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Its interesting what PeterB has said, it follows the pattern of advices I am given about BRITISH guys meeting up and maintaining contact with one another, it appears we don't actually want to meet other Brits.
I have to say, I am guilty as charged in that regard, less I not be a hypocrite, I cannot really say anything since when I saw a Brit walking past my house, and it was pointed out he was a Brit, I simply sloped off into my house, and waited until he passed.
Now what does that tell you, I think its a matter of this, the last Brit who I could not avoid in Shoe Mart insisted I came to his house for a visit, and in the end, I did not want to go for various reasons, one of them is over familiarity.
PeterB is right in that their are some foreigners of our own kind, who you simply would not make friends with if in UK, so why make friends out of them in another land, just because they hail from the same country.
I saw one Brit, only by chance, who tapped me on the shoulder when I was in Bob's cafe, having a cake and coffee, it really annoyed me, as he publicly identified me at the top of his voice, at the time I was with Filipino family and my wife, to be tapped on the shoulder and someone shout, "Hiya mate, your Pete arn't you Pal" or something like that, was intimidating to say the least.
A polite nice to see you mate, but secretly thinking "Why don't you just ....off"
Was the order of the day, and goes to prove to me, that really deep down, I am not much interested in meeting other foreigners, and since I have no desire for that, I probably would have even less desire to link up with Americans either, from what I have heard, many of them don't want to meet up with their own kind at various meetings.
The other point to mention, is when you meet people on internet, or in forums, it does not follow suit, that when you meet in person, as I have done here at this forum in the past, that amazingly, you become great buddies, I have met people on flights, other Brits who have wanted to attach themselves to me for nothing more than a chat and to pass a long flight, and then wanted to keep in touch in the UK.
It never amounts to much, and probably the association is one of a common interest, i.e. Filipina's and visa's but once that passes, the friendship, which is bound together in loose threads, breaks at some point, and you drift off into oblivion.
I don't know if some of you will agree with me, but generally, I find even at my place of work, I have colleagues who you think are friends, when it comes down to it, they are not really friends.
I find that in reality, your wife is always really your best friend, after your together all the time, and when you close the doors at night, its just the two of you, and any children of course.
In the Philippines, I think we go there, for a break and a holiday, we have so much we want to do, those of us who don't live there permanently, because we have so many things to do, we don't want to spend that time associating with what are really strangers.
For those that live there permanently, well you will have your own take on this, as I am not one of those as yet, I have yet to really form an opinion about how it is, that is yet to come, but from my own friend who lives there, he is quite content no to associate with other British, he says, its for the best, and a protection.
I would be interested to hear the stories of those that are settled there, and how they find it.