View Full Version : Killer's Immigration Status Kept Secret By Home Office

21st December 2011, 21:00
More politically correct insanity

A couple have been refused the right to know if their son's killer has been allowed to stay in the UK, it emerged today.

The Home Office has told Wintworth and Lurline Deslandes they cannot be given the information about Saturday Hassan, who was given three life sentences last year for murdering their son Darren, 34, in order to protect the gunman's privacy.

They believe Hassan, 31, formerly of Sydenham, south London, to be a foreign national but have been told he must agree to details of his immigration status being handed over to their MP because he is currently guarded under the Data Protection Act.


21st December 2011, 21:35
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!! :cwm23:

21st December 2011, 21:39
a man of good character :yikes: 3 life sentences total 37 yrs , is this a joke

21st December 2011, 21:48
There was a pinoy guy years ago,went into a slot-machine arcade in Soho or Picadilly,I was a kid at the time,still remember it,robbed the place,got a bit angry and burnt the people in the change kiosk alive,there was 2 or 3 of them :rolleyes: He was released several years ago,an old man now,wasnt deported back to pinas as he said his life would be in danger and it would breach his human rights,his nickname is or was the killer from manila,catchy huh? :rolleyes:Crazy world,or rather.......Country.

22nd December 2011, 11:18
I think he's still inside, serving a whole-life sentence.
There was a spread in (yesterdays ??) Daily Express focusing on people serving whole-life sentences in the UK, and I'm sure he was featured there.

.... I was reading it over some guy's shoulder on the tube, so not 100% sure.

22nd December 2011, 11:23
is he still inside?I thought he had been released because I remember reading he was fighting deportation on the grounds it would contravene his human rights,he used to be one of Marcos'es hired hit-men disposing of his political opponents,thats how he got the name killer-from-manila :icon_lol: