View Full Version : The Uncircumsized Among Us

28th March 2010, 11:33
Was it interesting explaining this to your Honey?

For newbies its pretty much unheard of to have one in the Fils so unless your lady watches as much porn as the Mods here she is unlikly to have come across this :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th March 2010, 11:50
We had this chat last year :rolleyes:

Better to have a hood when it rains than to get wet :rolleyes:

28th March 2010, 12:05
We had this chat last year :rolleyes:

Better to have a hood when it rains than to get wet :rolleyes:

isn't that the only thing a Mac is good for :rolleyes:

28th March 2010, 12:16
isn't that the only thing a Mac is good for :rolleyes:

hahaha..Mac again???:doh:icon_lol:

28th March 2010, 12:22
hahaha..Mac again???:doh:icon_lol:
You've never had a guys Mac to play with then? :rolleyes:

28th March 2010, 12:27
isn't that the only thing a Mac is good for :rolleyes:

In the words of Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer:

"You wouldn't let it lie"

28th March 2010, 12:28
You've never had a guys Mac to play with then? :rolleyes:

yep..LOL! :Rasp:

Arthur Little
28th March 2010, 15:22
Was it interesting explaining this to your Honey?

For newbies its pretty much unheard of to have one in the Fils so unless your lady watches as much porn as the Mods here she is unlikly to have come across this :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Well, I suppose it's possible she might see your point :icon_tonguew: ... without necessarily being able to grasp it!

28th March 2010, 15:23
Well, I suppose it's possible she might see your point :icon_tonguew: ... without necessarily being able to grasp it!
Does the manager of your home know you're using his computer? :D

28th March 2010, 18:13
as a man who had mine removed a while back, i much prefer live without one :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th March 2010, 18:27
as a man who had mine removed a while back, i much prefer live without one :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: but how would you know any different :doh

28th March 2010, 18:32
What if yo have it whipped off and don't like it? Do they transplant one back on from a corpse :Erm: .... or maybe you could have some ladies lips sewn on :D :doh

28th March 2010, 18:41
:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: but how would you know any different :doh

What if yo have it whipped off and don't like it? Do they transplant one back on from a corpse :Erm: .... or maybe you could have some ladies lips sewn on :D :doh

i was already in my 30's when i realised it didnt do what it should, a bit like a embarassing illness.

so after a visit to a doctor, 3 months later thx to the nhs and a week of work i was hood free.

i much prefer it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

btw i dont want it back :D

28th March 2010, 18:41
What if yo have it whipped off and don't like it? Do they transplant one back on from a corpse :Erm: .... or maybe you could have some ladies lips sewn on :D :doh

I guess you could have it made into a little purse :icon_lol:

28th March 2010, 18:56
I guess you could have it made into a little purse :icon_lol:
A reusable condom :Erm:

Doc Alan
28th March 2010, 19:03
so after a visit to a doctor, 3 months later thx to the nhs and a week of work i was hood free.

Not my specialty ... I assume you went to the Dick Doc :Erm:

28th March 2010, 20:21
Im more interested in the reaction of the ladies as "tulo" is a right of passage in the Phils or serious child abuse depending on your view point but the nub is that Philipina ladies will have grown up with this expectation and you might not want to discount this

learned papers suggest 50% plus of Philipino males suffer post traumatic stess syndrome from cicumsision



28th March 2010, 20:34
looks like the ladies are a bit shy on this subject? :Erm:

i wonder why because they must notice while :Sex: :rolleyes:

28th March 2010, 20:42
looks like the ladies are a bit shy on this subject? :Erm:

i wonder why because they must notice while :Sex: :rolleyes:
Does it change the taste :Erm: :rolleyes:

28th March 2010, 20:46
Does it change the taste :Erm: :rolleyes:

:Cuckoo: :icon_lol::icon_lol:

28th March 2010, 21:04
:Cuckoo: :icon_lol::icon_lol:

oh, you tryed :icon_lol:

28th March 2010, 22:35
Dose it make you pee straighter :Erm:

28th March 2010, 22:45
Dose it make you pee straighter :Erm:

nope, it was straighter before :D

28th March 2010, 22:50

28th March 2010, 23:05
my wife says my :icon_tonguew: looks like a pornstars :rolleyes:

28th March 2010, 23:07
my wife says my :icon_tonguew: looks like a pornstars :rolleyes:like a pornstar's little finger :laugher:

28th March 2010, 23:11
A ladies point of view for you. Much better circumsized!:Rasp:

Doc Alan
28th March 2010, 23:12
A ladies point of view for you. Much better circumsized!:Rasp:
Good news for me !:)

28th March 2010, 23:19
A ladies point of view for you. Much better circumsized!:Rasp:

surely though, your lady will accept you as you are, it is not something that I will go and remove for my lady's sake. I guess it is a culture thing. But as far as I am aware, and I am sure Alan can answer this, but there is no medical reason to remove it, is there?

28th March 2010, 23:22
like a pornstar's little finger :laugher:

i never said as big :Erm: but big enough for her :xxgrinning--00xx3::D

28th March 2010, 23:43
Call me insensitive, but if scientific evidence proved tomorrow that circumcision made a mans :icon_tonguew: taste like strawberry milkshake and produced orgasms from heaven for both men and women....

I'd still not get it cut off!

28th March 2010, 23:44
Don't they still perform it in some countries with a sharp stone on a rock..:Erm: :censored: that :NoNo: Mine keeps me warm in the winter :freezin: It aint going nowere :D

28th March 2010, 23:49
Im waiting for sars to enlighten us as to filipina perspectives come on ladies dont be shy although the silence in itself may be revealing

Arthur Little
28th March 2010, 23:49
Dose it make you pee straighter :Erm:

Nah, 'fraid not, Jim ... :NoNo:

Doc Alan
28th March 2010, 23:52
surely though, your lady will accept you as you are, it is not something that I will go and remove for my lady's sake. I guess it is a culture thing... but there is no medical reason to remove it, is there?
There CAN be medical reasons ( infections if there is "too much" foreskin +/or poor hygiene ; or if it's too tight making intercourse painful, although there are other treatments for this). Routine medical circumcision is NOT indicated ( can cause infection / bleeding), and its role in heightening sexual pleasure is debatable.

28th March 2010, 23:53
Im waiting for sars to enlighten us as to filipina perspectives come on ladies dont be shy although the silence in itself may be revealing

We've already had Englishbird's perspective. I'm not sure I want to know what the rest have to say :rolleyes::D

28th March 2010, 23:59


Arthur Little
29th March 2010, 00:01
... but it's [supposedly] :rolleyes: more hygienic.

Doc Alan
29th March 2010, 00:06
... but it's [supposedly] :rolleyes: more hygienic.Yes, it can be ...please see my previous post Arthur.

Arthur Little
29th March 2010, 00:18
Yes, it can be ...please see my previous post Arthur.

:Erm: ... yes, I've since noticed you'd referred to it as a possible reason for the practice. My apologies ... guess our posts crossed!!

Arthur Little
29th March 2010, 00:28
Routine medical circumcision is NOT indicated ( can cause infection / bleeding),

So I believe! :rolleyes: Actually I had *it done ... in conjunction with the first of two hernia operations ... when I was nine years old. Cannot honestly remember any adverse side effects - although to this day, I'm still not entirely sure of the reasoning behind *it! :NoNo:

Arthur Little
29th March 2010, 00:36
Cannot honestly remember any adverse side effects

Having said that, I understand that the procedure causes a great deal more pain and discomfort post-operatively in adult males :cwm24: ... than in young children.

Doc Alan
29th March 2010, 08:42
I'm still not entirely sure of the reasoning behind *it! :NoNo:
That was long before it was necessary to have "informed consent" (beyond the patient or parents signing an agreement to have the operation). It was a more common procedure in those days , with no good evidence that it was necessary; it would be done because "doctor said so !". :doh

29th March 2010, 08:53
Made in God's image..... so surely cutting bits off is a sin.

29th March 2010, 09:13
looks like the ladies are a bit shy on this subject? :Erm:

i wonder why because they must notice while :Sex: :rolleyes:

as a filipinas i prefer circumcise man because almost filipino man had done it.

29th March 2010, 09:20
:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: but how would you know any different :doh

lol the different is the looks

29th March 2010, 09:22
as a filipinas i prefer circumcise man because almost filipino man had done it.
:Erm: How many have you 'tested'... please more details for our research :D

29th March 2010, 09:25
If a consenting adult wishes to be mutilated in this way then that's their privilege, but imposing this on children just for the sake of tradition is barbaric.

29th March 2010, 09:29
:Erm: How many have you 'tested'... please more details for our research :D

lol boss ask your wifey

29th March 2010, 09:37
:Erm: How many have you 'tested'... please more details for our research :D

lol boss ask your wifey


29th March 2010, 09:37
lol boss ask your wifey
She knows all your secrets .... I don't talk to her often ... we're married :laugher:

29th March 2010, 09:43
:Erm: How many have you 'tested'... please more details for our research :D

none boss huhu

29th March 2010, 10:03

Doc Alan
29th March 2010, 12:57
...but the monk she was with had a dirty habit :yikes:

29th March 2010, 19:09
This is an interesting thread!. Why are most Filipino men circumsized?, is it for religious or health reasons?. This subject hasn't come up between me and my BF.:icon_tonguew:


29th March 2010, 19:33
I think it may be traditional, second nature in Phil'. Unlike here in the Uk where we have some sort of choice.

Doc Alan
29th March 2010, 20:53
This is an interesting thread!. Why are most Filipino men circumsized?, is it for religious or health reasons?.
See my previous thread ! There CAN be medical ("health") reasons but in most cases I suspect it's for "traditional" or "religious" reasons.

29th March 2010, 21:41
it wasnt painful for me, infact it was like having your car booked for a service, i turned up at the out patience and a few hours later i was out.

it was a odd feeling because my :icon_tonguew: was purple and blue with bruises and the skin was stitched back together :bigcry:.

for some strange reason as lifeless as my member was, i kepted getting erections while i was sleeping, now that was painful.

i woke up and WTF!, at first i was wondering what was happening, i had the pleasure of a erection :) then the pain of the very same erection pulling the stitching apart :bigcry:, so what do you do to stop said erection :Erm:, oh think of my mother :icon_lol: so mother, mother, mother was spinning around my head and it worked.

the next few nights i had the same problem but i was more prepared :xxgrinning--00xx3: and that was the last time i have had a erection and thinking about my mother at the same time :icon_lol:

i used to pee truer than true but now its off in 2 directions at once :furious3:

29th March 2010, 21:48
I think most of us would agree that it would be wrong to do it to an infant, unless it was needed for medical reasons. while if any adult male wishes to say goodbye to his foreskin, go ahead and enjoy..

Speaking of medical reasons, I have a friend who required circumcision when he was around 13/14 years old. As he was developing, something went wrong in that department, and he was in pain until they removed it. So I can see how there are known medical reasons.

And there is still debate about the actual use of the foreskin and it's uses. But I also think if anyone seriously uses the hygienic reasoning to remove their foreskin. Surely, this amazing invention called Soap might come to some use before they whip out the blade:yikes:

29th March 2010, 22:09
does your foreskin work properly?

my never moved, so if you pulled it down it went nowhere but if you pulled it down with force,well.... it was like putting a much smaller ring down your penis ie it would get very tight infact painful!!

29th March 2010, 22:13
does your foreskin work properly?

my never moved, so if you pulled it down it went nowhere but if you pulled it down with force,well.... it was like putting a much smaller ring down your penis ie it would get very tight infact painful!!

I think that is one of the medical reasons. I never had that problem, I guess peoples skin stretches differently.......or maybe I played with it too much :laugher:

29th March 2010, 22:35
does your foreskin work properly?

my never moved, so if you pulled it down it went nowhere but if you pulled it down with force,well.... it was like putting a much smaller ring down your penis ie it would get very tight infact painful!!

Well, no wonder you got it cut then. Mine works fine:xxgrinning--00xx3: No pain, no problems.... Touch wood:Help1:

29th March 2010, 22:40
Well, no wonder you got it cut then. Mine works fine:xxgrinning--00xx3: No pain, no problems.... Touch wood:Help1:

so i guess, you see no reason to remove it :D

i think life is much better with out it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th March 2010, 22:55
Touch wood:Help1:

Ohhhh Beeehaaave :icon_lol:

29th March 2010, 23:43
Ohhhh Beeehaaave :icon_lol:


30th March 2010, 04:27
Im waiting for sars to enlighten us as to filipina perspectives come on ladies dont be shy although the silence in itself may be revealing

Am happy as it is :REDancedancer08:
so Leave the :icon_tonguew:alone !!!:rolleyes:

30th March 2010, 08:42
:yikes::yikes::D:D:D All I can say very educational forum:Wave::rolleyes:
For us Filipina we had a nice giggle when it's the topic in ym chats...:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
Paging Jen...Kimmi hello wanna share...:D:Rasp:

30th March 2010, 08:55
Hey guys .... you do know that descriptions of your :icon_tonguew: are now flying around the Filipina Grapevine :) ..... I wonder if they are texting MMS to compare :cwm24:

30th March 2010, 08:58
What interested me was that in the Fils any one WITH a forskin would be seen as not "adult" here in the west less men have this as an atomatic thing so was curious what the ladies REALLY thought when they sawthis and if the guys even understand how UNUSUAL this is cross-culturally:Erm:

30th March 2010, 09:10
What interested me was that in the Fils any one WITH a forskin would be seen as not "adult" here in the west less men have this as an atomatic thing so was curious what the ladies REALLY thought when they sawthis and if the guys even understand how UNUSUAL this is cross-culturally:Erm:
I'd have thought it gives their tongue something else to play with :heartshape1:

30th March 2010, 09:16
:Erm::Erm:speechless....shock......but heaven:heartshape1::D

wait my lola's(grandmother) on d way, i have to keep silent now:yikes::Rasp:
Boss you need this thread turn into invisible:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::laugher::laugher:

30th March 2010, 09:18
Thanks for that Boss Ive got a tattoo of The leaning tower of pizza under mine (full scale) dont tell Dom:D

30th March 2010, 09:30
Thanks for that Boss Ive got a tattoo of The leaning tower of pizza under mine (full scale) dont tell Dom:D
Copy of the Karma Sutra on mine so they can learn something while down there :rolleyes:

30th March 2010, 10:30
mostly filipino kids between 7 to 10 years old to have circumcise if not their friends making fun of them. haha walay tuli!!!!

30th March 2010, 10:39
mostly filipino kids between 7 to 10 years old to have circumcise if not their friends making fun of them. haha walay tuli!!!!
I wonder how women would like it if the parents cut off the flappy lips when they are kids.

30th March 2010, 10:41
i have photos of the before and after, anyone care to see them?

30th March 2010, 10:54
I,ve never had any complaints so far....satisfaction always guaranteed............ps.wifee allowed me to post

30th March 2010, 10:56
i have photos of the before and after, anyone care to see them?
I'm not sure IE8 can zoom in that much :Erm:

30th March 2010, 10:57
...ps.wifee allowed me to post
Very kind of her :Erm: .... we know who wears the foreskin in your house :D

30th March 2010, 11:01
Thanks for that Boss Ive got a tattoo of The leaning tower of pizza under mine (full scale) dont tell Dom:D

So that is why it is terminally limp....:rolleyes:

30th March 2010, 11:07
So that is why it is terminally limp....:rolleyes:

Only does that if It drops into my shoe:rolleyes:

30th March 2010, 11:09
Only does that if It drops into my shoe:rolleyes:
Sorry .... :angry: ... We never knew you had no legs :rolleyes:

30th March 2010, 11:18
Sorry .... :angry: ... We never knew you had no legs :rolleyes:

Its not that................it a detachable dong keeps my trousers neat:D

30th March 2010, 11:30
i have photos of the before and after, anyone care to see them?

go on sis!

30th March 2010, 11:36
go on sis!

there not mine, its of the bosses :icon_lol:

30th March 2010, 12:42
:Hellooo::Hellooo:Hi its medical,hygiene,tradition and beliefs!They do it normally on babies or pre-adolescent boys - the great majority of men who have experienced sex when they have a foreskin would never tolerate having it removed. In the Philippines, it has strong elements of a "rite of passage" to manhood, though once he has healed, very little about a boy's life actually changes. At present, peer-pressure, parental pressure, medical pressure and the stigma against being supót (intact) make childhood circumcision almost - but not quite - inevitable.

Other people think that your baby will be always be ill and many morning glory.Some think you will get infection if you dont circumcise.

Some parents think that having their children circumcised could make them taller or bigger. What could a piece of skin in the penis do to stimulate growth? The truth of the matter is, no matter how long the prepuce is cut you will not be slender if your father and mother are 'stunted'.Because most circumcision is done at the age when boys grow in spurts, fast growth would be attributed to the circumcision.

Some parents think that by circumcision, the boy’s testicles would develop and so would the size of his penis. Fathers have this ambition of which they have not accomplished probably. [This is not true.] It doesn’t matter. But if yours is a miniature statue of Liberty so would your sons. No amount of tuliation could do something about the size.

Its so painful blood ritual, i even watch my cousin before did it...haha..They did it coz they are shy to be called SUPOT by his friends and family..Also some woman said it feels good when ur making love with a circumcised man than not...Is it true???haha...

When i havent met my asawa before me and my friends had a conversation about what they like,circumsized man or not..Ofcourse all of them saying they like circumsized.Some think its for hygiene coz they think if your skin still there its so hard to clean hehe!Then some thinks it has a bad smell.
When my friends are talking about it i just shut up and just listen coz im shy but my beliefs has change coz i love my asawa so much and got knowledge about it..I just think this filipino beliefs is not true..Anyway my asawa is so F@ckin' sarap in bedroom and wont ask for more..hehe

30th March 2010, 13:02
Some think its for hygiene coz they think if your skin still there its so hard to clean hehe!Then some thinks it has a bad smell.....

It's all the wrong way round isn't it? As with all body parts, if you wash properly you have no problem, if it stinks then the woman/mans hygiene levels are low for everything.

It is the womans bits that carry the most hygiene problems, being close to the water and ass'ole, plus all women have yeast and other infections at some point because it is difficult to wash inside your...erm... :Erm: :rolleyes: .... whereas a :icon_tonguew: skin or not is easy to clean..... so it should be the females who suffer the child abuse and mutilation.

30th March 2010, 13:08
so it should be the females who suffer the child abuse and mutilation.

:yikes::yikes:Ouch its sore for women!haha..anyway for women we just pierce our daughters ears and put thread or earrings while they are baby....Would you like your wifey circumcise?:):)

30th March 2010, 13:09
it is difficult to wash inside your...erm... :Erm: :rolleyes: .

Tounge in .................................cheek:D

30th March 2010, 13:14
....Would you like your wifey circumcise?:):)
It won't change the flavour.... :rolleyes:

30th March 2010, 13:21
It won't change the flavour.... :rolleyes:

yeaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!:laugher::laugher:But no more sensation boss!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDJyZIPvExY&feature=related -Women circumcision :yikes::yikes:

31st March 2010, 20:05
Maybe not yet time for you boys to undergo tuli.
Hindi pa tagpos!
I dunno the english term for that.

My lolo was wellknown to circumcise children in our place and during easter, children are in queue to show to my grandad if the size is suitable to circumcise. If it is small, I heard hindi pa tagpos from my lolo!:omg:

You can join/attend mission:

time to queue alltogether:ReadIt::laugher:

31st March 2010, 20:53
With the amount of personal info passed about the forum the last few weeks, I wouldn't be surprised if there is another thread up soon - entitled "How big is yours? Length and girth":omg::omg::omg::omg::D:D


31st March 2010, 21:22
......entitled "How big is yours? Length and girth":omg::omg::omg::omg::D:D
As long as it fits and makes them moan it's big enough :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st March 2010, 21:27
As long as it fits and makes them moan it's big enough :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Have you bought the good lady a new pair of shoes Boss ? :icon_lol:

31st March 2010, 21:40
Have you bought the good lady a new pair of shoes Boss ? :icon_lol:
Yer.... bit tight around the lip though :rolleyes:

31st March 2010, 21:48
Have you bought the good lady a new pair of shoes Boss ? :icon_lol:

That reminds me, will be killing my feet tomorrow night in some newish shoes.... how Gay does that sound:icon_lol:

31st March 2010, 21:54
That reminds me, will be killing my feet tomorrow night in some newish shoes.... how Gay does that sound:icon_lol:

Yep.....very :icon_lol:

31st March 2010, 22:00
Yep.....very :icon_lol:

Was going to crack a joke about breaking them in, but that would have lowered the tone of this thread even more:cwm3:

1st April 2010, 01:34
Was going to crack a joke about breaking them in, but that would have lowered the tone of this thread even more:cwm3:

So true Northener I was hoping for a cultural understanding that I could use for my thesis on East-West Sociapathic Cultural Synthasis which is being funded by the National Geographic but heh ho:NoNo:

Doc Alan
1st April 2010, 08:15
So true Northener I was hoping for a cultural understanding that I could use for my thesis on East-West Sociapathic Cultural Synthasis which is being funded by the National Geographic but heh ho:NoNo:
A foregone conclusion which you should have foreseen with the foreskin :doh

1st April 2010, 08:52
As we discussed yesterday master debaters a thin on the ground:rolleyes: