View Full Version : hospital

Mrs Daddy
6th December 2007, 10:19
Wheew:doh been away from the forum for God Knows how many days everytime i logged in I am bombarded with a lot of new posting.Life`s been so hectic for me I visited hospital worst than my husband and friend who has parkinsons but you cannot tell she have it coz she`s full of life.Just recently I was in and out in the hospital last monday for an operation and at present enjoying (hopefully you call it enjoying)my off at work.it was my first time when they put me to sleep.I am not afraid though if I might be able to wake up again or not the main concern there is if I woke up in the middle of the surgery:furious3::Brick::yikes:its quite funny if you say it that way my husband said i had a lot of injections and pill more than my age now.since I arrived in uk last february this year it seems that hospital for me is part of my life now.(knock on wood)hopefully not for long now:NoNo::doh.Yesterday before going to have my another appointment at 2pm to doctor we took my step daughter to derby but unfortunately on quarter a mile going there we had a break down and not managed to attend my appointment when i made a call to cancel it to my surprised they said i dont have any appointment that day I was so shocked at the same time pleased coz I`ve not miss anything but really I have my evidence that I supposed to have an appointment that day to meet my doctor I dont know :doh Its just a matter of booking another appointment which I i did and wait again for another 2 weeks.Thats all for me hope I not bored you of reading my hectic life or as you call it by the way everytime am away from the forum its so sad my rep power decrease:bigcry::bigcry:thats life!:omg::CompBuster:cherio!

6th December 2007, 10:22
Hi Mrs Daddy, why? what happened to you? why did had an a operation?

6th December 2007, 11:27
The mysterious appointment system...I have one of those.

I cancelled an appointment a few months ago, as I had an earlier one. So they sent me a letter saying sorry they had to cancel and explaining why!!! When I was the one who cancelled it :Erm:

Come on Mrs D, the details....and some pics of the op :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th December 2007, 12:05
well you made it thru hospital without catching something new while inside :xxgrinning--00xx3:

worse than waking up in the middle of the op, i would have to ask the wife whats it called, but they give you a muscle relaxant, and not enough anesthetic, and you feel it all, but you cannot move because of the muscle relaxant, but this is very rare in the uk, so don't worry about it.. :D

from a web site..
The experience typically lasts only a few minutes and is often vague and not painful, he said. People might experience pressure on parts of their body, remember certain smells, or the sounds of music and mundane chatter.

cannot be much worse than being on here then when tom was about :doh:NoNo:


good your ok Mrs.Daddy :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th December 2007, 20:35
Hope you ok Mrs daddy good to see you on here how dd the interview for the job go maam?

6th December 2007, 21:17
Wheew I hate injection...its good that you're alright misis.

6th December 2007, 21:18
Wheew I hate injection...its good that you're alright misis.

I get them in my ass, the doctor says I'll feel a little prick, but I've been one of those for years :D

7th December 2007, 03:05
hi Weela,

how are u? I hope everything is fine with u now..How's work?
Take care always..:)

Pepe n Pilar
7th December 2007, 04:40
Hi Mrs Daddy, hope you're doing well by now.
With regards to the topic "Hospital" i want to share this.
I went to a clinic when i was in the UK to ask for prescription for my rashes on my legs that looks like prickly heat. That was due to the cold weather so was told to buy the cream. Have known later on that the cream is the same as what i've been using back home. At first i was expecting a doctor specializing on skin, a Dermatologist will attend to me, but the lady has a name plate "Nurse Practitioner". So i was hesitant at first and i asked. The lady said in the UK, "Nurse Practitioner" had studied and was trained like that of doctors. Is this true? Here in the Phils once we go to the hospital the doctor that specializes on that particular illness will attend to you and they are available during clinic hours which is different from the UK. She said in the UK they immediately attend to patients right at that moment if he/she needs urgent attention like severe pain etc. I have set an appointment and waited for 2 weeks before i got to see the doctor.

7th December 2007, 07:54
hello mrs. daddy. i hope you're feeling better now.

7th December 2007, 09:49
What happened to you Mrs Daddy? I Hope it is nothing serious that is undermining your health, get well soon and take care:)

Mrs Daddy
7th December 2007, 10:15
Hi thanks a lot Guys to all your concern!am doing great and alright now in fact the district nurse was quite surprise when she visited me two days after the operation because I was moving about already.Its quite ashamed we forgot to take the camera with us while i was in hospital.:)we missed taking pic of my mummy leg.:) about my surgery they just stripped something from my right leg and apart from that I am ok now but still a bit sweled up in my thigh.I was in the hospital about 7:45 in the morning expecting the surgery would be about in the morning but to my surprise it was about 2pm and I think the operation took about an hour.The Anesthetis before puttting me to sleep asking me what would i want to dream about.I told him nothing and he suggest about holiday and I said Can do as long as Not going to heaven yet:) and he said Oh No! not yet you have a lot of things to do on earth yet:).But funny side is I didnt dreamt of anything I just woke up with my bondage of my right leg and ask if the operation finished and they kept me about 4 hours and they discharge me about quarter to 8 in the evening and the nurse took some wheelchair with her but i insisted to use the walking stick that my husband brought me and they were amazed.and on my first night I havent got a good night sleep because as the anesthetic wore out am on pain so I have to take loads of pain killers every so many hours.But I am ok now and in fact I am ready for My xmas party tomorrow but unfortunately cant go clubbing with girls I think.:( but Glad everything`s fine with me now.Thanks a lot for all your concern it mean a lot to me.Love yah all:)

Mrs Daddy
7th December 2007, 10:19
hi Weela,

how are u? I hope everything is fine with u now..How's work?
Take care always..:)

hi kimmi am fine thanks:)works alright:xxgrinning--00xx3:just having my nine days off:Dits quite finnuy coz by coincedence my co worker in hospital as well for some major opearation and as of now we`re both on holiday and nobody`s doing our job!:doh:D

Mrs Daddy
7th December 2007, 10:27
Hope you ok Mrs daddy good to see you on here how dd the interview for the job go maam?

hi andy am ok now,thanks regarding about interview I have cancelled it unfortunately coz of two reasons I know its a bit silly:doh but I pitied the boss because 4 of my co workers leaved and 2nd I`ll be having my op that time.So Its a bit complicated because I want to work there as well but probably By next year am going to re apply again hope giving a chance again:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Daddy
7th December 2007, 10:29
The mysterious appointment system...I have one of those.

I cancelled an appointment a few months ago, as I had an earlier one. So they sent me a letter saying sorry they had to cancel and explaining why!!! When I was the one who cancelled it :Erm:

Come on Mrs D, the details....and some pics of the op :xxgrinning--00xx3:

not got pic sowi:doh

7th December 2007, 11:53
At first i was expecting a doctor specializing on skin, a Dermatologist will attend to me, but the lady has a name plate "Nurse Practitioner". So i was hesitant at first and i asked. The lady said in the UK, "Nurse Practitioner" had studied and was trained like that of doctors. Is this true? Here in the Phils once we go to the hospital the doctor that specializes on that particular illness will attend to you and they are available during clinic hours which is different from the UK. She said in the UK they immediately attend to patients right at that moment if he/she needs urgent attention like severe pain etc. I have set an appointment and waited for 2 weeks before i got to see the doctor.

oh, i think you cannot see a consultant unless your gp doctor recommends it, as gp's can treat most things, also you might see a nurse for jabs :action-smiley-081: changing bandages or minor treatments that they are qualifed to do. here in manc land, its rare you have to wait more than a couple of days to see the doc or dentist, depends how urgent it is, here we've still got dentist that take nhs patients, as for waiting to see dentist, i fractured me tooth while eating a crisp a few months ago, laughing at my firend who was suffering with tooth ache and was to scared :cwm24: to goto to the dentist, bad karma it was., well i phoned me nhs dentist and was treated within 2 hours :xxgrinning--00xx3:

don't worry about nurses, many are skilled in specific area's and know what they're doing.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Pepe n Pilar
7th December 2007, 14:49
Hi Joe, Thanks for the information.
Eversince i was a child i have seen doctors do the treatment and gives prescriptions and nurses as their assistants only and gives us injection on doctors instructions. From the name "Practitioner" which means one who practices profession:Rasp:...so i didn't give my full trust but, as it is different in the UK, so i have to get used to it.:)