View Full Version : Another news for taking british passport/citizenship

3rd August 2009, 10:17
Plans For Immigration Points System Unveiled

Immigrants who want to take on British citizenship will have to earn their passports as part of plans for a new points-based system.

Under the scheme migrants will be able to gain points towards their nationality application through their skills, jobs and qualifications, but bad behaviour will cost them points.

Until now, obtaining British nationality has been virtually automatic after five years working in the country, as long as applicants have paid taxes, learned to speak English and obeyed the law.

But the tough new rules will mean that, in future, it could be as long as 10 years before foreigners become eligible.

Speaking ahead of the launch of a consultation on the new citizenship proposals, Home Secretary Alan Johnson said they would "require people to earn points for, among other things, their skills, their job and their qualifications".

"Bad behaviour will be penalised, and only those with enough points will earn the right to a British passport," he said.

"No longer will there be an automatic link between temporary work and becoming a permanent UK citizen."

Would-be migrants from outside the EU are already subject to a points-based system, introduced last year, which permits access to the UK only if they have skills needed by the British economy.

A Home Office spokesman said: "The points-based system has already proved to be a powerful tool for controlling migration for the benefit of British people and the economy.

"We have already announced our intention to consult on applying these principles to the path to citizenship.

"New laws require migrants to earn citizenship by playing by the rules, speaking English and contributing to the community.

We intend to consult on how we can further strengthen these reforms and provide flexibility for the Government to respond to the changing economic needs of the country."

But Conservative immigration spokesman Damian Green said: "This is pure spin. There never has been an automatic right to British citizenship.

"It is simply that this Government that has let an unprecedented number of people obtain citizenship, issuing someone with a British passport every five minutes.

"This is an act of desperation by a Government that knows it has let immigration run out of control for more than a decade."

source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20090803/tuk-plans-for-immigration-points-system-45dbed5.html

Mrs Daddy
3rd August 2009, 15:31
Is it same rules for wives then?:Erm:

3rd August 2009, 18:40
Plans For Immigration Points System Unveiled

Immigrants who want to take on British citizenship will have to earn their passports as part of plans for a new points-based system.

Under the scheme migrants will be able to gain points towards their nationality application through their skills, jobs and qualifications, but bad behaviour will cost them points.

Until now, obtaining British nationality has been virtually automatic after five years working in the country, as long as applicants have paid taxes, learned to speak English and obeyed the law.

But the tough new rules will mean that, in future, it could be as long as 10 years before foreigners become eligible.

Speaking ahead of the launch of a consultation on the new citizenship proposals, Home Secretary Alan Johnson said they would "require people to earn points for, among other things, their skills, their job and their qualifications".

"Bad behaviour will be penalised, and only those with enough points will earn the right to a British passport," he said.

"No longer will there be an automatic link between temporary work and becoming a permanent UK citizen."

Would-be migrants from outside the EU are already subject to a points-based system, introduced last year, which permits access to the UK only if they have skills needed by the British economy.

A Home Office spokesman said: "The points-based system has already proved to be a powerful tool for controlling migration for the benefit of British people and the economy.

"We have already announced our intention to consult on applying these principles to the path to citizenship.

"New laws require migrants to earn citizenship by playing by the rules, speaking English and contributing to the community.

We intend to consult on how we can further strengthen these reforms and provide flexibility for the Government to respond to the changing economic needs of the country."

But Conservative immigration spokesman Damian Green said: "This is pure spin. There never has been an automatic right to British citizenship.

"It is simply that this Government that has let an unprecedented number of people obtain citizenship, issuing someone with a British passport every five minutes.

"This is an act of desperation by a Government that knows it has let immigration run out of control for more than a decade."

source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20090803/tuk-plans-for-immigration-points-system-45dbed5.html

thanks for sharing te Pen..:)

Is it same rules for wives then?:Erm:

I am also wondering about that sis, not sure if it applies to everyone who wanted to become british citizens but no definite dates yet when it will be implemented?:Erm::bigcry:

3rd August 2009, 18:56
rules might be the same, but time period you have to wait will probably be smaller for spouses of brits :rolleyes:

and dom it does effect your misses if she wants to be a british citizen and a british passport, as citizenship is dealt with by British immigration law not EU law.

3rd August 2009, 18:59
rules might be the same, but time period you have to wait will probably be smaller for spouses of brits :rolleyes:

thanks for that MOD JOE that was a good relief..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd August 2009, 19:12
thanks for that MOD JOE that was a good relief..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

looks to me kimmi you might need to do a bit of voluntary work to get citizenship sooner, but talk of being 'of good character' has always been part of the citizenship process anyway.

3rd August 2009, 19:17
looks to me kimmi you might need to do a bit of voluntary work to get citizenship sooner, but talk of being 'of good character' has always been part of the citizenship process anyway.

I am already doing a couple of hours voluntary job Mod, hopefully everything will be okey..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th August 2009, 09:26
Is it same rules for wives then?:Erm:

I am also wondering about that sis, not sure if it applies to everyone who wanted to become british citizens but no definite dates yet when it will be implemented?:Erm::bigcry:

I am already doing a couple of hours voluntary job Mod, hopefully everything will be okey..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

I think we are all covered by this for applying British passport.
I hope my english is acceptable lol.
Kimmi, how many voluntary hours needed?
I'm planning to do mine whilst recovering from surgery.
There's offer here to teach children about using computer and help their homework thru research. They will give allowance too.

4th August 2009, 09:33
Kimmi, how many voluntary hours needed?
I'm planning to do mine whilst recovering from surgery.
There's offer here to teach children about using computer and help their homework thru research. They will give allowance too.

am not sure Te how many hours is required for doing voluntary jobs, I just do couple of hours if I have extra time from my work..

GOODLUCK again with ur operation..GET well soOn..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th August 2009, 09:36
am not sure Te how many hours is required for doing voluntary jobs, I just do couple of hours if I have extra time from my work..

GOODLUCK again with ur operation..GET well soOn..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ahhh OK thanks again Kimmi.

See you!:)

4th August 2009, 15:27

hmmm already working and still need to have a volunter jobs to become a british citizen? :Erm: i thought volunteering are just for peeps thats not working and if ur already working u dont need to do volunter jobs :Erm::Erm::Erm:

4th August 2009, 16:11

hmmm already working and still need to have a volunter jobs to become a british citizen? :Erm: i thought volunteering are just for peeps thats not working and if ur already working u dont need to do volunter jobs :Erm::Erm::Erm:

The process isn't clear yet and won't be in place for a couple of years. But the suggestions are that if you want to apply for citizenship as the spouse of a british citizen after 3 years you will have to do voluntary work even if you are working. Otherwise you will have to wait 5 years. The reason for the voluntary work is to show you are integrating into british society.

trader dave
4th August 2009, 16:29
:doh im sorry another load of crap by this government they will change there mind next week another u turn :doh:doh:doh you can bet your life it will not help us and i mean us who want to bring our wifes to the uk :furious3:they cant even get that organised at the moment .

WAITING 4 MONTHS TO BE ABLE TO LIVE WITH YOUR WIFE :Brick::Brick::Brick: AND THE MONEY THEY CHARGE if i had my way i would :behead:the lot of them

4th August 2009, 16:34
Its a knee-jerk reaction,public appeasing,vote catcher,government knows illegal immigration and asylum seeking is an issue with Mr J.Public,they always include immigration issues when an election looms on the horizon,but something tells me Gordy will be packing his belongings in Tesco boxes ready for the delivery van trundling up the cobbles of Downing Street next year :icon_lol:

4th August 2009, 18:38
Its a knee-jerk reaction,public appeasing,vote catcher

vote catcher for me would be a vote on pulling out of the European union and giving the unelected gov in Brussels a :action-smiley-081:, time the britsh gov stopped persecuting the brit who's married to someone outside of the union.

britsh jobs for british and european workers :D to me the problem is not people outside Europe coming here, its europeans coming here, just like the vikings, raping and pillaging the uk :icon_lol:


4th August 2009, 18:42
They have actually came here and raped and pillaged,look at the stats on both crimes in the UK involving european immigrants,you do a crime(something serious) and it should be instant deportation after you served your sentence without leave to appeal.Look what Castro did to Miami when he opened his prisons and sent the inmates to Florida.

4th August 2009, 19:13
They have actually came here and raped and pillaged,look at the stats on both crimes in the UK involving european immigrants,you do a crime(something serious) and it should be instant deportation after you served your sentence without leave to appeal.Look what Castro did to Miami when he opened his prisons and sent the inmates to Florida.

if an illegal immigrant marries a non britsh european in the uk, good chance is they will not have to go back to their country to apply for a settlement visa. if a brit marries a non european (even here legally) they almost certainly will have to go back and apply for a settlement visa :doh



5th August 2009, 08:25
Is there any indication so far as to whether those already part way on the journey, e.g fiance or spouse visas, FLR, ILR, will be affected? Or whether this is just for those arriving in the future?

5th August 2009, 20:54
Is there any indication so far as to whether those already part way on the journey, e.g fiance or spouse visas, FLR, ILR, will be affected? Or whether this is just for those arriving in the future?

Basically if you are elligible to apply for ILR prior to July 2011 you can apply under the existing rules.