View Full Version : Living Together

14th February 2009, 00:04
Me and my new BF has been in a relationship for about 2 months now. He lives about 10 miles away from where I live. I work on nights and he works on normal working hours almost everyday he goes to my house before I go to work so we can see each other or have a bit of chit chat and have dinner together.

During my day off (twice a week if he's lucky) he stayed in my house or I go to his house. Today he suggested to me if I can move to his house so we can have more time together and to know more each other by living in one roof. Do you think 2 months is not yet the right time for us to share a house together and beside I am enjoying my independent I can do what I what, I can sleep all day if I want, I can ring my family and friends anytime/any day and I can spend all day on the internet on my day off. Although, to be honest, I want to workout this relationship, I am not young anymore but its too early for me to say that he is the man I want to marry and Im sure that's his thinking as well. Right now I can say that I enjoyed each other company, its nice to have him around specially this cold weather lol. Well, its just so nice being inlove sometimes:D

Oh I read that the Bishop in the Phils banning SEX for unmarried couple to avoid commiting sins.....


Unmarried couples asked to keep away from motels on Valentine's Day to avoid committing sins‏

A Catholic bishop on Thursday advised couples, especially those who are not married, to refrain from going to motels on Valentine's Day so as not to be tempted to commit a sin.

“Our concern here is more of the morality. Whether that is legal or not, the people should still avoid instances especially when they know that they will be committing a sin,” he said.

The prelate added that there are other ways through which a person can show affection to their loved ones aside from engaging in pre-marital sex.

Poor Bf of mine our first valentines together no SEX:NoNo::Erm: I don't want to commit sins. :Help1:

14th February 2009, 00:19
Poor Bf of mine our first valentines together no SEX:NoNo::Erm: I don't want to commit sins. :Help1:

your reason for no sex because you dont want to commit a sin :icon_lol: i have to laugh at that.

how soon do you know you love someone?

i guess its how you feel about one another and the way you feel inside when you are together.

14th February 2009, 01:23
at least make it 6 months :icon_lol::Cuckoo:

seriously,if you adapt already the western way,go on.. just don't get pregnant for practical reason,(if you're still helping your family in PI )

but at the end......its yourself who can decide what ever you want to choose:Hellooo:

14th February 2009, 06:18
I have to laugh sometimes when I hear comments by the Philppine Catholic Church, I mean Mel and I went to family planning prior to getting married. Can you believe it!? The priest was giving advice on sex, really he is the last one to give advice, what experience does he have! :Sex:

14th February 2009, 07:49
The prelate added that there are other ways through which a person can show affection to their loved ones aside from engaging in pre-marital sex

Like what for instance???? :Erm:

14th February 2009, 07:55
Like what for instance???? :Erm:

by being thoughtful,supporting in many ways (mental physical,financial:D) caring etc.etc. blah blah :icon_lol:

14th February 2009, 09:18
Me and my new BF has been in a relationship for about 2 months now. He lives about 10 miles away from where I live. I work on nights and he works on normal working hours almost everyday he goes to my house before I go to work so we can see each other or have a bit of chit chat and have dinner together.

During my day off (twice a week if he's lucky) he stayed in my house or I go to his house. Today he suggested to me if I can move to his house so we can have more time together and to know more each other by living in one roof. Do you think 2 months is not yet the right time for us to share a house together and beside I am enjoying my independent I can do what I what, I can sleep all day if I want, I can ring my family and friends anytime/any day and I can spend all day on the internet on my day off. Although, to be honest, I want to workout this relationship, I am not young anymore but its too early for me to say that he is the man I want to marry and Im sure that's his thinking as well. Right now I can say that I enjoyed each other company, its nice to have him around specially this cold weather lol. Well, its just so nice being inlove sometimes:D

Oh I read that the Bishop in the Phils banning SEX for unmarried couple to avoid commiting sins.....


Unmarried couples asked to keep away from motels on Valentine's Day to avoid committing sins‏

A Catholic bishop on Thursday advised couples, especially those who are not married, to refrain from going to motels on Valentine's Day so as not to be tempted to commit a sin.

“Our concern here is more of the morality. Whether that is legal or not, the people should still avoid instances especially when they know that they will be committing a sin,” he said.

The prelate added that there are other ways through which a person can show affection to their loved ones aside from engaging in pre-marital sex.

Poor Bf of mine our first valentines together no SEX:NoNo::Erm: I don't want to commit sins. :Help1:

I'm happy for you Cheez:xxgrinning--00xx3:
You are old enough to decide for yourself. If you will listen to our religion, you are not supposed to do live-in, no premarital sex, no contraceptives etc. So which is which:D

Live-in - That's good if you want to know him better as you will only know him better if you will both live in one roof:xxgrinning--00xx3:

SEx - The best exercise of all:action-smiley-081:

NEVER 4get to tell him that you're helping you're family etc.

Goodluck :BouncyHappy:

14th February 2009, 09:31
. :Help1:

My "Bishop" says it is ok all year around....:D

14th February 2009, 16:59
In times like these where there are so many sexual diseases and unwanted babies i respect anyone who can wait until they get married before having sex!

15th February 2009, 11:17
In times like these where there are so many sexual diseases and unwanted babies i respect anyone who can wait until they get married before having sex!

Shame they couldn't invent something made of rubber which could reduce the number of a lot of the stds and unwanted babies:Erm::D

15th February 2009, 12:20
some people just met in 3 weeks in person then got married after a few months (like me:D). So, its not the question how long you know each other to live together IMO. If you think that you trust him enough to share a house with go for it but of course be ready for CHANGES since you get used to your indepence lately. Good luck

15th February 2009, 12:26

There's no rush in living together...as you have said you like your independence and you not sure if he is the one. Just continue going out, he can stop at your house anytime anyway so I suggest just see how it goes for a few more months. Don't be pressured in any way, if its the right man and time you will know :)

15th February 2009, 14:48
Since when was it a sin to love someone? :NoNo:

15th February 2009, 14:50
Since when was it a sin to love someone? :NoNo:

True I hope it ain't a sin, I have to confess my sins before we get married! :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

15th February 2009, 15:03
True I hope it ain't a sin, I have to confess my sins before we get married! :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

that's funny about getting married in the Phils:icon_lol: I am not catholic but I heard that's how they do it (confess b4 the wedding starts:D). Of course for a Christian wedding the pastor knows that the bride and groom don't have sex yet before the wedding bec its a sin.....like Kaka the famous footballer (I belong to Jesus) once said on the interview that him and the wife had sex after the marriage:)

15th February 2009, 15:06
Since when was it a sin to love someone? :NoNo:

its a SIN when someone fell in love with a married man/woman (still living as a couple)...don't you think?:Erm:

15th February 2009, 18:42
its a SIN when someone fell in love with a married man/woman (still living as a couple)...don't you think?:Erm:

i agree to u brod:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th February 2009, 19:07
Although, to be honest, I want to workout this relationship, I am not young anymore but its too early for me to say that he is the man I want to marry and Im sure that's his thinking as well.

I agree, age is important for a lady.

Get to know his friends and family, which will tell you more about him. If all is well, you are ready, then take a chance and go for marriage.

Best Wishes

15th February 2009, 19:51
its a SIN when someone fell in love with a married man/woman (still living as a couple)...don't you think?:Erm:

very true.

22nd February 2009, 23:05
hello guys thanks so much for the advice:D

I decided that its better for both of us to continue living on our own for now and after a few months if things still the same or better we can live together.

I asked him to watch that BBC program about Phils since I am at work bec I want him to have an idea about Phils (good and bad) I am happy that documentary didn't turn him off the more he is excited to see the real Phils:BouncyHappy: the only request he has is pls don't bring me to that cemetery lol.

23rd February 2009, 23:47
hello guys thanks so much for the advice:D

Phils:BouncyHappy: the only request he has is pls don't bring me to that cemetery lol.

hehehe.. my husband said it was cool! lol
full of colours and not boring... :D


good thing you have decided already... enjoy!

4th April 2009, 23:08
Irobot..." Sunny... Different From The Rest... " :Britian:

Irobot.....No one has the right to tell you how to live your life, go and do what you feel is right at the time .... you have to decide in your own mind is it Love or Lust , love comes from the heart but if you said no i do not think i am ready ?.... watch the reaction if the answer is sure no problem we can wait, this surely is love and respect for you....Phil...

Note :- " Never Noticed You Already Decided On What You Wanted To Do... "

8th April 2009, 08:28
Your decision was right. two months are a short time to get to know each other. another possibility is to move into his house, but also to keep your house. some kind of living together on probation.
i wish you luck for your common future together and perhaps you will tell us in the future about your common house...

8th April 2009, 08:50
2 Months!!! A bit slow isn't he? :Erm:

Mancs/Scousers would be asking that before 2hrs was up! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th May 2009, 19:48
I watched abs-cbn news what irked me is that the obispo in the Philippines wants to make contraceptives unavailable to the women of the Philippines. He says the reason for this is that he is prolife. Is he going to help the many children, whose parents cannot afford them, which would result?

Why is a woman's right to decide when and if she will be pregnant "anti life" ?? It seems to be anti women, to have an anti contraception policy. This man,who by his profession will never be married or father children, is not qualified to make this decision for adult women, as if they need him to think for them. The women of the Philippines can decide this for themselves.

The obispo,who is a man, does not have a clue as to what is means to be a woman. he does not know how women feel. he should not dictate to women whether they should get pregnant.

To me, it is a sin to dictate other people's life. :butthead::butthead:

Mrs Daddy
26th May 2009, 19:59
Amen to that womaninlove:D:D:D

26th May 2009, 20:36
This man,who by his profession will never father children,

Probably he's already done it, in incognito......:D

he does not know how women feel.

I agree with that, but also I think he must have felt a few of them under him, in his life.... :icon_lol:

27th May 2009, 03:14
Probably he's already done it, in incognito......:D

I agree with that, but also I think he must have felt a few of them under him, in his life.... :icon_lol:

Yeah, possibly...they just acting like they are the cleanest human beings in this world.:)

I am not against the obispo, but sometimes they are out of line.

27th May 2009, 03:55
sorry for the o.p I didn't meant to highjack her thread.:)

Arthur Little
27th May 2009, 14:37
Me and my new BF has been in a relationship for about 2 months now. He lives about 10 miles away from where I live. I work on nights and he works on normal working hours almost everyday he goes to my house before I go to work so we can see each other or have a bit of chit chat and have dinner together.

During my day off (twice a week if he's lucky) he stayed in my house or I go to his house. Today he suggested to me if I can move to his house so we can have more time together and to know more each other by living in one roof. Do you think 2 months is not yet the right time for us to share a house together and beside I am enjoying my independent I can do what I what, I can sleep all day if I want, I can ring my family and friends anytime/any day and I can spend all day on the internet on my day off. Although, to be honest, I want to workout this relationship, I am not young anymore but its too early for me to say that he is the man I want to marry and Im sure that's his thinking as well. Right now I can say that I enjoyed each other company, its nice to have him around specially this cold weather lol. Well, its just so nice being inlove sometimes:D

Oh I read that the Bishop in the Phils banning SEX for unmarried couple to avoid commiting sins.....


Unmarried couples asked to keep away from motels on Valentine's Day to avoid committing sins‏

A Catholic bishop on Thursday advised couples, especially those who are not married, to refrain from going to motels on Valentine's Day so as not to be tempted to commit a sin.

“Our concern here is more of the morality. Whether that is legal or not, the people should still avoid instances especially when they know that they will be committing a sin,” he said.

The prelate added that there are other ways through which a person can show affection to their loved ones aside from engaging in pre-marital sex.

Poor Bf of mine our first valentines together no SEX:NoNo::Erm: I don't want to commit sins. :Help1:

Without wishing to offend the 'Code of Morals' as laid down by the Roman Catholic Church :xxsmilie_auslachen: - and having long ago come to the conclusion that my halo was expendable - I can see no EARTHLY reason why two mature, consenting adults should not be permitted to engage in mutually-satisfying ways of expressing their love for one another, so long as there is no promiscuity involved and each party continues to remain faithful to the other.

What I WOULD suggest, however, is that you BOTH think very carefully before moving-in together ... especially since [by your own admission] YOU value your independence. Keep up the twice-weekly visits to your respective homes; enjoy yourselves by all means, but try to take things gradually. Two months does seem a bit premature to seriously consider anything more permanent at this stage in a relationship. Bear in mind too, we all need "our OWN space", and by giving yourselves a little more time to gather your thoughts, you'll be better-able to assess your long-term compatibility, and decide whether your current boyfriend is the right choice for YOU. :4:

27th May 2009, 19:46
I watched abs-cbn news what irked me is that the obispo in the Philippines wants to make contraceptives unavailable to the women of the Philippines. He says the reason for this is that he is prolife. Is he going to help the many children, whose parents cannot afford them, which would result?

Why is a woman's right to decide when and if she will be pregnant "anti life" ?? It seems to be anti women, to have an anti contraception policy. This man,who by his profession will never be married or father children, is not qualified to make this decision for adult women, as if they need him to think for them. The women of the Philippines can decide this for themselves.

The obispo,who is a man, does not have a clue as to what is means to be a woman. he does not know how women feel. he should not dictate to women whether they should get pregnant.

To me, it is a sin to dictate other people's life. :butthead::butthead:

HEHEHE... VERY TRUE...LOL... :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

I think it is just stew-pid not having contaceptives just because...:doh:NoNo::NoNo: