View Full Version : Mother In Law (to be) visit for wedding

28th June 2011, 16:09
Hi Everyone
I was looking through the VAF1B form - I want to bring my Mahals mum over for a 10 day period to attend our wedding.

Essentially she is a housewife with a disabled daughter to look after so she has plenty of home ties to return for.
But she is supported by her children has no job/work because looking after the daughter is a full time job.

If we collect the supporting evidence etc what do you think the chance of getting here is - I cant imagine thba would say no to see her daughter get married?

One other question - does she have to take an English Language Test!?? :NoNo:

Anything else I should worry about?



28th June 2011, 16:33
All visit visa are notoriously tricky. Family visits are a little easier.
Sorry to say but the UKBA would have no conscience about refusing --- not that they will, just saying how it works.

The familiy visit visa is not expensive. Just do it and make sure you prepare a nice letter in support.
Confirm you support all costs etc and think of some emotional reasons in addition to the wedding.
English test is not required.

Make the application Tone. Nothing to lose. We are all here to help with the form and the letter if needed.

28th June 2011, 17:55
Good luck Tone. As Terpe said, you've got nothing to lose by trying, last time I looked a tourist visa was about £65. Hopefully UKBA will be sensible, but no guarantees:rolleyes:

29th June 2011, 00:30
send evidence of the planned wedding if she is going to be refused its probably due to the embassy not believing she will go back once her visa expires or that she doesn't have the funds

29th June 2011, 21:57
Hi Chaps
Many thanks for the replies.

I was going to send a copy of the wedding invites with the application and deposit into her account a bit of money so that she can show sufficient funds for a 7-10 day visit.
Although I will be covering the costs of the visit - the visa is only £76 so it's quite favourable from that point of view. I've got enough air miles also to arrange the flights just have to pay the tax.

I've asked my Fiancee to get a doctors report for her sisters condition and some photos of them together showing how close mother and daughter are.
As some of you state it's about having a go, my Mum in law will not see one daughters wedding due to her condition, and so seeing her other daughter marry me would be a dream come true!

I'm positive I can put a compelling letter together with enough evidence to show she will return. I actually believe she won't want to leave the Phills for more than a week but we'll see.
Thanks again


30th June 2011, 11:49
Hi Chaps
Many thanks for the replies.

I was going to send a copy of the wedding invites with the application and deposit into her account a bit of money so that she can show sufficient funds for a 7-10 day visit.
Although I will be covering the costs of the visit - the visa is only £76 so it's quite favourable from that point of view. I've got enough air miles also to arrange the flights just have to pay the tax.

I've asked my Fiancee to get a doctors report for her sisters condition and some photos of them together showing how close mother and daughter are.
As some of you state it's about having a go, my Mum in law will not see one daughters wedding due to her condition, and so seeing her other daughter marry me would be a dream come true!

I'm positive I can put a compelling letter together with enough evidence to show she will return. I actually believe she won't want to leave the Phills for more than a week but we'll see.
Thanks again


Sounds all good to me Tone.
I wish you all good luck.

Personally I feel confident you will have a successful outcome as everything looks right.
I suggest you also include supporting evidence of your own finances (3 months bank statements plus some savings enough to cover the whole duration of the visit)
Also be sure the accommodation meets requirements.

All looking good:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
30th June 2011, 17:27
I'm positive I can put a compelling letter together with enough evidence to show she will return. I actually believe she won't want to leave the Phills for more than a week but we'll see.


:) And I'm sure you can, Tone. You could also stress the point that your future mother-in-law is most anxious NOT to be away from her dependent daughter any longer than it takes to be present on her other daughter's [your fiancee's] BIG DAY! :wedtoss:

Visit visas are all too often a bit of a "gamble" ... with the UKBA having no compunction in declining requests. But this case is a SPECIAL one ... and it's a gamble DEFINITELY worth taking! So GO FOR IT, my friend ... and Good Luck to you! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th June 2011, 18:28
Thanks again chaps!
Are "savings" really a big deal? Apart from showing a half decent monthly income if I had £500 in the bank for a weeks trip here would that suffice?
Just that my new house purchase is killing the bank balance and I dont want to put everything on the rigid enemy (some say flexible friends)!


30th June 2011, 22:03
Thanks again chaps!
Are "savings" really a big deal? Apart from showing a half decent monthly income if I had £500 in the bank for a weeks trip here would that suffice?
Just that my new house purchase is killing the bank balance and I dont want to put everything on the rigid enemy (some say flexible friends)!


You need to demonstrate that there are sufficient funds for the duration of her visit. And don't forget to say that.
To me £500 seems fine. Try to think of a way to convince the ECO that this is for the MIL's support by suggesting that the account is specifically for the MIL's visit.
Just need to do everything to help the ECO feel comfortable that's all.

Just my 2 centavos worth

Arthur Little
30th June 2011, 23:55
Try to think of a way to convince the ECO that this is for the MIL's support by suggesting that the account is specifically for the MIL's visit.

:gp:, Terpe ...

Just my 2 centavos worth

... worth its weight in gold ... or should I say copper? :)

10th July 2011, 00:07
You need to demonstrate that there are sufficient funds for the duration of her visit. And don't forget to say that.
To me £500 seems fine. Try to think of a way to convince the ECO that this is for the MIL's support by suggesting that the account is specifically for the MIL's visit.
Just need to do everything to help the ECO feel comfortable that's all.

Just my 2 centavos worth

Thanks for that it's very good advice!
