View Full Version : proof of employment for spousal visa

17th July 2009, 07:02
hi all. ive been on the forum for some time now but my circumstances have changed and i need a little clarification on one point.first just a little background information about myself. i spent two years unemployed as i was looking after my late wife full time then as a single parent. i married a lovely filipina just before last xmas and tried to get back into work just as things went belly up with the economy. i managed to get a job in april only twelve hours a week plus four hours for a private client giving me sixteen in total which is now considered full time. i get tax credits(work and child ) plus housing benefit, im better off financially than when i was working full time on shifts.i have also managed to put £3000 in a savings account. i was hoping for us to apply soon for a spousal visa but i need clarification on one point first so i dont waste the extortianate visa fee,as i was unemployed for so long is it absolutely essential that i have a six month continous work record before applying?

17th July 2009, 08:53
I havent any idea to be honest mate,never been down that road,but I am glad everythings working out for you :xxgrinning--00xx3: Be lucky :)

17th July 2009, 09:18
hi whiteraven,

lie tawi have said it is very good to know that everything is ok now. About ur question, as far as I know since ur wife is going to apply for a spouse visa it is more easier than a fiancee visa. Have u had proofs of ur recent job?i.e. payslips or something like that just to prove that u can really support ur wife during her stay here.

Best of luck to u and ur wife,,:D

17th July 2009, 09:24
hi all. ive been on the forum for some time now but my circumstances have changed and i need a little clarification on one point.first just a little background information about myself. i spent two years unemployed as i was looking after my late wife full time then as a single parent. i married a lovely filipina just before last xmas and tried to get back into work just as things went belly up with the economy. i managed to get a job in april only twelve hours a week plus four hours for a private client giving me sixteen in total which is now considered full time. i get tax credits(work and child ) plus housing benefit, im better off financially than when i was working full time on shifts.i have also managed to put £3000 in a savings account. i was hoping for us to apply soon for a spousal visa but i need clarification on one point first so i dont waste the extortianate visa fee,as i was unemployed for so long is it absolutely essential that i have a six month continous work record before applying?
Hi Whiteraven,

This link may give you a few information that may help you answer your questions:


I have a friend from London. He's here on a student visa. Just a few months ago, he managed to bring his family (wife and kids) to the UK as well, considering that he's only a student. I am not well oriented with the strict rules, but considering you're a UK national. hopefully you find a way to bring her in. Wishing you the best.

17th July 2009, 10:27
thanks all, ive done my best to get all the evidence and documentation i need its just the continous six month work record im worried about as that would delay my application for another six weeks and it already seems like a lifetime since i last saw my wife last december:bigcry: just have to have more patience i suppose.