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Thread: I am back from the phill's

  1. #1
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    I am back from the phill's

    Hi everyone, I have just returned home from my second visit to the phill's. I had a good time, met up with my lady "Celine". she is a wonderful person. I stayed in the Metro Park, not a bad hotel, but not the best management - or food, DO NOT EAT HERE, I dont know what they do in the kitchen but i had lbm for 3 day's ! Not good.
    I stayed for 23 day's. yes i know now, i'm only supposed to stay for 21. lucky money talks huh? it cost me £25 to get out, as well as the £8 airport fee. Phew! I really was glad to get on the plane and sit down - a bitter sweet time, I was really sad to be leaving Celine behind.
    So we will be getting married some time in December or January, maybe sooner but whenever I can afford it really. Does anybody have any suggestions where to get married in the phills? Celine lives in Cebu.

    Thanks Everyone

  2. #2
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    congratz for the coming wedding candy,did u keep all the evidence of you both being together ? and about your question...why not married in Cebu then........

    best of luck

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candyman View Post
    Hi everyone, I have just returned home from my second visit to the phill's. I had a good time, met up with my lady "Celine". she is a wonderful person. I stayed in the Metro Park, not a bad hotel, but not the best management - or food, DO NOT EAT HERE, I dont know what they do in the kitchen but i had lbm for 3 day's ! Not good.
    I stayed for 23 day's. yes i know now, i'm only supposed to stay for 21. lucky money talks huh? it cost me £25 to get out, as well as the £8 airport fee. Phew! I really was glad to get on the plane and sit down - a bitter sweet time, I was really sad to be leaving Celine behind.
    So we will be getting married some time in December or January, maybe sooner but whenever I can afford it really. Does anybody have any suggestions where to get married in the phills? Celine lives in Cebu.

    Thanks Everyone
    I Stayed at the Metro Park every time I have been to Cebu and also had my Wedding and the reception there and never had any problems, infact I cannot recommend the place any stronger.
    It might be tucked a little out of the way and not as central as one would expect, but that is what makes it more attractive for me. No traffic noises......

    On average I ate every second evening at the hotel, and my stomach never suffered, the only time I had to use the "imodium" was on landing the second time, after eating in Doha.

    For some reason, you must have antagonized the management, or said the wrong thing, because I always found the staff very friendly and splitting themselves in two by wanting to help.

    As per your obvious overtaying the visa, I would not try to do that again......

  4. #4
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    Hi Mrs J Major, Thanks for your kind words, I would like to get married in Cebu or the surrounding area, I was just intrested to know where you might recomend in Cebu

    Aromulus ; re Metro Park, The staff were very friendly and helpfull, i have no problem with them, the problems with the management were settled the day I checked out, but they would not deal with my concern at all while i was there, they even hid from me! The problem was lack of comunication, Like for example, when your bill reaches 5.000 peso they want you to pay the debt - ok, thats no problem, BUT, no one tells you about it, they wait for you to come back in the evening and lock you out of your room! then, you have to drag all your bags (and the girlfriend) back downstairs, and pay the bill then go back upstairs. This was very embarrassing, and could be solved by telling me the day before. Also, it was Celine - my girlfriend's birthday while I was there, so i bought a cake for her, took it back to the hotel and stored it in the fridge. they would not let me bring the cake to the restaraunt at meal time, nor would they let me borrow 2 plates so we could eat in the room. But I could have room service, Thants not good service.
    Re lbm, I did not tell the hotel about my grudges until well after i suffered from lbm. There is a resident there "Eugene" from the US and he also told me that he never eats there. I orgered a chicken sandwich once, the bread was stale, the fries were wet from a salad (I had no salad) and I did see 1 ant covered in mayo crawling off my plate. my toast (the only thing i did eat) was often stale and not edible.
    I don't want an argument about this hotel, I just write what i find, later in the holiday I ate at many traditional Filipino places and had no problem. I would stay there again if I was on a budget again, but I would not eat there.
    Also the 23 days was an oversite on my part, not something i tried to get away with!

    Thanks guys!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candyman View Post
    Hi Mrs J Major, Thanks for your kind words, I would like to get married in Cebu or the surrounding area, I was just intrested to know where you might recomend in Cebu

    Aromulus ; re Metro Park, The staff were very friendly and helpfull, i have no problem with them, the problems with the management were settled the day I checked out, but they would not deal with my concern at all while i was there, they even hid from me! The problem was lack of comunication, Like for example, when your bill reaches 5.000 peso they want you to pay the debt - ok, thats no problem, BUT, no one tells you about it, they wait for you to come back in the evening and lock you out of your room! then, you have to drag all your bags (and the girlfriend) back downstairs, and pay the bill then go back upstairs. This was very embarrassing, and could be solved by telling me the day before. Also, it was Celine - my girlfriend's birthday while I was there, so i bought a cake for her, took it back to the hotel and stored it in the fridge. they would not let me bring the cake to the restaraunt at meal time, nor would they let me borrow 2 plates so we could eat in the room. But I could have room service, Thants not good service.
    Re lbm, I did not tell the hotel about my grudges until well after i suffered from lbm. There is a resident there "Eugene" from the US and he also told me that he never eats there. I orgered a chicken sandwich once, the bread was stale, the fries were wet from a salad (I had no salad) and I did see 1 ant covered in mayo crawling off my plate. my toast (the only thing i did eat) was often stale and not edible.
    I don't want an argument about this hotel, I just write what i find, later in the holiday I ate at many traditional Filipino places and had no problem. I would stay there again if I was on a budget again, but I would not eat there.
    Also the 23 days was an oversite on my part, not something i tried to get away with!

    Thanks guys!
    No argument at all, mate, everyone has different experiences.

    I was never asked to settle bills until check out day, and I am surprised, but rules can be changed I suppose.
    I also remember that I was given a 15% discount last time without asking for it.

    On a couple of occasions I did have take out delivery to my room, without any hassle from the management.

    Thanks for the head up on this, I know what to expect on my next trip over and will plan accordingly.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candyman View Post
    Hi Mrs J Major, Thanks for your kind words, I would like to get married in Cebu or the surrounding area, I was just intrested to know where you might recomend in Cebu

    the problems with the management were settled the day I checked out, but they would not deal with my concern at all while i was there, they even hid from me! The problem was lack of comunication, Like for example, when your bill reaches 5.000 peso they want you to pay the debt - ok, thats no problem, BUT, no one tells you about it, they wait for you to come back in the evening and lock you out of your room! then, you have to drag all your bags (and the girlfriend) back downstairs, and pay the bill then go back upstairs. This was very embarrassing, and could be solved by telling me the day before. Also, it was Celine - my girlfriend's birthday while I was there, so i bought a cake for her, took it back to the hotel and stored it in the fridge. they would not let me bring the cake to the restaraunt at meal time, nor would they let me borrow 2 plates so we could eat in the room. But I could have room service, Thants not good service.
    Re lbm, I did not tell the hotel about my grudges until well after i suffered from lbm. There is a resident there "Eugene" from the US and he also told me that he never eats there. I orgered a chicken sandwich once, the bread was stale, the fries were wet from a salad (I had no salad) and I did see 1 ant covered in mayo crawling off my plate. my toast (the only thing i did eat) was often stale and not edible.
    I don't want an argument about this hotel,
    Thanks guys!
    sorry to hear that you are not happy with that candy,if youre only here in Manila,there is nice hotel that i can recommend which i also recommend it to the rest of the forum members,no ants no cockroach,good food

  7. #7
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    Thanks, I was a little worried that I may have offended you. The hotel was cheap, 1100 a night, so I cant complain to much, just those little niggles, They were fine with take out, they just would not lend me plates for her birthday cake! which i thought was a little mean.
    Have a good time on your next visit, when are you going? I hope to return in June.

  8. #8
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    Thank you Mrs J Major I would like to come to Manila, I would like to go and see wowowee I will ask you nearer the day.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candyman View Post
    Thank you Mrs J Major I would like to come to Manila, I would like to go and see wowowee
    when i tell to my sister that i want to bring my hubby to wowowee show,she told me,"yuk you're so cheap" i wonder whats wrong watching wowowee,yeah you guys there (foreigner) are usually the special guest of the show,even Willie the host make the foreigner to be the contestant of the show , i like the show especially if u understand it fully in our language,always burst in laugh,he (Willie) and his sense of humor are great fun

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candyman View Post
    stayed for 23 day's. yes i know now, i'm only supposed to stay for 21. lucky money talks huh?
    This kind of thing makes a lot of us on here mad. We get so hot up in the UK about immigrants, never mind the illegal ones, but when we are in another country we think it is fine to break the rules and become an illegal immigrant ourselves!

    Immigration rules are there for a reason, and if they had marked it on your passport, or noted it on the computer, the British Embassy would know about it when your other half puts her application in!

    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    This kind of thing makes a lot of us on here mad. We get so hot up in the UK about immigrants, never mind the illegal ones, but when we are in another country we think it is fine to break the rules and become an illegal immigrant ourselves!

    Immigration rules are there for a reason, and if they had marked it on your passport, or noted it on the computer, the British Embassy would know about it when your other half puts her application in!

    Thanks for the support, as I have already said it was an oversight on my part. Why would i bother to stay 2 days and risk getting into trouble? ? ? I said it was luck because I did not have to pay for another flight. People make me "mad" when all they do is criticise.

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candyman View Post
    People make me "mad" when all they do is criticise.
    You obviously find it difficult counting once you run out of fingers.....goodbye

    Surprising that most illegal immigrants say it was 'an error'!!!
    Keith - Administrator

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  14. #14
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candyman View Post
    Thanks for the support, as I have already said it was an oversight on my part. Why would i bother to stay 2 days and risk getting into trouble? ? ? I said it was luck because I did not have to pay for another flight. People make me "mad" when all they do is criticise.
    Oh banned!
    Hoping Keith can ban u here in Phil as well
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
    Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise. BE happy.

  15. #15
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    During my fiance's first trip back in 2003 we also overlooked the 21 days visa rule. He overstayed for a week. He only realized it when the Immigration at the airport told him.

    He just paid the necessary fee, like the normal visa extension fee.

    At Candyman being banned...hmmmm

  16. #16
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    When, having booked flights for my second visit, I realised that my three weeks arriving on a Monday and departing on a Monday would count as 22 days, I visited the Phil Embassy in London in order to obtain a visitor visa.

  17. #17
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    If you overstay in Phils for days or weeks a penalty has to be paid.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    If you overstay in Phils for days or weeks a DEATH penalty has to be paid.

    well you will not do it twice then

  19. #19
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    well you will not do it twice then

    Yes not good idea to do it again..
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

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