Anyone want to join my new Cult .... members have to bowand then kiss my
Woman are given full control of mans best inventions....
And when youyou go to Devon
Anyone want to join my new Cult .... members have to bowand then kiss my
Woman are given full control of mans best inventions....
And when youyou go to Devon
Keith - Administrator
what about 72 Nymphs![]()
I'm in
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
Did I mention theand the Dominatrix Priestess?
Keith - Administrator
religion is the few fighting for power and greed. it starts wars and man has to end them.
there are good and bad in every race or creed and all we need to do is stop the pc lot telling us we cant deport them and stop letting them in. these so called religious people killed my father 30 yrs ago and its getting worse. our boys in the army in court for killing when fighting a war.compensating them for thier losses. Where are the london bombers or the nutteres that kill our innocent ?? wheres our compensation?? nough said.![]()
its a pitty you didnt speakout to the person at the time that was boasting to his mates in the pub that he beats his wife for fun before he did what he did, if i had a good female friend that was getting a beating i would have to have a chat to him and if he got lots of mates go and get some backup 2 sort them also,whether they are muslims christians or what ever, at the end of day they are just scumbags that hit women and i dont think its got anything 2 do with religion anyway....
Religion just gets tangled up with tribalism which is the real war starter! But then most wars get started for resources or land, religion just happens too be a way to get the masses behind it.
Well, to be fair. Given the recent leak on wikileaks of all those documents showing how innocent men, women and children in Afghanistan are getting killed all of the time. We really can't boast about that war. The war was about going after Al-Qaeda, and we have succeeded with that. But Al-Qaeda are an ideology and have moved onto Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan. They've left Afghanistan for the most part and leave that mess to the Taliban, whilst using the struggle of the Taliban as a means to recruit more members.
Sorry to hear your father was killed by religious bigots but I disagree with compensation. It was not this government or this country that set of bombs on 7/7! The people who did that are dead, and the people who helped radicalize them are probably still in a Leeds mosque teaching about the Evils of the west... And being watched by MI5!
Sanctions only cripple the general public, not those in power. They rarely work.
Keith - Administrator
We will never beat the Islamists using bombs or sanctions. Islamism is an ideology and as such when we attack them with superior weapons, more and more join the list of wannabe bombers/fighters. We need to call a spade a spade and take these people seriously for their words.
So when someone says in his suicide video that he killed for Islam then we need to look at that instead of treating them as a crazy minority within a minority.. Listen to people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali instead of labeling her a trouble causer, remove the citizenship from Islamists in the same way as we did to British born spies, once we deported them back to whichever country they made their allegiance to. Only after a trial and a conviction! I don't know about you, but the idea of asbo's or detention orders are the worst things the previous government came up with.
And I agree with Keith. Sanctions hurt the poor! Saddam Hussein was able to build a new palace every week despite his country suffering. But then it is never the rich who suffer, only the poor.. and that just gives groups like Al-Qaeda more people to convert to their cause.
I wouldn't call Somalia a Muslim oil rich state which is where the pirates originate, and the majority of asylum seekers come from Africa, Iraq (our own fault) and Afghanistan (our own fault). Most bogus students come from Asia, and extremists originate in every country. More British people have killed in the UK in the name of extremism than non-Brits...... As for criminals.... we have over 50,000 of our own in prison.
Keith - Administrator
I think you misread my post - Northerner stated "Al-Qaeda are an ideology and have moved onto Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan" I said these were rogue states and should be bankrolled by their fellow Muslims in the oil rich gulf states.
You are correct about so called asylum seekers coming from Africa - large numbers of them from khazi states Ethiopia and Somalia which have no historic ties to this country. Like you say we have enough criminals of our own - why add to them with some particularly nasty ones from those countries ? eg the killer of WPC Sharon Beshenivsky who fled the country concealed in a Burkha but that's another story
some members here think that a women thats married 2 a muslim is the worst thing in the world, with what they have said, but if it was like that, every women in these countrys would stand together and also be claiming asylum in countrys like uk, usa etc to get away from there husbands and the muslim faith. these women choose ther life and im sure most are happy. thers a lot of guys in uk that treat women like dirt and abuse them, i have 2 deal with some of the assholes in a club were i work, also i know some muslim familys in uk and also in philippines and they are nice friendly happy people and the husbands work hard to support ther wifes and kids. ps for the record im not a muslim, i dont have any religion, and also i have worked in saudi and i never had any problems with the locals...
I also worked in Saudi for a few years near Meccah and made good friends with the locals, even visiting their homes, which normally is not done. Although the lives of men and women are kept seperate in the outside, from what i saw and learnt, it was very loving inside the walls of the home.
Of course where ever you are in the world you will have arseholes who treat women badly, for that matter there are ever increasing numbers of men being abused in marriage too.
This isn't just down to faith, that is often a cop out excuse. We can only try to support abused people, whoever they are, where ever they are.
I am sorry for your friend Fitzy of course I am, and I hope the guy never died from his injuries and suffers for life. But lets not just blame religion.
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
I thought anyone who went on about religion, whether for or against, would be banned?
As I've always said, all religions are as bad as each other.
I suppose when bad things happen to any one of us there is a tendency to go off the deep end.
Pffft, peace loving Quakers are a world apart from Osama bin Laden. And what about Jainism?
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