i am getting worst..no matter how hard i try.. i keep looking for a job here and yet i cant manage to get it.. but i dont loose hope. i know that everyone is having hard time..but what makes me worries is my self and my relationship to my husband... yes i have a loving husaband..loving because we have a house to live, we have a food to eat, but its just not make me happy.
i miss my life of how i have freedom spending money.give money to my family and to my self and i have a savings but all of that is gone because i choose my husband. recently we go to gym. its all because of me. but the problem is i dont enjoy the gym that we joined because i dont like the facilitys its so small and there is no class like aerobics etc., and i cant take that the sauna is only one which men and girls are mixed. the gym is cheap thats why. first when we go there im very happy because i am really active person, and im glad to my husband that he thought and prooving that he thinks of me and i do wanna show him that i appreciate it so much... but on my second day, i find the gym rubbish. not what i used to be iin the past.. but i keep my mouth shut. i didnt complain because i know my husband will hurt so i really did my best to appreciate it.. i want to be a good wife to him, i clean the house, i cook, i make sandwich for him i seductive him, i massadge him,, which i love too..but to be honest, because i missed my life sometimes im not in the mood to do what i have to do for my husband..but so far and im telling the truth i always make sure that as a wife i do my dutys. and never missed it.!
its just so different the treat that i have now in my husband.its like ok we have house, we have food, thats all, i dont feel appreciated, and feel so boring..i dont know if im bored to my husband or bored to my self because i dont have my own money...... which i find it so hard...
when i was single i used to shopping 3times a week with so many bags in my hand..now i married when were outside we only window shoppings.. luckily sometimes we have one small paper bag.. i admit im not intelligent girl, but just lucky when i was single because i got always someone will support me and spoil me. but before i met my husband i still feel not contented even i haave financially stable that time because of my ex who spoil me..ok..i mentioned about my ex.yes my ex im sorry... but it felt me so bad when i missed him and how he treats me i know its not right coz im married . yes i admit..i will surely bad sounds to all you guys who now reading this..thinking that im so selfish...... and only always thinking only my self.im sorry to my self!
but what can i do.. i tried i always cried it hurts me too when i feel this way makes me feel that im wrong in my decision..i keep my self that i have a good husband and be feel lucky because hes good even hes not rich man but hes still good.
i feel so bad to my self, how can i be not so happy to him just because of the materialistic that i used to be and now its all gone and have to be hard work .. im wrong so wrong..and im being unfair to my husband. i want to think that im not bad woman. and want him to make happy but how can i do that if im not happy in my relationship. well i always ask him , he do happy but very sad when im about to get upset ..
we do have bad moments but we also do have lots of happy moments too..he loves me and i love him too.... but maybe my love for him is not enough to make me happy. im so bad girl. thinking of good things for me. im a selfish person. now i stuck of this feelings,
on the other thoughts i will not give up. ill keep on finding a job, and try not to fight to my husband.. and try to follow and more appreciate things he doing and dont think anymore and forget the life that i had because he dont deserve to be treat like this.. and besides i will just get more ugly because of always crying in my own problem attitude self.
right now id just miss my family and my cool sister. my friends. and my self!!
for you pocahontas.. thanks for the thread..sorry i only have now time to write..hope to be friend of you hm.. honestly i felt a bit easy of how i feel when i read your thread..hope you will read this too and my message for you..
were not perfect but atleast we tried..