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Thread: Microsoft Certification

  1. #1
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Microsoft Certification

    Hello everyone..I just want to ask advice if there’s any advantage of taking Microsoft certification here in the Phil. and to be applied in UK.
    I am a member of Microsoft Philippines (Registered Partner only) so I am enjoying privilege of such trainings.
    This quarter they will be having promos to those who want to become MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) do you think it helps a good career in UK?

    I am not that much confident with my skills I just want enlightenment for this opportunity if I can use it if possible in UK,
    and besides whatever work available for me when I get there I’ll grab it
    as long as I can support my future husband
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  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    of course mcp's are a known qualfication in the UK.

    Wages for basic ones are not that high as quite a lot of mcp holders about, in fact if you dont have one you might be at a disadvantage.
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  3. #3
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    of course mcp's are a known qualfication in the UK.

    Wages for basic ones are not that high as quite a lot of mcp holders about, in fact if you dont have one you might be at a disadvantage.
    Thanks for the info Sir Andy
    have a look about the offer, I will be submitting fiance visa application soon so while waiting I still have the chance to study.
    They offered discount in members and FREE 2nd SHOT if i failed for the first attempt
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  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kukurokuk View Post
    Thanks for the info Sir Andy
    have a look about the offer, I will be submitting fiance visa application soon so while waiting I still have the chance to study.
    They offered discount in members and FREE 2nd SHOT if i failed for the first attempt

    Sounds good Maam

    Also looks good on the application that ou have skills ou can transfer to the UK or anywhere in the world.

    Good luck with your exams which one/s are you considering maam?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    are they andy, i don't know any more, since MS the mcse up, everyone knew what it was and now, what is there, many different things, that know one knows what there are

    and with vista being MS most unpopluar O/S of all time

    experience counts more, i think MS cert will only help if it comes down to 2 poeple who have nearly the same experience.

    oh i would say there better than nothing, but enough to get you a job ???

  6. #6
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Sounds good Maam

    Also looks good on the application that ou have skills ou can transfer to the UK or anywhere in the world.

    Good luck with your exams which one/s are you considering maam?
    not sure yet I will be attending Microsoft event on Feb.17 entitled VALUE OF CERTIFICATION EVENT, through that I guess I can decide what's the best, esiest, cheapest and fastest for me to get the certificate
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