to feed and worldwide recession looming with fewer opportunites for OCWs as economies shrink and countries go protectionist.
I just hope the Philippine Government wake up, get their act together and actually do some of the things which are really needed. However I don't see any real prospect of that happening. Not only don't they have the answers, they don't appear to know the questions.