Went back to immigration on Tuesday with a new set of papers including those I was told to include.
Since I checked, double checked and triple checked everything that BI stated I was feeling optimistic.
Sir, you forgot your NBI clearance.
Sir, you forgot to include 3 sets of photocopy
Eventually they agreed the NBI clearance was not a mandatory requirement in my case, but they would require it under discretionary powers.
Good news was they would pop next door to secure the clearance certificate.
Of course I would need to pay
I also popped to the other next door to Immigration Advisors to get all needed photocopies. Of course I had to pay
Now with my application bundle complete I was told to sit and wait.
Me: how long will I sit and wait? May I go out for lunch break?
They: the immigration officer will call you for payment when your application is processed.
If you're not here when called you will go to the bottom of the pile.
By the way Collections closes at 4pm
So we sat there virtually the whole day waiting and waiting on hard hard very hard plastic chairs without lunch.
The Collections Window closed promptly at 4pm
One of the few things to actually happen on time.
I asked if I should come back on Wednesday and was told to sit and wait.
At 5pm they called my name .........Mr Peter
Who is Mr Peter?
Yes me
I went to the closed collections window and paid the amount showing on the computer screen indicated by the expert finger pointing of the officer.
Now, having paid and been given a receipt I had to bo the the 13a visa conversion desk to organise an 'official receipt'.
So I hand over the receipt I'd just been given and was told to wait.
My bundle went off to the Alien Control Officer.
I waited.
The immigration office closes at 5:30pm
It did.
We were still sitting there waiting. The place was empty apart from us.
At 6:30 I was called to the visa desk and told to get 3 more copies of everything in my ever growing bundle.
I rushed next door to secure more copies and noticed the receipt had been stamped as official, and that I had a certificate of NBI clearance. Clear.
Back to the BI who collated the papers and gave me a set of copies and told my wife she'd get a text informing about her hearing.......good bye
That was it.
We went home exhausted and wondering what that was all about.
Anyway my papers processed and and hearing will be conducted with my wife..........eventually
Looking at the detailed receipt I noticed that a total of P2500 had been charged for various 'Express Lanes'
There is no express lane that I saw
Ah well that's all for now.
Just waiting for the text.
By the by, the official receipt States that a hearing will be made on Friday 13th at PEZA building Roxas Boulevard at 9am with fingerprinting at10am
Problem is that address is in Manila

We both must attend and failure to do so will mean dismissal of my application.
We're going to ignore that. Nobody mentioned anything to us about that at all.
If it gets denied fine.
It's more fun in the Philippines