View Full Version : Any chance of getting UK Passport

5th February 2012, 21:03
My Financee in the Phils had a baby boy last week (very happy) and we would like to make the baby's surname my name on the birth certificate. My situation is complicated in that I've been going through a messy divorce for 18 months and although we have passed the Nisi stage I did not have the final divorce paper when the baby was born in Phils. I should have the final paper in next few weeks, however I read on the NSO site that our baby is classed as illegetimate and because I was not free to marry on the babies birth date, the baby cannot take my surname.
Does anyone know anyway around this, as I wanted to apply for a UK passport for my son, but I think this will be impossible now due to him having to take the mothers surname. I'm assuming I will have to apply for a Visa for both my son and my spouse when I marry my Phils financee later in the year. Any advice would be gratefully received.

5th February 2012, 21:14
as far as i know she can put your name down as the father and get the birth certificate legitimized once your married.

5th February 2012, 21:28
Hello Joe, I thought that too, but reading the faq section the nso website that will only work if i was free to marry at the time of the birth and I wasnt because I was still awaiting my final Absolute divorce paper on that date,
I hope I am misreading the rules, or there is some way around this as I wanted to apply for a UK passport for my baby son in the phils

5th February 2012, 21:32
I'm sure some helpful filipina will come along and answer your question soon, but how would they know if your married or not ?

5th February 2012, 21:37
sorry, I should have posted the NSO website link: http://nso.citizenservices.com.ph/faqs

5th February 2012, 22:01
Robert, I have have just been through the process, but I am married. It is a bit of a long haul getting all the papers together, NSO this NSO that, birth certs for the baby, you , your fiancee, copies of doctors notes/scans etc etc, but it is possible and you should of course have your name on the birth certificate. My wife was asked who she wanted on the cert and I was named of course. To be honest, for the UKBA, you just need to have proof that you have been together and you were in Phils for the conception of the baby.

I have attached links to the forms you will need to fill for the baby's UK passport. Do this asap. The C2 for and C2 form notes explain the requirements.



Hope that helps. :)

5th February 2012, 22:12
just wait and regester a late of birth i think you will pay for late reg then do it in your name you got 30 days to reg in normal time from birth

5th February 2012, 22:16
just wait and regester a late of birth i think you will pay for late reg then do it in your name you got 30 days to reg in normal time from birth

:xxgrinning--00xx3: i forgot that bit :D