View Full Version : By experience - do UKBA, or visa section of the embassy reply to mails?

3rd November 2012, 11:45

I'm wondering. Something that really :censored::censored: me off, is when companies haven't got the common decency or manners to bother replying to correspondence.

I've got a question on our forthcoming visa application, which is extremely important to the application, and when we can apply. I phoned the helpline at UKBA last week, and was told I needed really to ask the visa section of the embassy where we would apply to, since they are the ones who would make the decision anyway. Fair enough I guess.

I sent off an e-mail, and so far no reply.

Well it could be that they have to either seek further advice, or they are busy, but I just have this feeling.........

Has anyone any experience -do they tend to reply to mails?

I could ask this question on here maybe, as someone might know, but it's related to one requirement in the new rules, and I really need something in writing from someone I could then quote in the application, should they decide subsequently to play silly beggars.

Thanks again

3rd November 2012, 12:59
I dont understand. Where exactly have you emailed. Over here or the visa section in the phils?

3rd November 2012, 13:03
Try emailing these if you havnt done so already. info.ukph@vfshelpline.com

3rd November 2012, 13:12
Hi Andy, that's exactly where I've mailed :biggrin:

I'll give them say a week, maybe then I'll have to phone or find somewhere else to call. Hrmph.

3rd November 2012, 13:20

I'm wondering. Something that really :censored::censored: me off, is when companies haven't got the common decency or manners to bother replying to correspondence.

I've got a question on our forthcoming visa application, which is extremely important to the application, and when we can apply. I phoned the helpline at UKBA last week, and was told I needed really to ask the visa section of the embassy where we would apply to, since they are the ones who would make the decision anyway. Fair enough I guess.

I sent off an e-mail, and so far no reply.

Well it could be that they have to either seek further advice, or they are busy, but I just have this feeling.........

Has anyone any experience -do they tend to reply to mails?

I could ask this question on here maybe, as someone might know, but it's related to one requirement in the new rules, and I really need something in writing from someone I could then quote in the application, should they decide subsequently to play silly beggars.

Thanks again


I am just wondering where did you emailed/sent your enquiries?

In my own experience, I would say that they do answer emails. Sometimes a quick response, sometimes not. Sometimes you receive an automated email sometimes a very informative email from one of the staffs bout your querries. Depends really on what your concerns are.

I have sent an enquiry before in VFS for the VIP premium service booking as the website isnt working and the application for the visit visa. I have also sent enquiries and request to the British Embassy for the reconsideration of our refused fiancee visa app and it was overturned.

3rd November 2012, 13:22
Hi Andy, that's exactly where I've mailed :biggrin:

I'll give them say a week, maybe then I'll have to phone or find somewhere else to call. Hrmph.

Have a read. http://www.vfs-uk-ph.com/callcentre.html

Email : info.ukph@vfshelpline.com The email enquiry service is free of charge and all enquiries will be answered within 5 working days

3rd November 2012, 13:50
Hi Andy, that's exactly where I've mailed :biggrin:

I'll give them say a week, maybe then I'll have to phone or find somewhere else to call. Hrmph.
Did you get a automated reply ?

3rd November 2012, 14:07

I'm wondering. Something that really :censored::censored: me off, is when companies haven't got the common decency or manners to bother replying to correspondence.

I've got a question on our forthcoming visa application, which is extremely important to the application, and when we can apply. I phoned the helpline at UKBA last week, and was told I needed really to ask the visa section of the embassy where we would apply to, since they are the ones who would make the decision anyway. Fair enough I guess.

I sent off an e-mail, and so far no reply.

Well it could be that they have to either seek further advice, or they are busy, but I just have this feeling.........

Has anyone any experience -do they tend to reply to mails?

I could ask this question on here maybe, as someone might know, but it's related to one requirement in the new rules, and I really need something in writing from someone I could then quote in the application, should they decide subsequently to play silly beggars.

Thanks again

Yes. I had a lot of experience phoning and emailing them. Neither are easy. Perseverance is the key. Often an initial e mail can take some time to be answered and then they just forward your query to an appropriate department.

I too had an important question to ask them on Isle of Man CNIs. Once I got through to the right person they were very helpful. But it took some effort on my part to do that.

In certain cases it isn't enough to contact VFS. Sometimes only contact with the embassy will suffice.

3rd November 2012, 15:06
Thanks for that. I'll just wait, and maybe I'll have to phone them. Maybe I'm just impatient :Rasp:

3rd November 2012, 17:37
Thanks for that. I'll just wait, and maybe I'll have to phone them. Maybe I'm just impatient :Rasp:

I think people tend to get impatient when IN LOVE...:biggrin:
and VFS knows that :biggrin:, that explains the long wait:icon_lol:.

Anyway, Iani I used to annoy VFS a year ago with my inquiries. Some e-mails get answered within 24 hours, some would take days... It's a different story with the Home Office here, where you need to wait for 45 mins or so to get to talk to somebody - which makes SKY BILLS very happy. :icon_lol:

3rd November 2012, 18:25
If it is something that VFS can help you with, I found this woman very helpful. Goes by the name of Tess. She was the assistant manager at VFS last year. She responded the same day or within 24 hours when she was at work.


4th November 2012, 08:40
It was All Saints Day on Thursday here in Philippines. Most offices where closed on Thursday and Friday. That may be the reason for the delay.