Hello Miayela, thanks for your reply as well as the belated birthday greetings for my daughter.
At the moment there's no result yet regarding with my visa application. I was wondering why this is happening to me and it made me more scared since I applied Nov 24 then the rest who are in here got their visa so quickly. I was thinking maybe they hold my papers.. OMG hope not lol..Anyway you know the requirements you just post for Ross that you submitted, I sent it as well.. exactly same as what you did.. Awww lacking requirement was the diploma for college cos I never finish.. Hope they wont refuse me. I been checking about my passport status and still in the British High Commission. I dunno when will be the time they will decide about the visa.. Probably they trying to double check it...
Oh before I will end this message, I sent a friendship request to you and hope u got it!.. Thanks for everything and we will keep in touch for sure!.