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29th August 2010, 15:12
this question run on my mind quite a long time now but i cant find any answer :rolleyes: the question is this :Erm: when can we say that it is the right time to give up your marriage and being a wife to your husband ..:D i know its a daft stupid question for those who are married in the first place i am married as as well but curious to other answer :cwm24::rolleyes:

29th August 2010, 15:19
i gave up my marriage when my ex cheated on me :xxaction-smiley-047

29th August 2010, 15:22
i gave up my marriage when my ex cheated on me :xxaction-smiley-047

spot on and thank you for the answer.thats one point as well :)

29th August 2010, 15:31
spot on and thank you for the answer.thats one point as well :)

well i tried to save the marriage for the sake of my kids but the trust and respect wasnt there anymore.... so there's no point to live with someone if you dont have an inner peace :xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
29th August 2010, 15:34
well i tried to save the marriage for the sake of my kids but the trust and respect wasnt there anymore.... so there's no point to live with someone if you dont have an inner peace :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thats all you could of done rani is to try your best but once the trust has gone its very difficult to keep the marriage together:doh

29th August 2010, 15:40
its time to give up a marriage once you know, the feeling of feeling sorry for you partner and the hatred starts to come into both lives , you will know when the time is right

29th August 2010, 15:40
well i tried to save the marriage for the sake of my kids but the trust and respect wasnt there anymore.... so there's no point to live with someone if you dont have an inner peace :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i totally agree of you on that. Rani :xxgrinning--00xx3: was your husband is english i reckon are you still here in the UK?

29th August 2010, 15:43
my ex is a filipino.... i am single here in pinas :xxgrinning--00xx3:

went in the uk last may for a holiday with my kids and friends :)

29th August 2010, 15:43
its time to give up a marriage once you know, the feeling of feeling sorry for you partner and the hatred starts to come into both lives , you will know when the time is right

yes but sometimes we have to sacrifice things and ignored those negative feeling just to save the said marriage..in both way we have to balance things but when times comes that too much and being patience in everything can harm us in he end:NoNo:

29th August 2010, 15:45
my ex is a filipino.... i am single here in pinas :xxgrinning--00xx3:

went in the uk last may for a holiday with my kids and friends :)

i see..typical lol..or shall i say almost men not only filifino but at the end we know what we want in life and be satisfied what we have :)

29th August 2010, 15:48
hahahahaha.. you are right!

but i should also say that its really hard being single... i guess, we need someone to be with especially when we're getting older... talking to me!!! :icon_lol:

stevie c
29th August 2010, 15:52
hahahahaha.. you are right!

but i should also say that its really hard being single... i guess, we need someone to be with especially when we're getting older... talking to me!!! :icon_lol:
hey rani your not old in my eyes you are still young:NoNo:

29th August 2010, 15:54
when you're not happy with that person and know you never will be again.

29th August 2010, 15:54
My ex wanted to follow her career and slowly the things I loved about her became the things I hated about her. When the love has gone, or trust, it is time to quit.
Remember that this life of ours is not a practice, we only get one chance to be happy, so why stick with an unhappy choice for both of you. Once you realise this and understand this, it is also time to quit.

29th August 2010, 15:55
remember a marriage is between 2 people yes most mat think its the mans fault most times but i bet most men on here are here because its there ex that started the ball rolling , i am very happy with my future , i have emma:hubbahubba: here and soon to become my partner wife and to feel so much love is a great feeling , before emma well thats the past and that is where it stays

29th August 2010, 15:56
hahahahaha.. you are right!

but i should also say that its really hard being single... i guess, we need someone to be with especially when we're getting older... talking to me!!! :icon_lol:

we could talk if you wan too..coz i need someone to speak with..lol

29th August 2010, 16:22
we could talk if you wan too..coz i need someone to speak with..lol

give me your msn or yahoo address.. lets talk :)

29th August 2010, 16:44
hey rani your not old in my eyes you are still young:NoNo:

you are really a friend stevie :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th August 2010, 16:46
give me your msn or yahoo address.. lets talk :)

john_lock37@ yahoo.com add me my ym name ..john_lock37

29th August 2010, 16:47
Well done said Steve

29th August 2010, 16:50
john_lock37@ yahoo.com add me my ym name ..john_lock37

are you online? i added you... my addy is manila etc etc

29th August 2010, 17:14
remember a marriage is between 2 people yes most mat think its the mans fault most times but i bet most men on here are here because its there ex that started the ball rolling , i am very happy with my future , i have emma:hubbahubba: here and soon to become my partner wife and to feel so much love is a great feeling , before emma well thats the past and that is where it stays

both sexes has its own faulth what matter is who remain tough lol:cwm3::doh:cwm24::D

29th August 2010, 17:19
dont have to be tuff, john just have to be honest with yourself and being like that what ever happens in the future you will always know that you did your best what ever the outcome , hope you and rani have lots to say together :)

29th August 2010, 17:23
dont have to be tuff, john just have to be honest with yourself and being like that what ever happens in the future you will always know that you did your best what ever the outcome , hope you and rani have lots to say together :)

i am honest but sometimes being so honest make it harm you at the end and then you regret why u been so good ..:doh:cwm24::rolleyes::D

29th August 2010, 17:39
i am honest and i ware my heart on my sleave too but i would never change that , i was once hurt but look at me now, yes it has took a few years but i know where my life is going and what a great adventure myself and emma are going to have so dreams do come true to those that want it , you cannot change the way you are its only the way other people see you that changes :)

29th August 2010, 18:04
i am honest and i ware my heart on my sleave too but i would never change that , i was once hurt but look at me now, yes it has took a few years but i know where my life is going and what a great adventure myself and emma are going to have so dreams do come true to those that want it , you cannot change the way you are its only the way other people see you that changes :)

i agree ..we can only keep on trying until the right will come along and always being prepared to take any risk that might come along our way:cwm24::rolleyes:

29th August 2010, 18:10
well sometimes the risk is worth taking

29th August 2010, 18:16
john_lock37@ yahoo.com add me my ym name ..john_lock37

Hi kalabasa

I employed someone of that name some years ago, dont be to precise, but what area of Uk are you living.

29th August 2010, 18:17
well sometimes the risk is worth taking

true the only thing that risk is sometimes annoying lol:cwm24:

29th August 2010, 18:18
Hi kalabasa

I employed someone of that name some years ago, dont be to precise, but what area of Uk are you living.


stevie c
29th August 2010, 18:22
true the only thing that risk is sometimes annoying lol:cwm24:

if you dont take risks in life then sometimes life stands still if you want something you have to be prepared to grab with both hands :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th August 2010, 18:24
My ex wanted to follow her career and slowly the things I loved about her became the things I hated about her. When the love has gone, or trust, it is time to quit.
Remember that this life of ours is not a practice, we only get one chance to be happy, so why stick with an unhappy choice for both of you. Once you realise this and understand this, it is also time to quit.

i totally agree about that.. but there are times that you just spend your life too short with that other person making you felt like unwanted and miserable :cwm24::NoNo:

29th August 2010, 18:27
if you dont take risks in life then sometimes life stands still if you want something you have to be prepared to grab with both hands :xxgrinning--00xx3:

true but being risky at times were not prepared to take it and at the end it does hurt us :hubbahubba::cwm24::D

29th August 2010, 18:29
true but at times taking those risk hurt and make you felt unwanted lol:cwm24::D

29th August 2010, 18:30
if u think ur too tired to work things out then its time to give up...sometimes love just isnt enough to save relationship...

29th August 2010, 18:53
this question run on my mind quite a long time now but i cant find any answer :rolleyes: the question is this :Erm: when can we say that it is the right time to give up your marriage and being a wife to your husband ..:D i know its a daft stupid question for those who are married in the first place i am married as as well but curious to other answer :cwm24::rolleyes:

Marriage is a major thing..it takes two to tango...when one is at fault both are in conflict!!

29th August 2010, 19:15
if u think ur too tired to work things out then its time to give up...sometimes love just isnt enough to save relationship...

oh yes and i agree..and at times love wsnt the same to where u expected too much and at the end of the road you were not worthy of taking each risk just to save the said love and marriage :doh:NoNo:

29th August 2010, 19:18
Marriage is a major thing..it takes two to tango...when one is at fault both are in conflict!!

yep very true indeed..but on and in into a tango at times comes to a time that you cannot bear to dance the one foot so you need to lean your other foot to make and get your strength from within but even though the said foot is not capable and just let you go .:NoNo: