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Thread: London - Just As Crap As It Always Was

  1. #31
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Aha at least teams up north are awash with premiership titles,fa cups,European cups etc etc plus did not nearly all the Olympic golds come from yorkshire
    Dedworth is right the centre is a cess pit of foreigners trying to rip you off.
    It's mentioned how great it was in the 60s and 70s too right it was,but now it's eouroland I'm afraid.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Aha at least teams up north are awash with premiership titles,fa cups,European cups etc etc plus did not nearly all the Olympic golds come from yorkshire
    Dedworth is right the centre is a cess pit of foreigners trying to rip you off.
    It's mentioned how great it was in the 60s and 70s too right it was,but now it's eouroland I'm afraid.
    Sadly not just the centre Les the infestation of foreign criminals, parasites, so called "refugees & asylum seekers" etc has spread to all corners of our once great capital

  3. #33
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    I don't even class it as an English city anymore.

    Oh, and people seem soooo happy there .


  4. #34
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    I'm happy up in the frozen flat-cap norf.


  5. #35
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keith britten View Post
    Thats a bit of a strong statement, perhaps you didn't want to go there in the first place. I was a teenager in London in the 60's and believe me it was a great city and still is. Ok it may be expensive but there's plenty to do there and lots of "good" places to eat. As for the pedestrians, cyclists, motor bikes, and fumes, come to Davao City and then compare with London. When you return from Las Vegas I'm sure your opinion will change.
    Keith has been to Las Vegas plenty of times and loves it there.
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  6. #36
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keith britten View Post
    . When you return from Las Vegas I'm sure your opinion will change.
    Places like Davao & Manila are basically third world coming into the first, London is already a first and yet their is little difference between them, LA and Paris are just the same. Las Vegas on the other hand is clean, easy parking, cheap, roads are easy to navigate even in rush hour, and the weathers great.
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #37
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Man walks into a shop in Liverpool:
    Man: Can I have a pair of tights for my wife?
    Shop assistant: Certainly Sir, what size head are you?

  8. #38
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    Keith has been to Las Vegas plenty of times and loves it there.
    He probably loves the 6$ buffet breakfast or lunches

    fancy going to London and paying about £2 more then a Burger King meal for a Chinese buffet, and then not leaving a tip...tight or what

  9. #39
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    He probably loves the 6$ buffet breakfast or lunches

    fancy going to London and paying about £2 more then a Burger King meal for a Chinese buffet, and then not leaving a tip...tight or what
    Oh we regularly leave a tip whenever we eat out. But that Chinese buffet in London was crap, expensive but can't keep their food hot. Why leave a tip? We once ate at a Chinese buffet in Wrexham at £11.95 and everything was fantastic (lots of cakes, free refill of drinks, etc.). We left a tip.
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  10. #40
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Places like Davao & Manila are basically third world coming into the first, London is already a first and yet their is little difference between them, LA and Paris are just the same. Las Vegas on the other hand is clean, easy parking, cheap, roads are easy to navigate even in rush hour, and the weathers great.
    When I was in Vegas it seemed as though there was 2 main roads, Hoover dam nearby and a lake we spent an afternoon paddling in.

    Hardly a comparison with historic London.

    Mind you we did enjoy ourselves with the entertainment both inside or outside the Hotels, loved the ship blowing up and sinking outside Treasure Island, I think we got singed with the heat.

  11. #41
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    A Geordie friend of mine advised that when judging Southerners we must always remember that they have not had the benefit of our disadvantages.

  12. #42
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    Northerners live on it.

    Southerners live on its train.

  13. #43
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    Of course the boot could be on the other foot....


  14. #44
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    Michael Mcintyre Yorkshire Accent

  15. #45
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    A Northerner can always tell when he has crossed the border into the south because Southerners keep fruit on the sideboard when nobody is sick.

  16. #46
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    Fruit ?

  17. #47
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Fruit ?

    Yeah...Its like a sweet thing that you don't dunk in your tea.

  18. #48
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    I recently watched TV coverage of the UK Darts Championship.
    Have to say, it's come a long way since the days of unshaven, beer-swilling, fat, sweaty Northerners in dark, smoke-filled rooms.

    The Men's UK Darts Championship has also improved.

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  20. #50
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    ... strange but true! When ... in January 1953 ... my brother and I relocated with our parents from Glasgow (where we'd been born) to the rural Perthshire village of Glenfarg, we were regarded as being very much 'incomers' to a closely~knit neighbourhood where most families had lived for countless generations - many of them inter-related - and (as I eventually found out) with more than a few "skeletons in their cupboards".

    So NOW ... looking back`retrospectively ... ... I suppose it's hardly surprising that, for a while at least, we found ourselves "picked-on" by the local kids. Having to "prove our mettle", (mainly involving fisticuffs, in other words) amongst our peer group. Reference to my origins as a "Glesca Keeley" didn't bother me too much, ... but - being tall for an 8-year-old - I really hated being taunted with "BIG *Luh'le" which sounded all the MORE infuriating in THEIR countryfied pronunciation of my *surname.

    So the point I am trying to convey here is this:
    Although the distance between Glenfarg and Glasgow is less than 60 miles (an hour's drive away on today's roads) residents of the latter are looked upon as "Southerners" in Scottish terms.

    However, I'm pleased to report that, by the time I'd put rural life behind me at the end of 1967, in order to marry and move into Perth itself, both my brother and myself had long since earned the respect of the villagers in our adopted community.

  21. #51
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    What a load of old bks. You spend half a day in London and take your missus to a cheap Chinese buffet and on this basis you write off the Capital city in your first visit in 30 years.
    The reason you didn't enjoy your stay is, in true scouse style you tried to do it on the cheap. How on earth could you expect the good lady to enjoy herself in London in half a day. If you had any class you would have booked a decent hotel got some tickets for a good show and treated her to a slap up meal in China Town.
    There's nothing wrong with London it's a fantastic City with a multitude of places to visit and it needs to be enjoyed in more than half a day. If that was your wife's first visit to the capital then shame on you.
    Londons only problem nowadays is the some of the shed loads of scum that have been allowed to inhabit the city and those that are attracted to it.
    Les as for the Taxi drivers not knowing where Tottenham Court Rd is, I can only say you never travelled in a Taxi you travelled in a mini cab probably driven by a non tax paying illegal. Everyone of the 30,000 London Taxis on our streets know exactly where it is and much more beside.

  22. #52
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    ....... we haven't been to London for ages. We've done just about all the usual touristy stuff and have no reason to go unless visiting friends.

    Anyway the point is that yes, London has changed dramatically in recent years, it's a rip off, it's expensive, it's full of odd folks, but it has some great attractions, museums and events.
    Twice now we have booked into a B&B close to Heathrow Airport. The accommodation is not expensive and includes parking and is convenient for transportation into Central London at reasonable cost and time.
    Just food for thought.

    I remember one time we had a Hotel very close to Marble Arch. It was very expensive and turned out to be a crap hotel, no parking, noisy, small rooms, rubbish breakfast..............

  23. #53
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    What a load of old bks. You spend half a day in London and take your missus to a cheap Chinese buffet and on this basis you write off the Capital city in your first visit in 30 years.
    The reason you didn't enjoy your stay is, in true scouse style you tried to do it on the cheap. How on earth could you expect the good lady to enjoy herself in London in half a day. If you had any class you would have booked a decent hotel got some tickets for a good show and treated her to a slap up meal in China Town.
    There's nothing wrong with London it's a fantastic City with a multitude of places to visit and it needs to be enjoyed in more than half a day. If that was your wife's first visit to the capital then shame on you.
    Londons only problem nowadays is the some of the shed loads of scum that have been allowed to inhabit the city and those that are attracted to it.
    Les as for the Taxi drivers not knowing where Tottenham Court Rd is, I can only say you never travelled in a Taxi you travelled in a mini cab probably driven by a non tax paying illegal. Everyone of the 30,000 London Taxis on our streets know exactly where it is and much more beside.
    Its already all been said Marco but have you heard that advert that goes
    "You can tell a Yorkshireman, but you cant tell em much" rings true

  24. #54
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    Aye, but I know where Tottenham Court Road is lad.

  25. #55
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    How was the Grand Canyon formed?

    A bloke from Yorkshire lost a tenner down a rabbit hole

  26. #56
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    Sounds like a proper Yorkshireman.


  27. #57
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    What a load of old bks. You spend half a day in London and take your missus to a cheap Chinese buffet and on this basis you write off the Capital city in your first visit in 30 years.
    The reason you didn't enjoy your stay is, in true scouse style you tried to do it on the cheap. How on earth could you expect the good lady to enjoy herself in London in half a day. If you had any class you would have booked a decent hotel got some tickets for a good show and treated her to a slap up meal in China Town.
    There's nothing wrong with London it's a fantastic City with a multitude of places to visit and it needs to be enjoyed in more than half a day. If that was your wife's first visit to the capital then shame on you.
    Londons only problem nowadays is the some of the shed loads of scum that have been allowed to inhabit the city and those that are attracted to it.
    Les as for the Taxi drivers not knowing where Tottenham Court Rd is, I can only say you never travelled in a Taxi you travelled in a mini cab probably driven by a non tax paying illegal. Everyone of the 30,000 London Taxis on our streets know exactly where it is and much more beside.

    Marco, I was the one who chose the Chinese Buffet. I wanted to go to a Filipino restaurant, but Keith doesn't eat Filipino food (and after seeing the price of their menu online, I was put off too). I've seen the things I wanted to see in London. After the trip we had, I told Keith I won't go there again unless I needed to go to the embassy again. Yes, I originally wanted to stay for a couple of nights. But knowing the cost, I prefer the money to be put in our trip in Manila (which I'm dying to go after being here for almost 2 years) and US (Vegas, New York & LA, which are places I want to go). No harm done with what Keith and I did on the day trip. I only wanted to see the tourists spots and have actual photos of it. I even went to Starbucks which is my constant request but was so disappointed because it's nothing like the Starbucks I love in the Philippines (the cinnamon swirl I ordered was like it's been made a few days ago, the frappuccino I ordered was very very sweet and I hated it). I told him my next Starbucks would just be in Manila, which I know I would love.

    Like I told above, the hotel would cost us £100 at least for a day, not including the food, the diesel, train ride, etc. Not worth it for me. We've been planning the trip a month before because I really need to renew my passport so we can visit Manila this September. Then last week, the prices shoot up because of Wimbledon. The thing that mattered to me is I've already been to London, have had photos of me in there and that's great for me. I didn't even want to shop (I've seen the prices of the clothes displayed on some stores and it's bloody expensive!) and I prefer shopping in Manila where I know I can buy a lot.

    We're not rich to spend a lot in London you know. If you can go to London without thinking the cost, then good for you. We were just being practical because we are planning other things to spend our money on, which for us is more worthy than London.

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  28. #58
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    By the way, if any of you would care to donate to the forum, then Keith & I can probably enjoy a few days in London. That would be money well spent not just for us but for you too!
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  29. #59
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Other than going directly to/from Stamford Bridge I avoid the rip off, scum infested "multicultural" dung heap London has sadly become.
    C,mon now dont be shy...say what you really think ....
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  30. #60
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    then Keith & I can probably enjoy a few days in London. That would be money well spent not just for us but for you too!
    Well most people north of Watford have already said what a crap place London is so you wont "enjoy" it if you came back for a few days.

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