Quote Originally Posted by traveller View Post
you're useless,and kicks him in his calf...would that justify if the guy later becomes violent to the girl?
Absolutely no justification whatsoever....

The guy needs to sit down and re-assess his priorities.

As I see it, he is the one, with low esteem and insecure, hardly somebody to lean on in case of hardship, certainly not someone that will stick with his partner 100% through thick and thin....
More like somebody that wants to assert his authority and prove how "macho" he is by abusing women, mentally and phisically.

The fact that you love him will not change his attitude if he is not willing to do so.
Also it makes him higly unsuitable to start a family with.....
You have to consider this aspect in case things progress further, being good in the sack, doesn't mean that he is "father" material.

That is why originally I did suggest to dump him......