View Full Version : Married in Manila I want divorce in UK

15th March 2014, 21:35
Hi folks.
Haven't been around for much, been in Phils trying to sort out personal issues.
While there Yolanda struck, I was involved in a hit and run car crash in hospitalised for 4 days, bed rest for 3 weeks blah blah:Cuckoo:

OK so I now know I can get divorced here in the UK after getting married to my filipina bride some 7 years in Manila.

Its taken 6 attempts to get the paperwork correct in the Kent courts, so I went to see them.
"Yes Sir all is in order, we will pass to the Judge for his approval"

2 days later, letter arrives
"We regret to inform you that we return the petition etc etc"

The district Judge has said he cannot accept the certificate as it has not been signed by a notary or solicitor, and it has to be translated into English"

Ok without posting a pic and deleting all personal info let me say that there is NO signature of a notary or solicitor, but only of the witnesses and the pastor himself. (and me and the wife)

I didnt know there had to be a signature of a solicitor or notary, I've googled to see if a signature is required of a notary or solicitor for marriage in the Philippines but alas cant find any info on that :cwm23:

And, what makes me think the Judge didnt have his weetabix is that the whole certificate is in English, there's not one word in tagalog...and I mean not ONE word is in tagalog :Brick:

IMHO...I dont think the Judge knows better...BUT maybe you folks do?:Erm:

thanks again folks...in advance

15th March 2014, 22:17
Good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2014, 12:22
Thanks...I'm gonna need it.

PS My Uncle was a Magistrates Judge, quite young actually before his untimely death.

He always used to say "They should put to pasture ALL Judges over 60 :olddude: ... and bring in new ones who are in tune with society" :Jump:

17th March 2014, 16:20
Thanks...I'm gonna need it.

PS My Uncle was a Magistrates Judge, quite young actually before his untimely death.

He always used to say "They should put to pasture ALL Judges over 60 :olddude: ... and bring in new ones who are in tune with society" :Jump:

I'm over 60 and believe I'm in tune with society :Erm:
I used to be a Magistrate in a previous life........it was a requirement by my employer in order for them to fund my MBA

In general I found the 'older' Magistrates had a much fairer and more 'rounded' approach than most of the younger ones.
In general I also discovered that the Magistrates were just the same as everyone else......no better...no worse.

Soap box gone now....

Getting back on topic.....there are only 5 reasons for divorce in UK law.
Which one are your pursuing ??

18th March 2014, 00:52
Without a certified Marriage cert, he wont be getting any divorce :NoNo:
Those getting married in the Phils I advise you to get a couple of certified copies knocked up and put under your mother's mattress, you just never know.

''Unreasonable'' seems to be in vogue at the moment :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2014, 09:21
Without a certified Marriage cert, he wont be getting any divorce

without a certified certificate------is he even married--?

3rd May 2014, 12:47
Apply to NSO in Manila for a certificate to give to judge in Divorce court

You can find their website online just type in NSO Manila

3rd May 2014, 16:49
Give her another chance!!!

You never know!! :icon_lol:

3rd May 2014, 22:37
Apply to NSO in Manila for a certificate to give to judge in Divorce court

You can find their website online just type in NSO Manila

Not quite as simply as that :NoNo:. No British court will accept a Philippine an NSO cert alone. It needs to be confirmed and certified from the Philippine British Embassy.

For those about to be married in the Philippines, it may be a good idea to get your marriage certificate certified before you come back home

Before Jan 2014 you could register your overseas marriage here in UK..That service has now ended.

3rd May 2014, 23:03
He could give it another chance,Gwapito so beware of marrying in haste in the Philippines from now. Divorce is very,very expensive no regrets here and no comments about others I know are shortly to take the Plunge in the Philippines :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd May 2014, 23:19
He could give it another chance,Gwapito so beware of marrying in haste in the Philippines from now. Divorce is very,very expensive no regrets here and no comments about others I know are shortly to take the Plunge in the Philippines :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Tell me about it :NoNo: It's cost me £6000 just to get child access. It's going to be another £7000 for the divorce. My solicitor informs me it should become absolute by August. For that money it wants to be.

Please tell me who hasn't married in haste in the Philippines :doh Im not the first, I wont be the last.

Dopey made it to 7 years..he did well :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Sharing my life's experiences folks :-)

3rd May 2014, 23:30
He could give it another chance, Gwapito

Every time Sheriel :xxgrinning--00xx3: I would give my high teeth for my boys to have a normal family life..just like most of us have enjoyed

Arthur Little
3rd May 2014, 23:36
PS. My Uncle was a Magistrates Judge, quite young actually before his untimely death.

He always used to say "They should put to pasture ALL Judges over 60 :olddude: ... and bring in new ones who are in tune with society" :Jump:

:icon_sorry: ... I know virtually nothing about divorce, I'm afraid, :nono-1-1: ... having been a widower for 17 years before remarrying in the Phils in 2008!

:yeahthat: But this post of yours caught my attention! Seems to me your uncle made a :gp: about judges, :olddude: ... many of them, in fact, do appear to go a bit "doolally" once they're over a certain age! :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
4th May 2014, 08:52
Tell me about it :NoNo: It's cost me £6000 just to get child access. It's going to be another £7000 for the divorce. My solicitor informs me it should become absolute by August. For that money it wants to be.

Please tell me who hasn't married in haste in the Philippines :doh Im not the first, I wont be the last.

Dopey made it to 7 years..he did well :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Sharing my life's experiences folks :-)

How come Mark, did it cost nothing for me and my ex to get a divorce?:Erm:

4th May 2014, 10:46
How come Mark, did it cost nothing for me and my ex to get a divorce?

me neither. both of us agreed to a 2 year div with consent. i was the plaintiff. no property or children involved. we didnt use solicitors--i did the form filling. the court fee is £450---total ripoff. but i found i was exempt--low income--(my state pension ) + income from savings--not the capital. i didnt even have to pay the £45 for the decree absolute--which i got this january. ( she had already moved in with her next victim )

now just waiting for my partner to get her annulment---hopefully this summer--then we begin this visa proceedure. ive been living in limbo this last 4 months.

4th May 2014, 14:02
How come Mark, did it cost nothing for me and my ex to get a divorce?:Erm:
No idea Michael. ...perhaps like Bigmac, you were exempt.
Going by Bigmac's past situation, mine is a lot more complex....children, property, pensions and whatnot....Having a reasonable wife helps. Many folks take that for granted.

4th May 2014, 20:03
I just let the adulterous ex get on with it. She wanted the divorce . I wasn't bothered...didn't plan to marry again.

We had already established custody sharing and my contribution to my boy's upkeep outside of court.

When the divorce form came (complete with all the lies), I simply signed and returned. :anerikke:

Two years later my boy came to live with me, and she peed off to Sweden.