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Thread: Royal Mail - BNP

  1. #1
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Question Royal Mail - BNP

    Interested to get people opinions on having Royal Mail delivering BNP leaflets through their door.

    Whatever way you look at them, they are a racist party, no doubts!!!

    Royal Mail likes to think of itself as having a good track record of fighting against racism in the workplace etc, so how they can accept BNP material for delivery is completely beyond me! There's some obvious legal problems no doubt, but still...

    Workers at Royal Mail are having to deliver leaflets for all political party's as part of the upcoming elections. Some are delivering the BNP stuff whilst others are fighting against it(like me). I am pretty disgusted that the company I work for has taken on the leaflets and also that we are kind of being forced to deliver them.

  2. #2
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    Thing is though, BNP is a political party, and they are entitled to deliver election material whether you like it or not. Royal Mail get the contract to deliver this stuff, they take the money, no law is being broken.

    While I don't think much of BNP, I fully support their right to be heard as a political party. The moment you take that away (unless of course they do something very naughty and are made illegal) then we start down a slippery slope to a dictatorship.

    If it offends you, chuck the stuff away.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Chucking stuff away = Instant sacking if caught!

    I believe there's a clause that if there is just reason, you can request someone else delivers them.

    As for the BNP being a political party, yes, they've found legal ways to get their racist manifesto out there, but basic research reveals the true intent of the people involved. The actions of their leader says it all!!!

    They abuse the current system, but if they were in power that very same system wouldn't exist and we wouldn't have our lovely filipina's with us!

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Why not join? Free slave with every membership
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    walesrob is right on this one "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

    anyone can stand for election, and everyone gets free postage on letters to all constituents. and anyone can do what they like, they just need to get voted in.

    now, who wants to join the tax free party?

  6. #6
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    walesrob is right on this one "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

    anyone can stand for election, and everyone gets free postage on letters to all constituents. and anyone can do what they like, they just need to get voted in.
    It's isn't quite as simple as that! There are various rules regarding content etc. Something the BNP is manipulating.

    I'll say this again, if they got in to power all foreigners(this includes blacks and asians etc born here) would be repatriated. I deliver to a fair amount of people who would be affected by this, no way am I handing them a leaflet from this party!

    A ironic example: There are a few black men working at my depot, they have been issued with these leaflets. Now, if the BNP had their way, those very same men would not have the job they currently hold, yet Royal Mail is expecting them to deliver that very same parties leaflets!?

    I'm rather surprised by the replies here.

  7. #7
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    well like I say, people can choose to vote for them, or they choose to vote for someone else.

    I doubt many people would read the leaflets anyway. To be honest the more people who complain about them & cause a fuss just give them more publicity.

    How about standing for the naturist party?

  8. #8
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post

    How about standing for the naturist party?
    Eek, It's way too cold in Scotland for that kind of thing!

  9. #9
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Thank ferk! Just go this reply from my CWU rep:

    "The union nationally and the branch locally are affiliated to organisations like Unite Against Fascism and the Anti-Nazi Leauge so I sympathise with the problem as I would not be happy delivering anything on behalf of such as the BNP. Unfortunately Royal Mail is obliged to deliver leaflets for candidates in general and local elections so long as the material is not illegal - and the BNP is careful to have all their stuff vetted so that it technically doesn't break any laws, even though the implication of what it says can be interpreted as racist and there is little doubt the people in the BNP are racists.
    However, if an individual has strong feelings about having to deliver these leaflets either because of your personal distaste at having to touch them, or because of where and to whom you would be delivering them you can tell your manager so. RM is obliged to deliver them but you are not - your manager will have to make alternative arrangements, whether that means another postie or having to do it himself."

  10. #10
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    There's no place for RACISM IN SCOTLAND
    Scot ===>

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  11. #11
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotsfiancee View Post
    There's no place for RACISM IN SCOTLAND
    BNP = Legal Racism!

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philip View Post
    BNP = Legal Racism!
    thing is thou, the leaders of BNP Nick Griffin and party activist Mark Collett have been cleared by a jury of inciting racial hatred after a retrial at Leeds Crown Court.

    so laws cannot help, where is the line btw freedom of speech and being racist

    i dont like junk mail at all coming thru my door, if someone has paid postage on a letter, i dont expect junk to be delivered with it .

  13. #13
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    They have the right to freedom of speech, I have the right to not handle their election leaflets.

    Ferk sake, the BNP is a racist party, nice that you're only mentioning what they are entitled to and what they've gotten away with!

    As for junk mail, I hate it, delivering the stuff is a pain in the ass, but, Royal Mail would basically cease to exist if it didn't take on the contracts... By the way, they are trying to make it so we take even more out!

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    People misuse the word 'racism', look it up in the dictionary. Just because people do not like other of a certain colour, does not make them racists.

    I do not like English white women....does that make me a racist against them?
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    just because people do not like other of a certain colour, does not make them racists.
    He he.. Are you sure ?

  16. #16
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I do not like English white women....does that make me a racist against them?
    Are you slagging off my mum?

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    we all have predujices, were all human, like it or not, we all have them

    if you dont like a certain race, color of skin, their religion, the way they look, talk, thin, tall, fat, small.. never ending list.... we would all just be clones

  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    This is the TRUE meaning as listed in dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc,

    Racism is a belief that some people have that says one race or ethnicity is better than another. These people are called "racists".

    Disliking a particular group is personal preference, not racism. The word is widely taken out of context these days, but it's meaning was proven in Nick's court case.
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    This is the TRUE meaning as listed in dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc,

    Racism is a belief that some people have that says one race or ethnicity is better than another. These people are called "racists".

    Disliking a particular group is personal preference, not racism. The word is widely taken out of context these days, but it's meaning was proven in Nick's court case.
    Yeah..But are you slaggin off my Mum though?

  20. #20
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Are ya calling me a pikey? Are ya calling me dad poor? Are ya disrespecting me family?

  21. #21
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    So what is a person if they discriminate, lets say in the workplace, because of a persons race?

    To say "you Asian *******" is not racism!?

  22. #22
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post

    I do not like English white women....does that make me a racist against them?
    Maybe that means you are sexist and racially prejudiced towards white women.

    I believe in 2001 the BNP had this as part of their manifesto:

    " Mixed race relationships would be outlawed."

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philip View Post
    So what is a person if they discriminate, lets say in the workplace, because of a persons race?

    To say "you Asian *******" is not racism!?

    whats the difference

    to say "you Ginger "
    to say "you fat "
    to say "you bald "
    etc,etc, etc

    all not racist

    but just as bad , but the ones i mentioned, you dont see on the news thou, but you do when a copper or some other professional uses the racist card and sues their employer for becuase of being called at work.

    lets have equailty, so we can sue employers or someone else for calling me one of the other insults.

    and stop singling out racist's, to me the others are just as bad or even worse.

  24. #24
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The police force is now looking into employing more ethnic minorities. They admitted that if the interview consisted of one white & one black, then the black would get the job!!!

    Turn that the other way round and imagine the outcry......

    The police racist towards whites!!!

    It is the STUPID PC brigade that MAKE racists.....if everyone just shut the up about it all, we could all go back to getting on with our lives.

    If anyone said anything racist to the missus...she'd....
    Keith - Administrator

  25. #25
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philip View Post
    Maybe that means you are sexist and racially prejudiced towards white women.
    I think white English girls are a lower species ....have you met my daughter?!?!?.....I'm a racist...I must join the Blax Klax Klun
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #26
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Are ya calling me a pikey? Are ya calling me dad poor? Are ya disrespecting me family?
    Depends on how big you are
    Keith - Administrator

  27. #27
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    ANYWAY, I do not want to take any part in posting BNP leaflets. Those that think I'm wrong can **** off!

    That thing about the police! Craaazeeeeyy!

  28. #28
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    i dont like junk mail at all coming thru my door, if someone has paid postage on a letter, i dont expect junk to be delivered with it .
    I forgot to say, you can actually contact Royal Mail and ask them to stop delivering unaddressed items.

  29. #29
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    hey philip, you shouldnt take it as an insult when i say you look like one of the bay city rollers, most of them were good looking lads , NOT THAT IAM GAY, i've never been to canal street , unlike kieth

    they dominated the world in the mid 70's , your wife should be happy she married a pin up lookalike

  30. #30
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    We were rippin up
    we were rockin up
    roll it over and lay it down

    we were shakin up
    we were breakin up
    we were rockin to the shang-a-lang sound of the music
    HEY HEY, rockin to the music.
    HEY HEY, rocking to the music
    rocking every night and day.HEY HEY

    shang-a-lang, shang-a-lang, shang-a-lang

    I like bay city rollers music, truely a scottish pop/rock band

    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

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