thanks a lot, i like these suggestionsOK Trav. I got a suggestion. Get a camcorder, and next time he has his bad attitude on film him, or if his attitude comes out when he is chatting then print his words. At a later date when he is calm and in a good moood show him the film, or words he has used so he can see for himself what he is like. Show him also the jokes his so-called friends make behind his back, and then leave him on his own to think about these things. Hopefully he will see what a prat he is being and change his ways. At least he is only 23 and is still young enough to see his errors and change.
Now regarding the body odour issue, this can be dealt with in a fun and easy way. Drag him into the shower with you and give him a good 'going over' in every way possible. This way he will smell nice, and associate cleaning himself with positive things - if u know what I mean.
As for his flirting this is a classic sign of low self esteem. He may give an outward appearance of knowing himself, inside he is just a scared little boy who has no-one to show him the way in life. It sounds like you are not wanting to get rid, so you are going to have to take this little boy by the hand and show him how to be a man.
Good luck.