Hi all i just wanna get off my chest once and for all...my bf whom i known from the internet has this terrible body odor that u can smell even if you are a feet away. at first i thought that i was just being too sensitive but i realized that even with his colleagues (from europe and the states) they all think that he stinks and he is always the butt of their jokes, even on facebook they would comment that they could smell him from england just by looking at his picture.

at first i was ready to leave him because of that, but i fell in love with him even before we met so i think that i was able to endure all of that because i already had feelings for him. as they say "love is blind" in this case, it cant smell.

apart from that he has a very violent nature, he would strongly argue his point and insist that it is the right point of view...as a consequence of which he is ostracized from his group...before i met him and before i was able to see him with his "classmates" i thought that he was well liked...it turns out that they all laugh at him and not think highly of him not only because he smells but also because of his bad attitude. he is stereotypically what they depict in movies as a loser, he is 23 and he is already balding plus, he always wears the same clothes and not wash them every so often

i accepted him despite all of those flaws given the body odor and the antisocial behavior he has...BUT

what i cannot accept is despite the relationship we have...he still has the time to talk/flirt with girls on myspace, facebook, yahoo chat whenever i am not around...i accept that tooo

but i found out that he even opened an account in okcupid and in this russian mail order bride site!!!!! oh god that is too much

i have told him that if he wants to be with other people and prefer their company dont do it behind my back ...

he is so deceptive...and considering that he flourishes in the internet because unlike in real life...you have to talk not type and people can actually smell and see him!

how could he be so mean to me...i gave him a chance before to stop doing these things behind my back...when i visited him in his place...he was hiding the myspace IM messenger that he has downloaded in his laptop by covering it with his back and talking to me as a way of distraction

cmon i am not so stupid...i wanted to cry there and then

also its not so much the fact that he talks or flirts with these girls but how could i be with someone who always chats in the internet almost all the time...instead of making use of his time for productive things like
searching for a part time job!!!

the only probable reason why i stick with him because he is good in one thing and that is in matters of the bed but i think i could only say that because i dont really have a point of comparison.