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Thread: how do you budget things here in UK

  1. #1
    Respected Member Tiggers0608's Avatar
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    how do you budget things here in UK

    to anyone here

    how much do you budget for things here, im having a hard time budgetting ...

    unlike in the phils when you dont have much you still can eat he he he...

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    My budget is what ever the wife wants to spend
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    There are several ways to help you save money. My top ones are

    - dont buy too much food and ends up in the bin, I hate seeing food go to waste.
    - switch off when not in use - telly, players, chargers etc
    - avoid shopping for clothes that you wont wear it anyway! everythings on sale and its so tempting to shop. Just be practical, buy it if you think you will use it more often.
    - shop in one go, will save you petrol and make a list so you wont end up buying unnecessary items.
    - dont be brand conscious e.g. I buy morrisons nappies instead of pampers.
    - shower/bath less unless you really smell but do change your pants everyday.

    Im sure theres more other members can share. Happy budgetting!

  4. #4
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post

    There are several ways to help you save money. My top ones are

    - dont buy too much food and ends up in the bin, I hate seeing food go to waste.
    - switch off when not in use - telly, players, chargers etc
    - avoid shopping for clothes that you wont wear it anyway! everythings on sale and its so tempting to shop. Just be practical, buy it if you think you will use it more often.
    - shop in one go, will save you petrol and make a list so you wont end up buying unnecessary items.
    - dont be brand conscious e.g. I buy morrisons nappies instead of pampers.
    - shower/bath less unless you really smell but do change your pants everyday.

    Im sure theres more other members can share. Happy budgetting!
    I agree with u sis..we used to shop only once a week to save petrol and of course be practical and buy only the things that u need..

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Read or calculate the cost per amount

    For example a certain supermarket had an offer (maybe still running) for a frabic condtioner where you buy two for so much.
    At first it looks a baragin as it was a fair amount off but it was cheaper per ml to buy the larger bottle which was about the twice the amount.

    Shops also will have two similar items say cooking oill one saying a pound a litre and another as 12p a 100ml which can confuse people.

    Worth read the labels and also doing your own calulations.

    Many times what looks a bargin or even sometimes not such a good deal is the opposite.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    never had the problem coz hubby do the budgetting
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  7. #7
    Respected Member andy17's Avatar
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    BOGOF can help! Also, don't indulge in a car unless you really need to, use public transport - not as convenient but way cheaper in the long run... and greener

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy17 View Post
    BOGOF can help! Also, don't indulge in a car unless you really need to, use public transport - not as convenient but way cheaper in the long run... and greener
    Yep, we only use the car when its necessary.

    Take a trip down the local Iceland - you'd be surprised how much money you could save compared to Morris's Son or Mr T. Esco. Not to mention free home delivery.

    Im biased cause I work as a Home Delivery Driver

  9. #9
    Respected Member tomoboyle2000's Avatar
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    Bartering with the Bumbay's on the local market save a few £££££
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  10. #10
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy17 View Post
    BOGOF can help! Also, don't indulge in a car unless you really need to, use public transport - not as convenient but way cheaper in the long run... and greener
    BOGOF a greta idea sometimes otherwise sometimes a pain I the neck.

    You only want one toothpaste but end up with double the amount.

    Great but due to BOGOF and vouchers with our club cards then we ended up with a load of some new brand to trial we look like a dentist stock room

    Or the buy one get one cheaper offers with small bottles of coke you only want one but end up with two what do you do with the other i've eneded up handing them to the person behind me in the queue otherwise i have to walk in to a clients holding a bottle of coke

  11. #11
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    It's certainly got harder in the last few months.
    BOGOFs can be a pain., especially fruit. Do you really need 2 big bags of oranges. Half the seocnd bag usually goes bad before you've had a chance to eat them.
    Every week we buy 4 bottles of Coke. Sometimes it's cheaper to be the shrinkwrapped packs of 4 and sometimes it's cheaper by by them individually. You need to check the prices.
    Often frozen food is cheaper then fresh. Just compare the price of pizza!
    Rob's right about Iceland, they have a lot of stunning offers.
    Use own brands where possible. There can be £1 difference between supermarkets own cooking sauces and well known brands.
    Check out the value ranges. Some items such as tinned tomatoes or peas are only maybe 7 or 8p a tin and taste OK. Some other items may not be as good.

  12. #12
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    MY husband and i also watch out for offers in the shops...we notice that sainsburys most often times give out good BOGOF offers... if its a good buy, something that we use everyday and its something that doesnt go off easily... we usually buy a lot of them to take advantage of the bargain.. we also go for value ranges especially if its tissue, etc.. we also notice that value peppers are also nice.. its just oddly shaped so thats why they put them in the cheap pile.. We also use this excel sheet to monitor our alloted budget and our daily expenses.. we got it from MONEYSAVINGEXPERT.COM which is a really good site to go to... we learned a lot from the site..

  13. #13
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    Live with cash NOT CREDIT CARD.
    Credit card is full of temptations. Hubby and in-laws said if you want to save money in this country, never apply for a credit card. But sometimes, I really really want to buy things online. So I use hubby's credit card.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mhynne View Post
    MONEYSAVINGEXPERT.COM which is a really good site to go to... we learned a lot from the site..
    Agreed - just switched my credit card to a 0% deal for 1 year - saving £35 a month. Also moved my current account to A & L, and will be getting £100 cashback, AND a £50 referral reward for using Quidco.

  15. #15
    andypaul's Avatar
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    monesavingexpert are good but some of the ideas do need you to be very organised with regards making sure you cancel subcriptions at the right time and seem a lot of hassle for quite a small saving unless you hit the sweet point.
    That or me risks such as using a credit card to get cash back but make sure you pay it off straight away otherwise all the savings be eaten up by intrest. Same with 0% offers make sure you have a plan for when the offer ends otherwise you may end up worse off.

    Be careful of some of the price comprasion sites as they are there to make money and have sometimes favoured providers and services due to advertising or sponsorship.

    Also if buying items worth asking for a cash discount. It costs more for a retailier to accept debit or credit cards (thats why many small shops witll not expect them or for small orders.

    I remeber a mate when i was much younger would ask in all shops for him self or others for a cash discount and i was surprised how often it would happen (not at all often in chain stores but far moren self owned)

    Pinas haggle like you do in te market in phills its worth it.

    In france the Wife wanted to buy a model eiffel tower in a small store opposite the real one. She haggled got two euros off and then paid him with a 50 euros note. I would not have thought to try but a cheeky try might save you a few pounds.

    In food shops look out for going out of date items then walk over to the peson gunning in. If your eating it tonight or very soon you can save a great deal.

    Another one is my Wife buys most of our fruit n veg in a local green grocers when he gets in de mangos like phill (which cost a fortune) she gets a discount due to being a regular buyer

  16. #16
    Respected Member cruisingkerry's Avatar
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    try not to budget like me..... very badly!!

    Sorry probably not much help but I am really bad at money things....

  17. #17
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiggers0608 View Post
    to anyone here

    how much do you budget for things here, im having a hard time budgetting ...

    unlike in the phils when you dont have much you still can eat he he he...
    You need to first work out how much your incoming and outgoing is!
    Do it with a spreadsheet either microsoft or online with google.
    Record ALL bills, receipts etc and categorise them.
    This way you can monitor your outgoings.
    As suggested by the forumers, getting good deals will help reduce your outgoings. You can monitor the spreadsheet on a monthly basis and adapt your lifestyle.

    You need to put in some effort to do proper budgeting.


  18. #18
    andypaul's Avatar
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    One point no one has mentioned which does seem to common in phill communities is dont get caught up in the im doing better in the UK than you set.

    The Wife has met many who practise this both OFW and Spouses.
    Luckily although the Wife liked the idea of signature clothes when in phil, she now is happy buying primark and other chain stores which are stylish and trendy but not stupidly priced. Her female family when she would take back a few 2 pound handbags from primark were almost fighting over it so why buy a stupidly priced "designer bag" which they can get a fake off over in phill or in a pub in the UK?

    She has also fallen into a set of Phill ladies all mainly far older than her who just enjoy their food and humour when together not proving who has the best wardrobe.

  19. #19
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Primark is a designer label in the Phil.
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Primark is a designer label in the Phil.
    Its also heavily implicated in child labour in India

    Stitching a garment Primark: On the Rack june 23

  21. #21
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    Just buy what u need don't buy what u want.

  22. #22
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Its also heavily implicated in child labour in India
    So politicians and minorities in the West say, but this is normal practise in Asia, and S America. If the kids don't work, the family go hungry. Yes they need better working conditions, and wages, but don't stop them.

    We are trying to make their children have all the human rights, and look were that has got our teenagers!
    Keith - Administrator

  23. #23
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Its also heavily implicated in child labour in India

    Stitching a garment Primark: On the Rack june 23

    So are many large brands sadly and many here buy chinese goods which are made by people living and working in condtions we would not accept.

    Like Mr Admin says if we paid more for goods so the adults had more money far less chilldren would be sent to work as an act of desperation.

    But the law in the countries needs to be able to protect the Children which needs to be pushed by all companies and goverments.

  24. #24
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    It is against the law in India for children to be doing this work and PriMark make sales on there No Child Labour commitment

    Its perfectly true that if we paid more for clothes and that were passed on to the adults working then there children wouldnt need to

    Hence Fair Trade

  25. #25
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You'll find that most of the families do work, as well as the kids. They need all the money they can make to eat.

    Same thing in this country now, people are having to cut back on food so they can still afford the fags & booze......I do hope Africa will have a whip-round for them
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #26
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You'll find that most of the families do work, as well as the kids. They need all the money they can make to eat.

    I see your point if we made sure the parents earnt enough to feed there kids they would still work to buy celphones ect next it would be laptops, internet,dating sites, and forums

  27. #27
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Same thing in this country now, people are having to cut back on food so they can still afford the fags & booze......I do hope Africa will have a whip-round for them
    Amazing how the dole scroungers always manage to have fags and booze while the rest of us can't afford such indulgences. (Not that I want fags,Yuk, disgusting!) I resent paying over £2 for a beer, now it's over £3 and the pubs wonder why they're losing business! I don't go to pubs anymore. Me, the missus and the kids, two drinks each- that's £25 gone!!

    So if less people drink, the government lose tax and duty revenue, so they'll put it up to claw it back, so people can afford it even less--vicious circle?

    ..And back to fags..At what price will smokers deem it too expensive to smoke? Apparently they're nearly £6 for 20. If they were £20 for 20, would that stop people? Personally I'd just ban them. Pussy governments scared of losing more tax revenue.

  28. #28
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    Amazing how the dole scroungers always manage to have fags and booze while the rest of us can't afford such indulgences. (Not that I want fags,Yuk, disgusting!) I resent paying over £2 for a beer, now it's over £3 and the pubs wonder why they're losing business! I don't go to pubs anymore. Me, the missus and the kids, two drinks each- that's £25 gone!!

    So if less people drink, the government lose tax and duty revenue, so they'll put it up to claw it back, so people can afford it even less--vicious circle?

    ..And back to fags..At what price will smokers deem it too expensive to smoke? Apparently they're nearly £6 for 20. If they were £20 for 20, would that stop people? Personally I'd just ban them. Pussy governments scared of losing more tax revenue.
    Quite agree ban fags and alcohol and raise the lost revenue from err fuel prices oh and bus fares

  29. #29
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    We can save money by running the prisons like Cambodia......and our health service like the one in Afghanistan
    Keith - Administrator

  30. #30
    Respected Member flomike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiggers0608 View Post
    to anyone here

    how much do you budget for things here, im having a hard time budgetting ...

    unlike in the phils when you dont have much you still can eat he he he...

    Like Mrs Daddy said our hubby doing the budget etc. In our case we limit our weekly shopping to £50/week as we're only the 2 of us (if you have children of course its diff story). My husband likes going out a lot specially on a weekend and if it is a nice day so sometimes we just bring our own food and his flask so he don't need to buy coffee and my soft drinks as well atleast we can save on food as it so expensive buying it in a local shop And if you have Heron (frozen shop) in your area usually they are cheap like their purely squeeze juice like Tropicana only 69p or 2 for £1 if you buy it in Morrisons usually £1.69/litre.

    I guess not only you whose having a hard time doing the budgeting for sure most of us here in UK specially if you don't earn much its really hard. I am just glad that me and hubby don't have expensive vices, we don't go to pub on a weekend (I don't drink and he can't drink he's my driver) and of course we don't smoke

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