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Thread: divorce

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
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    Your divorce was granted because you are a foreigner, Right??
    Even a foreigner is married in the Phil. He/She can you can initiate the divorce in the country whe he/she lives . This is allowed and valid for foreigners and for those Filipinos who became a citizen of that country.

    But if you're still a Filipino, the best way is to file a petition in the Phil. courts because even your divorce is granted in the UK this will not be valid in the UK.

    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    He does not to be a resident of the UK. I know someone who is illegal, divorced her spouse, this was granted, finally got married.

    I used 'resident' in the common definition i.e. that is:- where the person lives.

    The problem is the divorce is not valid under Phil. law

    I cannot comment on that, other than to say, my divorce in UK (from a UK marriage) was valid in Phil.

    I would think that if a divorce outside Phil is recognised then all divorces outside Phil should be recognised. After all, it is in effect the same as happens in Phil except that there it is called 'Annument' and the Gov make it difficult for people without substantial funds to to break free from a life which they find unacceptable.

    However, from the way the Phil Gov restrict, what would be accepted in most civilised countries, their citizens rights, I am willing to believe almost anything.

    Please don't attack me for stating the truth, I am not anti Philippines just pro Filipino !

  2. #32
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    Sorry I made a mistake there, IT IS NOT VALID UNDER PHIL. LAW ( NOT uk)
    It might valid in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by blessedlady89 View Post
    Your divorce was granted because you are a foreigner, Right??
    Even a foreigner is married in the Phil. He/She can you can initiate the divorce in the country whe he/she lives . This is allowed and valid for foreigners and for those Filipinos who became a citizen of that country.

    But if you're still a Filipino, the best way is to file a petition in the Phil. courts because even your divorce is granted in the UK this will not be valid in the UK.

  3. #33
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    I agree, I have a friend who married in the Philippines and filed for a divorce in Dubai, she still needs to file in Philippines. Anyone hear about the Brit that got his Filipina gf pregnant, she was still married and her husband filed an adultery case against them, British Embassy in Manila did not help them get out the country, they escaped to Indonesia and the gf was granted a UK visa from the British Embassy in Bangkok!

  4. #34
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    ye divorce is possible if two persons could not live together as a husband and wife...

  5. #35
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Divorce is an intensely stressful experience for all children, regardless of age or developmental level; many children are inadequately prepared for the impending divorce by their parents. A study in 1980 found that less than 10% of children had support from adults other than relatives during the acute phase of the divorce.

    · The pain experienced by children at the beginning of a divorce is composed of: a sense of vulnerability as the family disintegrates, a grief reaction to the loss of the intact family (many children do not realize their parents’ marriage is troubled), loss of the non-custodial parent, a feeling of intense anger as the disruption of the family, and strong feelings of powerlessness.

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