View Full Version : A Dog for Christmas

29th December 2015, 21:44
Speaking to my daughter today and it seems they have just put down a deposit for a dog,
They can collect it at the end of January ,
What sort a mongrel i asked,
No its a cockapoo.
Thats a bird i said .
No its a cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle , so its a mongrel then i said,
And what price did they pay for the mongrel, sorry cackapoo £700 :crazy:
Well you can imagine what i said , plus i said get down to the local RSPCA and get a dog from there

Michael Parnham
29th December 2015, 21:48
Can't beat RSPCA Steve!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
29th December 2015, 22:04
Cockapoo? A "cocker poodle do" sounds better!

Anyway, what happens when a pit bull terrier mates with a cocker spaniel?

You get a cockpit!

Ako Si Jamie
29th December 2015, 22:09
Pitbull + Shih Tzu = Bullshit

30th December 2015, 11:20
I know a family in pinas who had a dog for christmas....Dinner.:doh

31st December 2015, 15:23
I know a family in pinas who had a dog for christmas....Dinner.:doh

This is what normally goes through my mind when i see car stickers saying "A dog is not just for Christmas". I would rather eat Turkey myself!