View Full Version : Goodbye everyone....

13th August 2009, 05:15
Today got my warrant of arrest, but im just waiting for it to be served so i may not be able to post here anymore. Yesterday was trumatic and said. The arainment was postponed...we waited for a couple of hours as the judge said if the CIDG will not come then she will need to dismissed the case. But after she just said that they arrived, but the again asked for another 40 days to give their evidences. The judge got angry as its 3 months now but they cant get any evidence yet against us (But Kevin, my staff are detained for three months already). Then I already comitted myself also. So she just told me if I know the consequences on it...I said yes...

So then a bench warrant is issued. Just waiting for the signature so it will be served to me. People told me im crazy as I committed myself in. Well, maybe I am... this is what I said unconditional love. I am willing to sacrifice myself so Kevin will be released. And now just waiting for it. He maybe released anytime this month (hopefully) but I will be detained while waiting for the CIDG to present their evidences (which even the judge said to me that she is looking for the dismissal of the case as the CIDG cant give evidences against me, so they have 15 days to produce it or ill be home too).

You may get the updates about the case on our website:


Boss....amI allowed to post it? sorry.
Thank you again and I am very happy to be with this forum. This is very informative, friendly and most importantly very helpful.

Special thanks to the following: Tawi2, Florge, Pennyberry, Northerner, Alan, Sophie, Maybell, and many more...sorry i cant remember their names.


13th August 2009, 07:31
...again sorry if I wasnt able to reply on the other thread. I hope I will not be forgotten. I will pray that soon Kevin can be released to continue our plight. Thanks again and I very proud being a member here.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th August 2009, 07:36
Oh no! That's terrible! But I hope he does get released soon. We certainly won't stop praying for your case to be justly resolved. GBU!

13th August 2009, 07:49
Oh no! That's terrible! But I hope he does get released soon. We certainly won't stop praying for your case to be justly resolved. GBU!

thanks alot dont pushme...i just phone the RTC today to follow up with my warrant just told that the Judge is still thinking if she will sign or not or dismiss the case. God, i feel like i have butterflies in my belly. But then im just here in the house...facing the porch waiting for anyone to collect me.

Hey, you can write me at the city jail

13th August 2009, 07:57
thanks alot dont pushme...i just phone the RTC today to follow up with my warrant just told that the Judge is still thinking if she will sign or not or dismiss the case. God, i feel like i have butterflies in my belly. But then im just here in the house...facing the porch waiting for anyone to collect me.

Hey, you can write me at the city jail

I honestly hope the judge dismisses the case. It's so stupidly unfair that they're doing all that without evidence!

I'll write you if you tell me which jail you're at. But let's keep hoping things don't go that far.


13th August 2009, 08:07
I honestly hope the judge dismisses the case. It's so stupidly unfair that they're doing all that without evidence!

I'll write you if you tell me which jail you're at. But let's keep hoping things don't go that far.


Thanks Denise...actually im hoping that she would just dismiss the case as no evidence and complainant. Only the CIDG is really pushing it through as they kept on asking for a bribe money which is 10 Million. But fore Godsake...where the hell im going to look for that. Besides Kevin and I really wont give in to that! Im just hoping that the Judge will see the picture and realise what the case is more into...

This is going to be my new address

San Mateo Municipal City Jail
Nursery Compound
Guitnang Bayan I
San Meteo, Rizal

Charlene Taylor

13th August 2009, 08:16
Have you tried approaching the media with this? TV? Newspaper? Radio? Anyone? I know it's a crude way to ask for help, but it does have an impact, especially in the Philippnes.

Mrs Daddy
13th August 2009, 08:29
I am so saddened for what happened charlene I hope you`ll surpassed this terrible ordeal in you life right now.I wish you lots and lots of strength and dont lose hope and faith.

13th August 2009, 08:34
Have you tried approaching the media with this? TV? Newspaper? Radio? Anyone? I know it's a crude way to ask for help, but it does have an impact, especially in the Philippnes.

Yes i did but I cant ask media here as they wont do any help with our case. I am now just relying with the swindon advertiser in the UK and I wish i may get more British media to eye on the case coz even at the RTC knew what is been going on...

13th August 2009, 08:37
I am so saddened for what happened charlene I hope you`ll surpassed this terrible ordeal in you life right now.I wish you lots and lots of strength and dont lose hope and faith.

Thank you for the message. Im still waiting for any updates now... God, I wish this would end soon and Kevin will be released

13th August 2009, 08:47
I'm sorry to hear that charlene, but i know you're a brave woman and you can face this well......
You'll be in my prayers and hopefully you'll be released soon and the case be dismissed as well......
You will never be forgotten here charlene and we will all be waiting for you when you come back with kevin,
so we can all meet him too here in the forum...
Be strong, this too shall pass and things will get better, just be patient.....
Take care of yourself charlene, specially when they got you in custody already and always and keep the faith :xxgrinning--00xx3:
You're in our thoughts and in our prayers :cwm38:

13th August 2009, 08:59
Come Christmas you'll both look back and laugh at this..



...maybe not :rolleyes:

13th August 2009, 09:05
Thanks Denise...actually im hoping that she would just dismiss the case as no evidence and complainant. Only the CIDG is really pushing it through as they kept on asking for a bribe money which is 10 Million. But fore Godsake...where the hell im going to look for that. Besides Kevin and I really wont give in to that! Im just hoping that the Judge will see the picture and realise what the case is more into...

This is going to be my new address

San Mateo Municipal City Jail
Nursery Compound
Guitnang Bayan I
San Meteo, Rizal

Charlene Taylor

They just can't give it up can they. The bribery culture is so engrained in the Philippines that even without witnesses or evidence, because a foriegner is involved, they're still holding out expecting to get a bribe. Good Luck BT.


13th August 2009, 09:06
got a phone call just now from the warrant server and he told me that the Judge hasnt signed it yet and now really looking on it to be dismissed as she even told the other fiscal that why CIDG cant produce complainants and evidences...:) good thing really that she will dismiss it, but still waiting for her in case she would served the warrant. Im really troubled and puzzled as I just waiting here all day for what ever it may... but then on the other hand still praying that she will see the truth.

So till im handcuffed im off to go. But now not yet, just here to keep you guys any updates.

When Kevin is out i told him to join this forum to thank each one of you as you are all helpful to me and as I have shared my worries, fears and same as my thoughts.

13th August 2009, 09:11
got a phone call just now from the warrant server and he told me that the Judge hasnt signed it yet and now really looking on it to be dismissed as she even told the other fiscal that why CIDG cant produce complainants and evidences...:) good thing really that she will dismiss it, but still waiting for her in case she would served the warrant. Im really troubled and puzzled as I just waiting here all day for what ever it may... but then on the other hand still praying that she will see the truth.

So till im handcuffed im off to go. But now not yet, just here to keep you guys any updates.

When Kevin is out i told him to join this forum to thank each one of you as you are all helpful to me and as I have shared my worries, fears and same as my thoughts.

I really wish thesame thing charlene, that the judge dismiss this case....
All the CIDG does is "delaying tactics", i doubt if they have evidence against you really....
I think they're just waiting for you to give up and offer bribe so they get off your case - very typical crooks :NoNo:

13th August 2009, 09:13
looks like there just after cash?,and you guys havent given in to them so stay strong and dont let them win!!

13th August 2009, 09:16
I really wish thesame thing charlene, that the judge dismiss this case....
All the CIDG does is "delaying tactics", i doubt if they have evidence against you really....
I think they're just waiting for you to give up and offer bribe so they get off your case - very typical crooks :NoNo:

Funny thing is it has been 90 days now since they arrested us and yet they cant submit any evidence nor complainants. But just wondering why DOJ endorsed the case to the court when they should have made sure that there is evidence against us. Isnt it enough proof that CIDG cant submit anything for the court. I thought DOJ is the department of justice....but seems like Department of just asking for money?:Erm::NoNo:

13th August 2009, 09:43
Funny thing is it has been 90 days now since they arrested us and yet they cant submit any evidence nor complainants. But just wondering why DOJ endorsed the case to the court when they should have made sure that there is evidence against us. Isnt it enough proof that CIDG cant submit anything for the court. I thought DOJ is the department of justice....but seems like Department of just asking for money?:Erm::NoNo:

Oh well, what's new? :NoNo: But don't loose faith, who knows, the DOJ will give you the justice you deserve anytime soon....
It's just strange, it's been 90 days and still the CIDG cannot produce evidence....isn't this grounds for dismissal already? :Erm::Erm:
Anyway, i wish you all the best charlene and hopefully your ordeal will be over soon....

13th August 2009, 09:53
Oh well, what's new? :NoNo: But don't loose faith, who knows, the DOJ will give you the justice you deserve anytime soon....
It's just strange, it's been 90 days and still the CIDG cannot produce evidence....isn't this grounds for dismissal already? :Erm::Erm:
Anyway, i wish you all the best charlene and hopefully your ordeal will be over soon....

yeah actually it should be dismissed. but the because the CIDG wont allow the case to be dismissed they kept on prolonging the arraignment. Imagine since we were arrested no arraignment yet. Not even been read our charges nor why we are being arrested or what basis of the arrest. Even BJMP is now asking DOJ to make a resolution as they dont want Kevin and the staff being held in their custody without the arraignment. Even the warden spoke to me about this and he really said he is dismayed on what is happening as DOJ just put people in jail without even studying the case.

Honestly, im even lucky as the warrant server who supposedly more after of me is even helping us. He is even the one updating me on the warrant which as 4:00 this afternoon, it hasnt been signed!:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:
And told me that the judge is really looking deep on the case and might just dismissed it:cwm12::cwm12:

But until I dont have the papers showing it is dismissed or the warrant is lifted then I will not stop waiting here. I feel like its life and death situation...
But maybe this can be an opener to all you guys who are intending to do any business here. BE CAREFUL, I would have another victim like Kevin

13th August 2009, 10:21
It is sad that you established that kind of critical business.
I've seen some related cases about that and sad to say Philippine gov't has no heart if someone/some made complaints at NBI, Camp Crame and other governing authorties. They can raid the office anytime anywhere if the complainants are determined to sue the office.

The complainants were all gone as you said, so the government will ask for bribe and they might just giving you chance to produce that amount, that's why Kevin still there.

There's always have chance and way out. Just keep relax, show them that you have really no money to give. We'll pray that justice will soon prevail and release Kevin and be aquitted.

I will try to see and visit you there.

13th August 2009, 10:21
Fingers crossed for you, hope everything will turn up just fine and you'll soon be with your hubby :xxgrinning--00xx3::Hellooo:

13th August 2009, 10:27
thanks ate penn...hope you are now alright. Yeah I really think they are just waiting for some fuel to release Kevin...but then no matter what I cant afford that and if I do I will not as that would give them more chance on doing it to others.

Im still waiting for any updates on my detention but since none yet I will use every second I am free to get FCO help Kevin and others.

Yes Te Penn if im detained, ill be glad to see you same as Kevin.

Again many thanks...

13th August 2009, 10:29
Fingers crossed for you, hope everything will turn up just fine and you'll soon be with your hubby :xxgrinning--00xx3::Hellooo:

thanks alot Ji&Ma...im really hoping that Kevin will be released...sometimes I thinking that one day he will come here in the house

13th August 2009, 10:30
Good luck in everything Charlene. I shall continue to think about you both.


13th August 2009, 10:32
Good luck in everything Charlene. I shall continue to think about you both.


thanks Al....

Hope oneday I can go back in Cebu...I like Carmen, have some few friends there

13th August 2009, 10:37
Good luck in everything Charlene. I shall continue to think about you both.


you better watch out,your next :Erm: :omg:

13th August 2009, 11:40
Imagine since we were arrested no arraignment yet. Not even been read our charges nor why we are being arrested or what basis of the arrest. Even BJMP is now asking DOJ to make a resolution as they dont want Kevin and the staff being held in their custody without the arraignment. Even the warden spoke to me about this and he really said he is dismayed on what is happening as DOJ just put people in jail without even studying the case.

But until I dont have the papers showing it is dismissed or the warrant is lifted then I will not stop waiting here. I feel like its life and death situation...

Yeah, i really hope the DOJ will act on this quicker and efficiently....
And i understand how you must be feeling - like life and death situation,
but don't worry, things will fall into place and you will get the justice you are waiting for, just hang on.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th August 2009, 12:41
you better watch out,your next :Erm: :omg:

Sorry?????? I don't understand.


Arthur Little
13th August 2009, 13:59
Today got my warrant of arrest, but im just waiting for it to be served so i may not be able to post here anymore. ).

Au revoir [for now] Charlene ... let's look on the bright side. God be with you, Kevin and your loved ones. Always REMEMBER: You're a :icon_win:ner!

Thank you again and I am very happy to be with this forum. This is very informative, friendly and most importantly very helpful.

It's kind of you to say so, Charlene. :) Thank YOU for sharing your experiences with us. We'll miss your innovative, highly-valued and much-respected postings for the time being, but look forward eagerly to many more of them on your return.

Take Care & God Bless. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th August 2009, 14:12
Good luck! I'm sure if you ARE carted off it won't be for long.
Sounds like a shocking state of affairs :(

13th August 2009, 14:42
In adversity... just be strong... the truth prevails....

13th August 2009, 14:59
Goodluck and hoping for the best for you, kevin and your children.

trader dave
13th August 2009, 15:13
:Hellooo::Hellooo: GOODBYEEEE :omg::icon_lol:

NO JOKING ASIDE when i first read your situation i tryed to get my head around it but:doh:doh anyway i know how things work out there [to a certain extent]

all i can say is my wifes words which would be -----keep your faith dont give up keep praying :cwm34:

my words would be DONT GIVE THE FECKERS ANY MONEY :furious3::Brick::Hellooo:

13th August 2009, 19:52
goodbye too :D

when you get out out prison let us know what its like,whatever you do dont bend over? :action-smiley-081: :omg: :icon_lol:

13th August 2009, 19:58
when you get out out prison let us know what its like,whatever you do dont bend over? :action-smiley-081: :omg: :icon_lol:
What's Ben Dover got to do with this, has he been nicked as well? :Erm:

trader dave
13th August 2009, 20:01
What's Ben Dover got to do with this, has he been nicked as well? :Erm:

ooo he does some good films BEN DOVER :icon_lol::omg:

14th August 2009, 09:03
You dissapeared off the Radar for a day Charlene,I thought I was going to have to get on the grapevine to find out what happened to you :Erm: Its a result in a way,a good one,your not incarcerated and your still able to continue the fight from the outside so dont look at it from a negative aspect,it will all be unravelled soon,just takes a while,better than what we thought was going to happen right?:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th August 2009, 09:05
ooo he does some good films BEN DOVER :icon_lol::omg:
His real names Lindsay Honey Dave,lives over your neck of the woods now,Kent,I always thought his original name would have been better for a porn-baron,its more uni-sex :icon_lol:

14th August 2009, 17:29
You dissapeared off the Radar for a day Charlene,I thought I was going to have to get on the grapevine to find out what happened to you :Erm: Its a result in a way,a good one,your not incarcerated and your still able to continue the fight from the outside so dont look at it from a negative aspect,it will all be unravelled soon,just takes a while,better than what we thought was going to happen right?:xxgrinning--00xx3:

yeah was busy last wednesday as i went to the court together with Kevin and gave my commitment to the judge. but you know im still thankful in a way the she never signed it yet...(dunno why) but until she will dismissed the case I can take a rest. but now i was just told by the warrant server that for a mean time better not to visit Kevin yet for my own safety as he thinks my life can be in a big danger as the embassy already made the complaint against CIDG and the judge questioned them on the legallities of the arrest. they just said that i must be extra carefull now as the CIDG officer was very angry to me...anyway i made an affidavit that if i dis appeared they must look on the possibilities that i am taken by the CIDG:)

14th August 2009, 19:08
Nothing like that is going to happen to you:xxgrinning--00xx3:your not going to dissapear off the face of the earth or anything because as the gypsies always say to me "You have a lucky face":xxgrinning--00xx3:(I think they mean I have an ugly face but even gypsies are too polite to say that):Erm:Always be thankfull for your liberty,its buying you time,and it also means the opposition havent any ammunition to fire at you or the forces to charge you :xxgrinning--00xx3: Enjoy your weekend,remember its family visiting saturday and sunday :xxgrinning--00xx3:

trader dave
14th August 2009, 19:38
His real names Lindsay Honey Dave,lives over your neck of the woods now,Kent,I always thought his original name would have been better for a porn-baron,its more uni-sex :icon_lol:

:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:ha ha

14th August 2009, 20:14
Wishing u and Kevin all the luck, i will pray for u that everything goes well, fingers crossed! :):xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th August 2009, 14:25
the judge hasn't signed it yet because she is very sure that the case should be dismissed... she is so kind in giving CIDG more time to produce evidence, when in fact, she shouldn't have... because the mere fact that Kevin was arrested, they (CIDG) should have had evidence already to prove prosecution of the case... medyo may pagka-boba ang judge (unless CIDG threatens her) ... but will still give her benefit of the doubt.. I'll ask my dad to look her up...

try lang nya to sign the papers.... hehehe.. I just sent pomelo to the court administrator in case i would need a favor from him re your case. don't worry much... may liwanag na ang kaso mo.

16th August 2009, 16:00
the judge hasn't signed it yet because she is very sure that the case should be dismissed... she is so kind in giving CIDG more time to produce evidence, when in fact, she shouldn't have... because the mere fact that Kevin was arrested, they (CIDG) should have had evidence already to prove prosecution of the case... medyo may pagka-boba ang judge (unless CIDG threatens her) ... but will still give her benefit of the doubt.. I'll ask my dad to look her up...

try lang nya to sign the papers.... hehehe.. I just sent pomelo to the court administrator in case i would need a favor from him re your case. don't worry much... may liwanag na ang kaso mo.

Thanks alot Florge...actually even those at the BJMP was saying that she should have dismissed the case last Wednesday because it is illegal also to detain Kevin for more than 90 days without any trial yet nor even an arraignment then same as no complaints and evidences against us. Monday again tomorrow, im just worried and still be waiting for a warrant to be served (if there is any) but until then I will not stop looking for people to tap the shoulder of the judge about the irregularities of the arrest and detention.

Again thank you

17th August 2009, 16:46
Hi Charlene, noticed you are on line, how are things now, any news today

17th August 2009, 16:49
Hi Charlene, noticed you are on line, how are things now, any news today

yeah went to the court today and asked the judge about my warrant and she told me that she hasnt signed it yet as maybe a big chance on dismissing the case, but then I still need to make myself ready for anything that can happen.

But still hoping that she will really dismiss it as CIDG cant provide and evidence nor complaint

17th August 2009, 16:56
So if you're not going to jail I've wasted my money buying you this! :angry:


17th August 2009, 16:58
It would be terrible being locked up for years in a cell with that lady :cwm24:alone with her at night,week in and week out,she looks the depraved sort :cwm24:The type who might try and take advantage,far,far better to request solitary confinement than risk being abused by her :NoNo:

17th August 2009, 16:59
humm thats a nice uniform boss...but i need orange as that is what they require:xxgrinning--00xx3::Rasp::BouncyHappy:

17th August 2009, 17:01
humm thats a nice uniform boss...but i need orange as that is what they require:xxgrinning--00xx3::Rasp::BouncyHappy:

You going to Guantanamo bay?:Erm:Or appearing in the next re-make of a Michael Jackson Cebu prison production :Erm:

17th August 2009, 17:02
Actually i told the warden that if i will be detained he must not get angry to me for not wearing pants or shorts as i dont wear sort of those things...im used of skirts and dress. So i got few orange dresses and skirts ready:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th August 2009, 17:03
You going to Guantanamo bay?:Erm:Or appearing in the next re-make of a Michael Jackson Cebu prison production :Erm:

there's a new one the "NoBody dance move of Cebu inmates":icon_lol:

but im afraid i cant as i dont know how to dance:NoNo:

17th August 2009, 17:05
humm thats a nice uniform boss...but i need orange as that is what they require:xxgrinning--00xx3::Rasp::BouncyHappy:


17th August 2009, 17:08
:cwm24: My goodness,imagine being incarcerated with her :cwm24:Doesnt bear thinking about :NoNo:what a brazen hussy :NoNo:she hasnt even got the decency to cover those long legs that seem to go all the way up.........:NoNo: