Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Am I in a different world here? The girl has said that he hits her!!!! - And the last few posts have talked about ' a way out of the problem!!!!'

I'm sorry, but any man who hits a girl should be locked up in my opinion!!

End of story!

my fiancee hit me and kicked me before too. she also locked me out of the house and threw water on me when i tried to sleep outside on the garden bench, when i didnt move she boiled the water.

I don't think i deserved any of it. sometimes people have reasons for erratic behaviour. So i was able to forgive my fiancee for that and many more violent acts that i wont go into now.

I admit, i don't think a man should be hitting a lady. I think this woman is amazing for sticking with this guy so long even though he seems to have absolutely nothing going for him. Maybe she knows no-one else will want him so she's saving him from a lonely life??

Well, he deserves a lonely life if he has a bad attitude and is violent and doesnt even make an effort in any area. He appears obnoxious in general. There's no need for him to act that way to anyone. I'm all for listening to both sides, but.......