View Full Version : Grooming Filth Convicted

14th May 2013, 17:46
Police and social services apologise after paedophile gang of seven are found guilty of sex crimes against six girls in care

All except two of the men were of Pakistani origin. The Karrar brothers were from north Africa

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2324386/Oxford-paedophile-ring-guilty-grooming-vulnerable-underage-girls-sexual-exploitation.html#ixzz2THnwXZaq

Long sentences and daily beatings in jail please

14th May 2013, 18:02
Long sentences and daily beatings in jail please

I couldn't agree more :cwm23:
I hope the social services and the Police will also be dragged over the coals on this one as they quite clearly missed opportunities to nick these scum earlier. :cwm23:

14th May 2013, 18:22
I hope the social services and the Police will also be dragged over the coals on this one as they quite clearly missed opportunities to nick these scum earlier. :cwm23:

Professional Blame Dodgers Marco I doubt if any will lose their jobs

14th May 2013, 18:24
I couldn't agree more :cwm23:
I hope the social services and the Police will also be dragged over the coals on this one as they quite clearly missed opportunities to nick these scum earlier. :cwm23:

No argument from me there on all counts :cwm23:

I've followed in the media. Completely sickening.

14th May 2013, 18:59
I had to turn the sound down on the news at 6...makes me so angry to hear about this. Every one of those poor kids had reported their abuse to the police, but little or no action taken. :cwm23:

Now on the news they're saying that on the later news, the 'outraged' muslim community will be featured... up in arms about their religion being dragged into it. :mad:

Just beyond belief that this is playing out on English soil . :NoNo:

And people wonder why I'm a :censored:g Atheist !

16th May 2013, 00:40
The death penalty is the only way to rid the country of these filth

Arthur Little
16th May 2013, 01:15
Just beyond belief that this is playing out on English soil . :NoNo:

:iagree: ... those bas:censored:ds are, literally, the SCUM of the earth.

16th May 2013, 08:05
The Blame Dodgers close ranks :mad:

Both Thames Valley Police Chief Constable Sara Thornton and Joanna Simons, head of Oxfordshire County Council, say they will not resign.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2324386/Police-chief-constable-council-chief-executive-refuse-stand-despite-catalogue-errors-Oxford-sex-ring-scandal.html#ixzz2TR8E5Mdt

16th May 2013, 11:08
Truly a disgrace. A bunch of over-paid totally pathetic, gutless incompetents.

‘The focus has got to be moving forward. I think the focus for me is on driving improvements in the future.’

The next person who says that cliched :censored: to my face, I swear I will punch them. :cwm23:

16th May 2013, 12:07
IMO this matter is far from over. Both Thornton and Simons should be sacked on the spot because both of their organisations failed to protect vulnerable children despite warning signs.
I saw Simons being interviewed on the news and how she wished to learn lessons from this episode. Well I'm sorry darling but at £182k a year you and some of your colleagues should be looking for another job.
I'm sick of seeing leading Muslims being wheeled out to say that society needs to address this problem and not all muslims feel this way about young white girls. :censored: off you lying slime balls. There have been enough cases recently to show that many many Muslim males feel that young white girls are trash and it is acceptable to treat them this way.
Finally there can be no doubt whatsoever that these are racially motivated hate crimes and the sentences should reflect this. Society needs to be protected from this scum for a very very long time if not forever :cwm23:

16th May 2013, 12:09
IMO this matter is far from over. Both Thornton and Simons should be sacked on the spot because both of their organisations failed to protect vulnerable children despite warning signs.
I saw Simons being interviewed on the news and how she wished to learn lessons from this episode. Well I'm sorry darling but at £182k a year you and some of your colleagues should be looking for another job.
I'm sick of seeing leading Muslims being wheeled out to say that society needs to address this problem and not all muslims feel this way about young white girls. :censored: off you lying slime balls. There have been enough cases recently to show that many many Muslim males feel that young white girls are trash and it is acceptable to treat them this way.
Finally there can be no doubt whatsoever that these are racially motivated hate crimes and the sentences should reflect this. Society needs to be protected from this scum for a very very long time if not forever :cwm23:

Post of the week Marco - I totally agree

16th May 2013, 14:01
Spot on Marco.

The muslim 'book' teaches them to hate us and our way of life.

Their 'prophet' from the dark ages was a pedophile who married a 9 year-old child.

Their culture also creates thousands of young men deprived of sex.

Integration ? Multicutural society ?

Try dating one of their women and see what happens...or even being seen in the company of one. :NoNo:

SOME of us live in the REAL world and are not blinded by the bleatings of the politically-correct, the cowardly, and the deluded do-gooder hand-wringing bleeding hearts amongst our indigenous population. :mad:

26th June 2013, 16:05
2 day Sentencing Hearing begins today

Members of Oxford sex ring 'threatened to cut off the face one of their victims and decapitate her baby after she tried to tell police about years of abuse'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2348870/Members-Oxford-sex-ring-threatened-cut-face-victims.html#ixzz2XKop2haM

A shame unlike Kuwait we don't hang this sort of depraved scum

26th June 2013, 16:21
Too true.

There will still be those declaring how much good these people have done for our country, and how they've 'enriched' our society. :NoNo:

Such as ? :anerikke:

26th June 2013, 18:43
These Victims have already been let down by Police and Social services so I do hope the Judge doesn't let them down as well.
They didn't plead guilty and so the victims had to endure a 5 month trial and relive the whole ordeal again.
Maximum sentences are a must :cwm23:

26th June 2013, 20:20
These Victims have already been let down by Police and Social services so I do hope the Judge doesn't let them down as well.
They didn't plead guilty and so the victims had to endure a 5 month trial and relive the whole ordeal again.
Maximum sentences are a must :cwm23:


27th June 2013, 16:03
Sadistic paedophile sex gang brothers given lengthy prison sentences for exploiting underage girls

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2349784/Sadistic-paedophile-sex-gang-brothers-given-lengthy-prison-sentences-exploiting-underage-girls.html#ixzz2XQfY7e00

Fingers crossed they get the living daylights kicked out of them by other inmates

27th June 2013, 16:34
Yep...17 years + of misery. :mad:

27th June 2013, 18:40
Yep...17 years + of misery. :mad:

Pleased to see these were minimum tariffs. Hopefully they will be ignored :cwm23:

27th June 2013, 19:03
Vile .......s hope they rot:cwm23:

Michael Parnham
27th June 2013, 19:46
The death penalty is the only way to rid the country of these filth

I fully agree!:behead: