hi hello, too sad to hear your story, yeah i agree of Ms Sephean, deodorant can helps but there were some people that really has smells that stinks and dont use deodorants anymore coz theyre tired of it and yet they still smells.....
about being good in bed, if im in ur case and basing on what your stories it doesnt matter coz i cant concentrate on the sex if my partner smells,
being violent in ways, always remember ms traveller that if your guy will hit you once then he will hit you more....(optional)just take care of yourself as i can tell you really such a nice person and thinks not just about you, not being selfish but to him as well and you care for him a lot as your aware that its the only YOU who accepts him......and for some point there were reason why people sometimes be violent...
being young, 23 years old is very young for me. I know he has a long way to go for a change...maybe he has so many frustrations in life from the past and needs someone to sit down and talk and release whatever it is, try asking him whats inside of him that stops him from moving on(like giving time to himself and not being totally different from others, coz that will pushes him to be more paranoid...paranoid in terms that when you go out with friends he will think you cheat on him, let him trust you, be his bestfriend)
Being True to yourself.....not many in this forum will tell the same way as you did and im too proud of you Sis....your such a brave person to share that experience here in this forum...BUT, theres a BUT....all the advices here are from our own views of understanding basing on your story, still its all upto you to decide and to find your happiness...whats the most important is that YOU will be happy on that decision and not to regret to whatever is the result....this are all your best guides and views..but your good future is the most important above all....think about it ( who knows thats just trials in your life how strong you are )
Best wishes on your decision