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Thread: My bf has body odor

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  1. #1
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by traveller View Post
    Hi all i just wanna get off my chest once and for bf whom i known from the internet has this terrible body odor that u can smell even if you are a feet away. at first i thought that i was just being too sensitive but i realized that even with his colleagues (from europe and the states) they all think that he stinks and he is always the butt of their jokes, even on facebook they would comment that they could smell him from england just by looking at his picture.
    I suspect that his bad behaviour is linked to his bad odour.
    Can you explain this odour a bit more? Does he take regular showers?
    what is the source of the smell? Excessive Sweating? - there are special stuff for that. Standard deodorants will actually make the smell worse mainly due to the added perfume.

    You need aluminium chloride hexahydrate based products. Or even Botox to stop problem areas from sweating too much. This gives ~12 weeks protection.

    Its normally the bacteria feeding on the sweat causing all that bad smell. Best to see the doctor. You cannot stop bacteria, but you can stop the sweat glands from working.

    Best Wishes,

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by benb View Post
    I suspect that his bad behaviour is linked to his bad odour.
    Can you explain this odour a bit more? Does he take regular showers?
    what is the source of the smell? Excessive Sweating? - there are special stuff for that. Standard deodorants will actually make the smell worse mainly due to the added perfume.

    You need aluminium chloride hexahydrate based products. Or even Botox to stop problem areas from sweating too much. This gives ~12 weeks protection.

    Its normally the bacteria feeding on the sweat causing all that bad smell. Best to see the doctor. You cannot stop bacteria, but you can stop the sweat glands from working.

    Best Wishes,
    he takes regular showers...he actually takes showers quite often ... after workin out etc... i think he excessively sweats...and when i said that he should put deodorant...he said that it only makes him sweat more

    about the bacteria...maybe its linked to him wearing dark clothes and not being able to wash them very well so the odor there is compounded

    you think there is a connection to his behavior? maybe...thats why he has this bad attitude cos people are always "against" him

    also...i was talking to a friend from the uk...he said that he was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome...and that maybe my bf also has aspergers syndrome...i read up on wiki and true enough he has some of the symptoms like...not being able to smell himself, very poor handwriting, antisocial behavior and extreme interest in one area, and as a kid he said he only talked to himself and kept going around in circles for no reason

    anyway when we talked before...he never told me that he has some mental probs...but when we talked recently he said that his mom actually sent him several times to a psychologist...but they just mainly gave up afterwards...

    and to my mind, i was like...oh that explains a lot

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