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Thread: Opinion for massive age gap?

  1. #91
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    This is taken out of context, to the way it was said, but they will leave you??...When they slip off this mortal coil. A young wife, is going to be widowed, at a young age?
    Yes SimUK, I considered it.Yeah, that would be too hard.So I did fully aware that this things are all possible ways.

    As I decided, I won't go for it, I would better build a family someday with the one who can be there till our children grow up, a father that can guide them.

    Honestly Im just a bit confused since it was just extra ordinary for me, but in a long run, i did realize that I am fond with because of his goodness.I tell him Im not the one that is good for him, and Im glad he understand it. We will be friend then, and I promise to look after him even if I had a family of my own, that is if he can't find the right woman to be with
    Thank you for the Enlightenment
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  2. #92
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simpleHeart View Post

    As I decided, I won't go for it, I would better build a family someday with the one who can be there till our children grow up, a father that can guide them.

    Honestly Im just a bit confused since it was just extra ordinary for me, but in a long run, i did realize that I am fond with because of his goodness.I tell him Im not the one that is good for him, and Im glad he understand it. We will be friend then, and I promise to look after him even if I had a family of my own, that is if he can't find the right woman to be with
    Thank you for the Enlightenment
    Oh dear, good for you
    I agree love can be blinding sometimes,even my mathematics cant agree with massive 40years age gaps..hope you find the right guy who can make you real happy someday!!
    regardless of age like 10-15-20 age gaps but not the massive age gaps of 40 to 50years..remember the creator only gives one father for each and everyone of us and it could not be mistaken that a father can also be a partner.

    goodluck girl!!
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #93
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post

    Oh dear, good for you
    I agree love can be blinding sometimes,even my mathematics cant agree with massive 40years age gaps..hope you find the right guy who can make you real happy someday!!
    regardless of age like 10-15-20 age gaps but not the massive age gaps of 40 to 50years..remember the creator only gives one father for each and everyone of us and it could not be mistaken that a father can also be a partner.

    goodluck girl!!
    Yes right...Sars...Thank you so much
    Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever...

  4. #94
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Simple heart what a good person you are. If you have doubts then best to early on work them out and then be honest with the other person. Good luck with finding the right man for you po

  5. #95
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    well my twopenny worth - my filipina is half my age (23/47) and also small, 5'3 / 6'5,, so I am challenged both ways. BUt I am deliriously happy with her...I dont find it a problem at all, the only problems tend to come from others who you sometimes hear making comments. Yes she may stray, but thats life. I would rather risk and enjoy it while it lasts...maybe a long time

    I think life is too short, not your gf and you are never too old to start again...

  6. #96
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    Can't argue with that.

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Can't argue with that.
    Thanks Graham - hope you are well friend =)

  8. #98
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    If the couple are happy then i think age is not a problem. But i have often thought to myself about this wen ive seen and i know some couples in rp with big age gaps (21-74) with young baby or kids, the father will pass away wen the child is very young so it would be sad for the child not to have ther father in ther lives as they get older.

  9. #99
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    This may be true, but of course remember how many children are 'fatherless' anyway these many families have a single parent, and possibly have endured years of turmoil and stress before the parents split ?

    At least the child(ren) will know that the parents loved one another until the end, and that the father was able to make proper provisions for his wife and children before he was no longer around.

  10. #100
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    If the couple are happy then i think age is not a problem. But i have often thought to myself about this wen ive seen and i know some couples in rp with big age gaps (21-74) with young baby or kids, the father will pass away wen the child is very young so it would be sad for the child not to have ther father in ther lives as they get older.
    life is full of surprises ,...we cant always say that in massive age gaps 40,50,60years.. the older one dies first !!
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  11. #101
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    No problem if it's a 60 year age cap 20-80 ...... bit of a problem if the guy makes a move 10 years earlier though
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #102
    Respected Member allyn's Avatar
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    me and my partner got 20 years gap, but really doest bother me. we hold hand and kiss in public and we dont worry about people around us going to say, it feels good walking around with a man who really care for you.... the down side is we both have insicurities, he is worried thay ill go back with my ex, and im worried that he will find a much younger lady... we tried to secure each other just by saying i love you to each other every day or everytime we are together... i know for some it sound corny but i never felt much loved with my mature partner than my younger ex. so i really dont care what other people said or will say...
    I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing, through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, keep your chest out, keep your head up and handle it...

  13. #103
    Member mindanao's Avatar
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    Our life is too short to waste.. whatever age gaps there could be, make that time spent together as worthy as possible.

    Live life at present, as future is unknown

  14. #104
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    I'll second that.

  15. #105
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    Live life at present, as future is unknown
    AKA yesterdays is history,tomorrow is a mystery live for today

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    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  16. #106
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    As long that they are in-loved to each other they will never mind their age gap,it's not a problem maybe a problem to other people who only want to do is to make some noise. Like me im in-relationship to a divorced man who is turning to 50 yrs.old . while im only 18....while were being together and time passes by of knowing each other we didn't mind what other's might say to us...that is our life and they have no rights to teach or say something that it's good in their eyes...yeah i've so many kinds of girls in such dating site that only want to do is to be in-relationship to someone who is old and rich,,,after getting the attention of man that will be the only time will ask for money in their partners,it's been sad coz' some of guys do that repeatedly even their partners lying to them...

  17. #107
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Today is so funny, just listening to the two people dear to me, the one who is Chris a man in his 60 who I loved dearly as a friend, and the other one is my ex-bf Fred, they are now enjoying the sun at Grays Essex, it is funny because they met because of me, and now they only talk about me...My ex and friend:bigcry
    Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever...

  18. #108
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Well last night I took the wife for a celebration meal at the Italian.
    Some other diners started calling me a 'paedo' and 'a cradle snatcher',
    all because I'm a 53 year old man with a 21 year old wife.
    It totally ruined our 10th anniversary.

  19. #109
    Member exadore1's Avatar
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    Just like to throw my thoughts into the mix. Having just returned from Hong Kong (Where I met my wife who is five years younger than me), There are many european/asian relationships. Most of them between older europeans and younger filipinas. Sadly quiet a few of them develop from relationships between employers and domestic helpers. so there are more than a few divorces created because of this. I did notice that in nearly every case the Filipina was always younger than the male. The point I'm trying to make is, it is more than acceptable in in Hong Kong and as most people here seem to agree that if you are happy then it doesn't matter, but I can't help feeling that some of those 20 - 30 something girls are taking out a short term insurance policy. After all what is ten years of your life looking after an older guy if, when he dies he will leave you well catered for to enjoy the rest of your life. That said I personally could never have a relationship with any women who was old enough to be my daughter and in some cases granddaughter.

  20. #110
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    I could.
    Wait til you're older.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Well last night I took the wife for a celebration meal at the Italian.
    Some other diners started calling me a 'paedo' and 'a cradle snatcher',
    all because I'm a 53 year old man with a 21 year old wife.
    It totally ruined our 10th anniversary.

    Good one Fred.

  22. #112
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    No offence but I wouldnt dare if its a massive 40years age gap.
    I agree with SNV. Along the way, you will obviously can tell the difference with generation gap. And if you want children obviously that will be so different to your children. So have a think about it. I am from Cebu and I have seen the relationship crushed. But it is all up to you.

    Some older men I've seen at Badgers, Drifters and Sand Trap or at SM in where they mostly hang out with very young gf's is heart breaking for some parents who values decency, unless it is for obvious financial reasons why I used to hear for some parents, as long as their daughter is married to a foreigner for financial security, of which the case is not all true.

    I've seen and know a British who been married to a very young filipina from Carcar, sold all his properties here in the UK, they had a jeepney business as it turns out the young wife was sleeping with the drivers, then comes the second wife just few years younger and had 5 children while he drives a jeepney route Pardo-SM-Pardo, when we helped him get his pensions from UK he sod his second wife and got a 20 year old gf who is sleeping with his neighbor.

    So SH, older men is not really a guarantee that they will not play. Some of them thinks that these poor little filipinas are too naive and for sure they (old chaps) know what the young girls are after. They are not innocent about it.

    In the end, it is the same for filipinos or foreigners.
    Last edited by purple; 18th May 2011 at 19:07. Reason: spelling and grammar
    Life as we make it

  23. #113
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Having just returned from Hong Kong (Where I met my wife who is five years younger than me), There are many european/asian relationships. Most of them between older europeans and younger filipinas. Sadly quiet a few of them develop from relationships between employers and domestic helpers. so there are more than a few divorces created because of this. I did notice that in nearly every case the Filipina was always younger than the male.
    A few of my old mates got divorced from their western wives in Honkers and married younger Pinays/Thais/Indos I was in Park'N'Shop in mid-levels one day,there was a western guy in his late 40's?His western ex-pat high maintenance wife was in her 40's,blond and looked as if she spent all day taking care of herself,she was hot Pushing the trolley and trundling along bringing up the rear was their Pinay DH,20's and also a looker The wife was examining something on one of the shelves down the aisle when I actually saw the guy massage the pinays ass I almost did a double take,she just smiled and winked at him,one thought in my mind at that time..........."Lucky B*%^&£D"
    Is that the shoe place where the giant shoe is,I am sure I have passed through several times going from Cebu down to Bato.

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  24. #114
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exadore1 View Post
    I personally could never have a relationship with any women who was old enough to be my daughter and in some cases granddaughter.
    ... but I guess you intended saying young enough!

  25. #115
    Respected Member sweetnote143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    As far as is known Zsa Zsa Padilla and Dolphy have been very happy these past 20 years.
    She 46
    He 82
    that's the best one I read so a lot of women prefer mature or older guys? for me I like mature guy coz i dont have enough patience to deal with immaturity of some men.... seriously, I prefer a man who is at least 10 to 15 years older than me...for one thing, he already achieved or about to achieve his dreams in life. there will be no need to compete with his ambitions or get in the way. Mature guy is a lot more tolerant, he's been there and done that....he prefer a quiet life and more time with his family instead of partying til the morning. I can make a tall list but will bore us out......

    maturity doesnt necessarily mean an older's the state of the mind and perception of old man can be immature while a young man can be matured beyond his age.

  26. #116
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Age gap is sure to enforce differences in understanding and opinions, which may lead them to different paths altogether. Lifestyle differences, differences in moral values, even differences in seemingly minor things such as tastes in music, reading, or entertainment may eventually cause the couple to be unable to relate to each other. For the older, life may seem an end and accomplished journey where the younger may still want to explore all that he/she can. The older person may be looking merely for a companion rather than a partner and younger may be looking for a whole new life again.

  27. #117
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    True, but surely these basic differences in tastes and attitudes should have been sorted out before marriage ?

    Another good reason for not rushing into things, no matter what the couple's relative ages may me.

    The ex and I (16 year age gap) had lived together for almost a year before marrying.

  28. #118
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    Me and the Mrs lived together for 18 months before getting married. We are 20 years difference but I have less issue here than I expect we will have when we move to the UK. Sometimes we feel slightly uncomfortable walking around the malls in Cebu as we probably look like every other older foreigner tourist with their local Guest Relation Officer. Hopefully the new baby will give us more credibility She definitely has dragged me down to her age, in a good way.

  29. #119
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    I agree ...definitely keeps you young, as do the kids, but helps if you're already a big kid yourself.

    In the UK it will most likely be women who give the disapproving 'looks'.

    The guys will pat you on the back ...but watch them.

  30. #120
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    I can answer this one SimpleHeart. I am 56 and my wife is 24. For some unknown reason I have been so lucky to find her as she is so lovely and so honest. She has never once asked me for a peso. We get on great. I am a bit paranoid about the age thing but at the end of the day our relationship works.

    I have had exactly that. people say to me that she is just after wealth. Ironically they are so far from the truth. Maybe I am just one of a lucky few, I dont know but how do I handle it? I just accept it. And thankfully not everyone is narrow minded. I have lost the odd friend, over her though.

    Hope this helps.

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