welcome to the forum Pugak..are u a filipina??pls tell us some more about urself..
Hi and welcome Pugak.
John and Vanessa
where you living now Pugak
Hi and welcome![]()
hi pugak, am in southport, notfar from u i av filipino gf am trying to get to uk, hope u can offer advice, am ian by the way
hi pugak, i have already posted questions on help and advice forums etc if u could av a read o them and see if u can offer advice, many thanks
Yes Liverpool is a great city, great people too.
u lucky it hard for us, my gf just proceeding with anulment, and we may try fiancee visa to get her here permnent, unless u can suggest anything else
mabe we could meet up next time you are in Newcastle hopefully my wife will be here also, we are waiting for her visa
do u know southport pugak, near ur place, av u visited, wat job u doing, hope u not mind me chatting
bttrwrth, I have seen your posts and answers i am afraid i can not provide any different advise, first you must go through with the divorc (annulment) then take things from there fiance or spouse visa, sadly you can not rush the process. I am waiting with others here for the visa process to take its course, you cannot make it happen faster.
I wish yu good luck, read this forum for advise use the search function.
thanks pugak, any info we b glad of, it not easy and it expensive, if u read my posts on th forums from yesterday u will see r troubles
thanks sconnie, r u the same situation as me an my gf, hope u av success, as it hard, she was here for 4 months we get on so well just want it permanent
[QUOTE=Sconnie;71846]let me know when your coming this way[/QUOTE
ok scon, thanks again for the warm welcome, and that goes to all of the people here...![]()
your ok then, your not a scouser
do you work as a nurse ? what brought you to liverpool, whne you could have gone somewhere better
im a nurse, hospital sent representative to hire me and 9 more nurses, working place is very good, most excellent unit in the country ( most do think ). Had bad experiences with other people, but not as bad as Ived experience back in Phils. ( from where I came from, specifically ), i could have gone to london, but i doubt if i can settle down there, buy a house, have a car (with my salary) and closer to my friends.![]()
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