You would let your dog go to jail for you
Can you hide a saw in a bone
Of course thats the new defence a lot of people are using not sure if its been tested. Its not ilegal to leave it unsecure but mightly foolish imho.
For a start make sure all your ports are locked down. Im sure you would not leave them open, but some people leave sharing open and alsorts. once they do that and if your using private network ip as most adsl routers do..
Copyrighted material is one thing if some pedo used your connection I dont think I would wanna go though all the accusations and stigma which would come with being associated with those scumbags.
Thats if you ever were able to prove it was someone else. I would think that surely the law would come down on the side that your responsible otherwise pedos would just have open networks and say someone else commited the act of downloading or uploading ilegal material?
For that one reason i really dont care if people download warez all day its their choice, but i would be happy if they said all routers had to be locked down to at least stop the defence for pedos. But then I guess you would have a loophole where they would say oh well some one must have cracked the encryption which is possible with just about every version on the market with varying levels of difficulty.